Play framework file hierarchy on Heroku - heroku

I'm trying to download a file from my app, when I'm running on localhost everything is fine and in using this path in order to download the file
But on Heroku I'm getting How can I find location of the file on Heroku?

Public assets in Play are packaged in the Jar on compilation (makes it very convenient for moving everything around, and get them from a plugin or whatever). So you have to get them from you app Jar.
I think that you can use the Play's resource helper (, but I haven't tried.
Note that on Heroku, any file modification/addition on the server is lost whenever you redeploy, or restart or add an instance... The only files that persist are the ones in your Git repo.


Artifactory GO remote not downloading zips

I'm using Artifactory 7.10.6.
go version 1.15.6 (also tested with older versions)
I am not using the jfrog cli, and would prefer not to.
I'm trying to sort out what I'm doing wrong here. I've used Artifactory to pull down content from remote connections to be stored on an local repository for other package types, but this doesn't seem to be working for me fully with GO. Disclaimer, I'm not super versed in GO...
Here is what I have setup.
a local go repo called "go-ext-release"
a remote of gocenter called "go-gocenter"
a virtual called "go-virtual" that contains only "go-ext-release"
a virtual called "go-virtual-dev" that contains "go-virtual" followed by "go-gocenter"
The idea here of course. Run a build with my GOPROXY set to "go-virtual-dev", copy the downloaded files from go-gocenter-cache to "go-ext-release". That should get me all the files I need to reset my environment, point to GOPROXY to "go-virtual" and run a build.
My build pointing to "go-virtual-dev" works fine. Build works, content is pulled down (mostly .mod and .info).
I move that content to the local (go-ext-release) and build in a clean environment using "go-virtual" and the build fails. it says it can't access .zip files. i.e. a 404 on /
Of course when I look for that zip, it doesn't exist.
If I take the url its trying to access and change the url from the "go-virtual" path to "go-virutal-dev" and punch it into a web browser the correct zip file gets downloaded to the "go-gocenter-cache" repo (as expected).
I did this process for the 4 or 5 zip files the build needed (its a small test build), and then moved the zips from the cached location over to the "go-ext-release" repo. After that, the build works using the "go-virtual" repository (i.e. the repo that just sees into our local repo).
So what am I doing wrong here? My expectation was that the initial build would have pulled all the files , zips included, to the cache as well. I know the build pulled them down because I can see them in my GOCACHE folder. Its as though it isn't using my GOPROXY to pull the zips down
Any help would be appreciated.
is there any commanline switch to force go to show me the exact URL it is using for pulls? I've experimented with using go get -v, but it doesn't give the full url.
Can you try running the build against go-virtual-dev using an empty GOPATH. I believe the Go client will not trigger the module zip download if you already have it locally which will not allow Artifactory to cache it from the remote repo.
BTW, Running go get -x should show you all the URLs being fetched.

Manual Vaadin Project Deploy on Raspbian

For a project I want to do a performance comparison of different web-frameworks on a raspberry pi. Thats why I want to do only a manual deploy to mess around with it a bit.
I created a Vaadin project using maven and exported it as application.war file. I downloaded the tomcat-7 server and unzipped it. After that I gave the .sh files in the folder executable permission. Then I copied .war file in the webapps folder of tomcat. Finally I started tomcat by running sh
But when I try to open the page on my dev machine under ip:8080/application I only receive a timeout.
Did I miss something?

Adding file into to an existing .war file

My automation deployment environment I have web.war file deployment under tomcat.
Lets assume this web.war application contains mix.jar file which is under /lib directory of web.war archive file.
(mix.jar releases giving by different DEV team and they don't responsible for giving web.war and the organization practice is putting the latest mix.jar file into the web.war archive file manually )
Can anyone help me to automate this process from CHEF recipe ?
Basically what I need during the chef deployment is, putting the mix.jar file into the web.war/lib directory under tomcat container.
Our current practice is open the web.war file from Winrar and put the mix.jar file into it and redeploy it into tomcat.
But I want to automate this process.
Jar files are just zip files so you can probably write some code using either the zip command line tool or the RubyZip gem (I would go for the latter but depends on your comfort level with Ruby code) to do this on the fly, but please don't. Chef is really not built for this kind of task and it will be very frustrating to build the code in a robust manner. If you need it ASAP and want to build a fragile version now and fix the process afterwards that's more understandable, but otherwise probably just talk to your dev team about what this is and why you need it added to their build process. Some problems are best solved with communication rather than code.

Calendar integration for Alfresco Share

I try to integrate calendar invites in Alfresco. I use this link
I download inbound-invites-repo and just use mvn install, i don't change pom.xml
Than I copy inbound-invites-repo-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT.amp to $ALFRESCO_HOME/amps, then run bin/
After that when i run
I got error
HTTP Status 404 - /share/
type Status report
message /share/
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.x
Any idea or suggestion how to integrate calendar invites in alfresco share...?
Typically you should stop Tomcat before you run, then restart it afterward. Here's why...
When you run the alfresco.war and share.war files are backuped up. Then, the contents of the AMP files in the amps directory are merged with the alfresco.war file and the contents of the AMP files in the amps_share directory are merged with the share.war file.
Last, the exploded WAR file directories are removed.
Tomcat probably uninstalled your alfresco and/or share webapps at some point during the amp install, which is why you saw the problem.

jboss-as-maven-plugin: which directory does command "jboss-as:deploy" deploy an .ear to?

I am running jboss 7.1, maven 3, and a java ee6 application that generates an .ear
I am doing a mvn clean package jboss:as-deployand Jboss-as-maven-plugin 1.5 does its thing--I can view my app using http://localhost:8080...
just fine, but I want to know where the actual .ear is being put.
It is not in my jboss7.../standalone/deployments folder. So where is it? My app is obviously running in jboss 7.1 just fine, but I can't find the .ear file. I know that there is an .ear in Eclipse's 'target' directory, but that wasn't produced by jboss-as-maven-plugin is it? I hope you can understand my confusion--don't all .ear files need to be in the deployments directory? I also do see my .ear file inside my hidden .m2/repository directory, but does this have any interaction with jboss-as-maven-plugin? Maybe there is some hidden sym-linking between my Eclipse project's 'target' directory and the jboss7.1 standalone/deployment directory?
p.s. I am used to using a hard-deploy option with the other plugin jboss-maven that requires you to say jboss:hard-deploy which just copies the .ear to your deployments folder. Then jboss would pick up the new .ear and redeploy automatically. I get the sense that jboss-as-maven-plugin is the preferred plugin so that's why I am bothering.
The jboss-as-maven-plugin uses the deployment API so it doesn't copy the file to the deployments directory for the scanner to pick it up. It deploys just as if you deployed it from the web console or via CLI. The files should be located somewhere in the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/data/ directory.
You're welcome to open an issue, for a discussion around it at least. I'm not sure how I feel about adding a goal for it, but here isn't the place to discuss that :)
