Love vagrant on OSX - just trying on windows 7, but I get this error:
VBoxManage.exe: error: Shared folder named '/vagrant' already exists
Can't find any reference to it in google searches. It seems like some default shared folder is being created - to be honest I don't need a shared folder, but can't immediately work out how to disable it.
I'm using vagrant 1.2.7
Anyone else had this? Any ideas how to fix?
p.s. crossposting here: am I a bad person?
I would suggest that you use most up-to-date version of each software(Vagrant and VirtualBox). I had some similar problem; I got them solved after upgrading my VirtualBox. I think this may help someone.
I downloaded Crystal with brew I don't think the error is related to that
/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, may conflict with /root/.cache/crystal/crystal-run-build_namespace.tmp: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
When I get this error. When I type ./
I have tried so many ways I still can't figure it out I tried deleting Crystal and reinstalling it again but it didn't work because most likely the error is not there and I'm new to linux
I'm not sure if you are the same person (BySylex) as the author of this issue, but anyway, you will find the solution in there. This is not your fault, but at the same time, you probably do not need to run ./setup_dependencies. Instead, you can download AHK_X11 directly from the release section without having to build from source.
I am trying to install Istanbul-tools to run an IBFT ethereum network as shown in this tutorial here
I am installing istanbul-tools via their makefile using
go build -v -o ./build/bin/istanbul ./cmd/istanbul
After fixing some initial issues, as the code base hasn't been updated in a year, I then received the following error: relocation target runtime.support_bmi2 not defined
I also cannot find the Cloudflare file in any location in the go-ethereum folder. Can someone point me in the right direction? Cheers!
I had this exact issue, the issue has to do with your Ethereum/Istanbul Versions. You either need to make sure everything is upgraded all the way, or downgrade Go. I downgraded my go version to 1.10.3 and it worked.
Can you be provide more details on the specific Cloudflare file you are looking for? There is a folder for Cloudflare within crypto/bn256 (full path is go-ethereum(or project name)/crypto/bn256/cloudflare) in the Main Ethereum project, I would check there for Istanbul.
I'm using Omnet++ and Veins for simulations and it was working fine until I upgraded from Ubuntu 15 to 16.04 LTS last night. Now, I get the following error when trying to run a simulation: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I searched for and it seems it is missing. There is a file and in /usr/lib/openmpi/lib but not I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the packages openmpi-bin, libopenmpi-dev as well as OpenMPI which I downloaded from the website. I also set the variable in bashrc and profile (which was recommended online) with export LD_LIBRARY_PATH:=$PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi/lib/
None of these approaches worked and I still get the same error. Any suggestions on how to fix it and how to get the file
I could fix the problem by adding a symbolic link in /usr/lib that points to the existing (which again points to the location of the actual file in openmpi/lib).
Apparently, it was a problem with the version of OpenMPI since on my other system, which I didn't update, there was a symbolic link pointing to (but no
Zeus is a great tool when working on a fairly large Rails projects to lower the load time of Rails application and running the test suite. However after sometime I have started to face this problem with all my projects on starting zeus:
I did some research and also tried some of resources to resolve this error but none of them worked. I would be thankful if somebody can point me to the right direction to resolve this issue.
I am on a Mac OSX 10.8.2
The two comments actually pointed me to the right direction:
If ls-a shows .zeus.sock file than doing a simple remove resolves the issue like this :
rm .zeus.sock
This is solved, but still is very high in google for that particular error, so in hopes of helping someone:
The error can also happen if you're trying to run zeus from a shared directory - for example inside vagrant environment. Use the ZEUSSOCK environment variable to move the sock somewhere else (like /tmp).
See this.
It's also possible you're in the wrong directory or a directory without a Rails app in it :)
I solved this with these commands:
ls -al
and found out that it is in my Rails project
You can delete .zeus.sock by typing
rm .zeus.sock
There can be multiple things happening here:
You are not in the root directory of the rails app or in the same directory as zeus.json.
Zeus daemon is already running in some other shell.
.zeus.sock file wasn't deleted since the last run. This file is present in the root of the rails app directory. You can go ahead and delete this file and then run zeus start.
I'm following a guide from The Mathematica Journal that describes how to use Mathematica with the Lego Mindstorms NXT. I have some trouble getting started and got stuck with the SerialIO package.
I use Mac OSX and I have installed the package to:
The command Needs["SerialIO`"] gives me the following error message:
LinkOpen::linke: Could not find MathLink executable.
And trying
SetDirectory[FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns", "ExtraPackages", "SerialIO", $SystemID}]];
Does not help either, it gives:
SetDirectory::cdir: Cannot set current directory to /Applications/
There seem to be some problem with the alias/symbolic link in the SerialIO folder. By default they pointed to an absolute directory on the machine that this library was built on:
MacOSX-x86-64 -> /Files/schofield/Packages/SerialIO/Build/Mac/build/Deployment/Package/SerialIO/MacOSX
I tried deleting the alias and creating a symbolic link in the terminal:
ln -s MacOSX MacOSX-x86-64
Running the SetDirectory command again result in... no result, so I guess thats good. The commands seem to have been loaded as when typing Serial it want to autocomplete to SerialOpen etc.
However, using the command mybrick = SerialOpen["name of serial port"] does not put the NXT in connected mode (<> on NXT display). Does anyone else got it to work?
There was a problem in SerialIO in combination with Mathematica9. After some correspondence in may 2013, Wolfram Support find the problem and updated SerialIO for me. It seems logical that they also update SerialIO on their site. Please have a try and download SerialIO again and update. My OS is MaxOSX.