Joomla Editor form action target="_blank" truncated issue - joomla

While i was inserting a form into an article in Joomla, i had to place the forms target attribute as target="_blank" so that when the user submits the form, the form submits to a new page.
But as per Joomla's default configuration everything including form's markup went into the article html data except for the attribute target="_blank".
The editor used during the issue was Tinymce.
I'm trying to fix this issue without having to edit the source code in javascript or php.
I'm hoping for a quick fix from the Joomla's configuration somewhere.

Thanks everyone for the support.
Finally I got it figured out, without even having to change one single line of source code.
The issue was indeed by the extended valid elements options of the tinymce editor to be used.
But in Joomla, the tinymce plugin does allow to handle it from the plugin backend.
Goto Joomla plugin manager => Editor- TinyMce
Under the right Plugin configuration options, you can see at the bottom the configuration option:
Extended Valid Elements
There you can add the values
form[action|accept|accept-charset|enctype|method|target] & click save/apply.
Add the target="_blank" anywhere in your article html code & it will not be trucated anymore
I hope this helps someone who stumbled on this issue.


<script> tag changes to <s-cript> in tinymce

I'm using TinyMCE on my Joomla website.
I made script tags allowed in TinyMCE configuration.
now when I add script tag into the code, after saving, words like script and javascript change to s-cript and j-avascript. see the code below:
<div id="15354385923149200"><s-cript type="text/J-avaScript" src="[rnddiv]=15354385923149200&data[responsive]=yes"> </s-cript></div>
why does this happen? how can I fix this?
A bit of searching around leads me to guess you are using RSFirewall and that product is causing this change. I found a few posts online that reference RSFirewall making this change.

How to troubleshoot plugin conflicts on Joomla 3.6.5

I am having issues with the following components not working as expected.
Crosstec BreezingForms
Crosstec ContentBuilder
For those of you who have used these extensions before, my issue is that the Content Builder List View will not display all submitted forms if "Create Article" in Content Template is not checked. In summations, if an article is not created the form is not listed in the frontend CB List View. The List view should pull all form submission from a BreezingForm form regardless of how it was submitted (frontend, backend, breezingform menu item) but it is not.
I have been working with Crosstec Support and they cannot explain why they are not working as expected. They say it may be caused by another extension.
I would like some assistance as to what I can do to locate the culprit extension.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Contactform7 not working

My contact7 form is not working, none of the functionality is working, tha ajax and after post validation aren't working. I checked the console for a conflict but there's none. The html is the same i've used on other forms.
This is my form:
Looks like you are trying to manually insert the form code on your page. Instead, you'll need to use Contact Form 7's insert a form feature while you are editing that particular page in the WordPress dashboard.
It was mobile plugin related issue, will find another solution for mobile validations. Sorry.

Joomla module or component to be render on a blank page

I have developed a Joomla module that does provides a form, processes its post data, does some calculations and displays the results.
The module includes a button to print the results. I'm currently using JavaScript to open a new window, paste the relevant HTML and open the print dialog.
Instead of JavaScript I would prefer to provide a separate URL for the print view and simply open that in a _blank target. This would make the application work better for people using screen readers or not having JavaScript available.
Is there any way that I can tell Joomla to not render the template along with my module? I was thinking that creating a component fixes that issue, but had to find that components are rendered into the template, too...
BTW: I have Joomla 1.5.22
To achieve what you want you have to add additional tmpl=component query string parameter to the request URL. This will disable template and module rendering.
Your URL will look something like this: index.php?option=com_xxx&view=xxx&tmpl=component
Since you are using Joomla 1.5 you can request index2.php?option=com_xxx&view=xxx and it will only render the component. Joomla 2.5 does not have index2.php so if you plan to migrate in future, don't use this option.
If you are using SEF then adding ?tmpl=component at the end on URL does the trick.
To go a step deeper... in your template directory you have component.php file, that is the file that's being loaded by tmpl param. You can copy component.php to my_component.php, do necessary changes and load your custom component template with index.php?option=com_xxx&view=xxx&tmpl=my_component
The joomla way of doing it would be to set your output to "raw", see this tut:

Chronoforms plugin display twice the form tag

I have a form generated by phplist. I succed to implement it in joomla with chronoforms component and I insert it in an article with choroforms plugin. The problem is that in source code the form tab appear twice and javascript show me an error.
Did you met this problem, what I did wrong?
Thank you
If I am understanding you correctly, it sounds like you copied the code from phplist and pasted it in the Chronoforms form HTML box. If so, you need to remove the form tags from that box. The form tags are generated by the extension when it displays a form. You will also need to put the URL in the "Submit URL" in the general tab of the form.
