Remember what folders were collapsed / opened - xcode

I have a big iOS-project with many folders / groups. When I quit and restart Xcode, all folders in the Project Navigator are shown expanded, so I have to collapse most of them manually.
Is it possible to save the state of the Project Navigator, so that when Xcode restarts the same folders are collapsed / expanded as before?

The solution was to delete this file:
MyProjectName.xcodeproj > project.xcworkspace > xcuserdata > myusername.xcuserdatad > UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
This file was recreated by XCode when re-opening the project.
Apparently that file got corrupted when XCode crashed.
(Its size was 300 KB instead of the usual 10 KB).
To see the files right click on MyProjectName.xcodeproj, and choose Show Package Contents. You will find UserInterfaceState.xcuserstatein the subfiles.

Project Navigator > search file (enter a random sting), shows 'No Filter Results'.
Close project.
Reopen project.
All folders have been reset.


Atom tree view does not show all the files in the folder

When opening a local project in ATOM IDE, I find that there are missing files. I first thought it was due .gitignore. But deleting it didn't solve the issue. Is there anything I am missing?
Below are my local folder files and the project open in Atom IDE:
Local folder files:
Project opened in ATOM IDE: missing files are wallpaper.jpeg, Deewar.jpg and Style.css
I came across the same issue. I changed the settings of the tree-view package (go to "Atom" tab, "Preferences" - "Packages" and search for tree-view): turned off "Hide VCS ignored files".

Xcode add reference to files instead of copy

I have created my framework that i want to add in my project. What i do is:
In my project i chose Xcode -> File -> Add Files to..
In prompt window i go for framework directory, chose .xcodeproj file
Check "Copy items if needed" and "Added folders - Create groups" radio button
What i expect - .xcodeproj that contain my framework is added and copied to my project
What i got - i can see file in Xcode, but not in folder when my app exist. So, when i try to Delete -> Move to trash my framework, it delete it in folder when it was created (not my project folder).
I can't figure out how to actually add and copy file instead of reference to it.

How can I include a txt file in an Xcode project?

I added a file "IntegerArray.txt" as follows, first I went to File -> Add file to "project name", I selected my file and it was copied into the root folder of my project, the same one that contains the .xcodeproj file. Then I clicked on my project's .xcodeproj file in Xcode, after which I went to Build Phases -> Copy Files -> "IntegerArray.txt", however when I build my project, the following code doesn't work
let bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
let path = bundle.pathForResource("IntegerArray", ofType: "txt")
I expect to see the path to the file as output, but instead I see nil.
So I want to copy a file to my project in such a way that the above code works. How can I do this?
If I have a normal Cocoa Application, then when I add files they are automatically copied to the built program's bundle. However, with Command Line Tool's this doesn't seem to be the case, I'm starting to suspect a bug with Xcode.
If you don't have a Resources directory in your project, select your project:
Then from the File Menu select Add Files:
In the window that opens click on the "New Folder" button in the lower left hand corner of the window.
A small pop-up window will open; type Resources in that window for the folder name then click the "Create" button. You should now have a Resources folder in your project.
Then the way I do it is to use Finder to copy the file into the Resources Directory of my project.
After the file is in the Resources Directory (in Finder), back in Xcode select the Resources directory in your project:
and use the File-> Add Files menu selection again. You should see your file highlighted (affineOutput.txt in this case):
Double Click on it and it will become part of the bundle.
As Milliways says, then check the Build Phases in your project to be sure the file is in the Copy Bundle Resources. If it's somewhere else, just drag it into the Copy Bundle Resources.
If you include in the Resources Folder it should be included.
You may need to select the Project and Target.
In Build Phases check is there is entry under Copy Bundle Resources

How to get Xcode to refresh folder references on device?

I created a folder reference by doing the following:
Created a folder on disk. Added whatever files are meant to be in it.
In Xcode
---> Add files to project
---> Clicked on folder
---> Unchecked copy files if necessary
--->Clicked create folder references for any added folders
The problem:
Whenever I make changes to files in the folder (add/delete) etc. The changes are picked up in Xcode. (You can see the changes in project navigator). These changes are not there when I run on the simulator. Deleting the application on the simulator does not help. Only when I click "Reset content and Settings" in the simulator, does it pick up the changes.
I already have added the following script to my build phases:
It is run after compiling, but before copying bundle resources. My bundle resources contain this folder.
I'm not sure whether the script matters, since Xcode picks up the changes with to without it. It's the simulator that doesn't get updated, unless I manually set "Reset content and settings".
What is the correct way to solve my problem?
EDIT: I have tried Clean, then Build, but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
I create "Images" folder at project folder, and I "create folder references for any added folders".
Next I add touch -cm ${SRCROOT}/../../Images to Run Script,And I drag "Run Script" before to "Compile Sources"
clean and build,it's ok.

Xcode 4 project: utility to clean up pbxproj file?

I have an Xcode 4 project with 2 targets, one for iPhone and one for iPad. If I click on the iPad target and try to go to Build Settings Xcode 4 crashes:
Encountered multiple assertions. First assertion was: ASSERTION FAILURE in /SourceCache/IDEXcode3ProjectSupport/IDEXcode3ProjectSupport-269/Xcode3Sources/XcodeIDE/Frameworks/DevToolsBase/pbxcore/FileTypes/../PBXFileType.m:594
Details: filename should be a non-empty string, but it is nil
Obviously the pbxproj file has a bad reference in there somewhere -- likely caused by the many manual merges I've been forced to do by git. Is there some way to clean up the pbxproj file so it works correctly again or to tell which line is causing the problem?? I'd really really prefer not to have to recreate the project from scratch.
I tried gorbster's method with no success (though it has solved similar problems for me in the past).
I went into my project.pbxproj file (inside the .xcodeproj package for the project) and found two lines that looked a little suspicious, both of the form:
53A45F8F138FE6F40077017F /* (null) in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; };
I deleted the lines, and voilĂ : I can access my build settings for this target again.
No idea how they got in there in the first place. I would guess something to do with a faulty merge under SVN.
Ran into the same issue this morning after pulling a colleague's merge.
I was able to fix this with the following:
Close Xcode
Open the .xcodeproj package in Finder
Delete the project.xcworkspace file/package
Open the xcuserdata folder and delete your user-specific .xcuserdatad folder.
Re-Open Xcode and project
I lost some minor user preferences (file and tab history, etc), but can now click all (9) of my targets without issue. Turns out my colleague was on an earlier version of Xcode, but I'm not sure if this contributed to the IDE crashing.
Ben Mosher found the solution.
And yes it is due to SVN merge problem.
As we working in team with SVN the error occur often so I wrote a bash script:
sed "/(null) in/d" project.pbxproj > tmp_project.pbxproj
mv tmp_project.pbxproj project.pbxproj
Try the following steps while your Xcode is closed.
Go to your {YOUR_PROJECT}.xcodeproj file in finder.
Right click on the {YOUR_PROJECT}.xcodeproj file.
Choose Show Package Contents ... this will open the contents in another Finder screen.
Open file project.pbxproj and search for all lines having string "(null) in"
Delete all lines having (null) in ... no worries.... delete confidently.
Save your file.
Now open your project using Xcode and try to open the Build Settings tab... hopefully your problem will be solved.
Right click your .xcodeproj file and "Show Package Contents".
Then open project.pbxproj file with TextEdit and duplicate.
Save duplicate file anywhere with same name and extension. (project.pbxproj)
And replace with the old file.
In case you also tried the remove (null) reference lines and deleting the user-specific .xcuserdatad folder, and those did not work, here is a potential solution. FYI... This was experienced on Xcode 7.3.1 .
Here is the scenario I faced:
I experienced this issue that was triggered by having "twin" branches in a git repo... (i.e. one branch BRANCH_A is a development branch with some features not due for release, and another that had the same commits except for the new features, call it BRANCH_B).
The development work flow is as follows: start with BRANCH_B, create a commit branch CHANGE_C, make changes and commit, then checkout BRANCH_A, create a commit branch, then cherry-pick changes from CHANGE_C. BRANCH_A is tracking BRANCH_B in this way, with its additional feature files.
In my case, (for some reason during rebasing on co-worker changes from the remote that BRANCH_B tracks, the project file for BRANCH_B got corrupted.
In this case, the solution is to save a copy of the project file for BRANCH_A (which is good and compiles), then checkout BRANCH_B, and replace its project file with the copy.
Initially, it will not compile, until all references to the feature files (from BRANCH_A) are removed from Target's Build Phases > Compile Sources.
Works great.
