Deleted Items Reappearing in ArgoUML - argouml

I am using ArgoUML v0.34 to draw some class diagrams.
I am trying to delete some class attributes.
Unfortunately, if I delete the attributes (by clicking on them, then pressing delete), they will initially disappear, but reappear if I save and re-open the document.
What am I doing wrong?

The convention in ArgoUML is that Delete just removes an object from the diagram. You need to use Ctrl/Delete to remove something from the model as opposed to just a diagram.


Link instances in a UML class diagram with Papyrus

Under Papyrus 4.2.0, how can I link two instance specifications (as described here or here)?
I created a new class diagram, created two Instance Specifications, and click on the Link entry in the Edges Palette, and when hovering over my instances, the icon says “forbidden”, as when trying to use an edge on something that can’t receive that kind of edge. This is consistent with the tooltip for Link, which says: Creation of a link for comment, constraint, TimeObservation, DurationObservation.
The bug reports 432693, 468588, 444606, 432678 (all but the last fixed long ago) indicate that it is possible to link instances with Papyrus. But how?
The user guide does not mention instances or links.
You have to have two "Instance specification" (object) for example in a class diagram. The objects have to have classifiers. The two classifier have to have at least an association to each other.
Then choose "Instance Specification" tool from the "Edges" palette. Tie them together with the mouse. When the moue button released on the target object, two new window will be opened (with papyrus 4.4.0). The first window completely empty, but the second shows a list with associations between the two classifier. Choose one, and press the "OK" button. The empty window will be remained on the screen. Close the empty window. And voila link created.

How do I (easily) delete a constraint in Interface Builder in Xcode 6

Assume you've selected an object and you have the Size Selector in the Utilities panel open. You can see the list of constraints applied to the object. In the list of constraints you could click on the little gear and pick delete. You can't in Xcode 6.
There are still several ways to delete constraints in IB:
Find the constraint in the Document Outline and delete it that way (but it can be hard to find).
Click on the little bar in the storyboard and delete it that way (which can be hard to click on).
Double click on the constraint in the Size Selector which will open Attribute Inspector and highlight the constraint in the Document Outline. This can be a nuisance when you want to delete several.
Still, I miss ease of use of the gear delete feature and I'm wondering if it's still there in a similar fashion and I just can find it. While the other ways work, I find myself wasting lots of time especially when playing with the new Size Classes feature. So, find a easier way to delete them?
In Xcode6 (Beta5) when I click on a particular constraint in the Size inspector, it acquires a thin blue border. The constraint can then be deleted using the backspace.
The accepted answer is right, but there is so much frustration with selecting constraints that lay outside of selected view that I decided to add this tips as another answer.
I found incredible list of tips that helped me to solve this problem.
The problem:
You select the view and Xcode shows related constraints.
You try to choose the one that is outside of selected view.
You fail (end with selecting the view beneath the constraint)
Click it with Shift+Ctrl pressed and you'll see a menu of all the views that exist where you've clicked.
To delete selected constraint press delete key.
The selected answer is incomplete. When you delete the constraint from the Size Inspector, you are leaving behind the constraint object in the Document Outline pane. It is greyed out, meaning it is not used, but still exists and, what's worse, will affect auto layout with errors, warnings or conflicting constraints and you will go crazy until you also delete them from the Document Outline pane.
1. Delete the constraint from the Size Inspector as in the accepted answer
2. Delete any greyed out constraints from the Document Outline
Live a happy, constraint-free life.
This answer from #wayne chi is the simplest, and spares you from hunting down constraints in Document Outline:
Double click the grayed out constraint (switches focus to the constraint) then press delete. This will delete the constraint.
Sometimes, the easiest way is to close the file in Xcode and edit it with a text editor. :-/
If you want to delete ALL constraints from a viewController simply turn off auto layout and then reenable it (or don't) and all of the constraints will be gone.

Layout of an edmx diagram in VS2012

I have an entity framework diagram that has been generated from my database and updated several times. Upon adding new tables the placement of them seems to be a bit random and it has led to a pretty messy picture (example below). Is there a way of getting it to auto-rearrange them?
I'm more interested in finding out how it decides where to place a new table, if anyone happens to know...? This is more curiosity than an actual problem I suppose.
This may be unrelated, but to find a certain table, I have found myself opening the edmx.diagram file with a text editor and searched for the table.
When I have found it, I have modified the nodes and set PointX="0" and PointY="0".
Then I had opened the diagram again in visual studio, having the table in question in the topleft corner.
Try moving some related tables to a new diagram by right-clicking on the table and selecting "move to another diagram". thereafter right-click in a blank space, diagram, layout diagram to rearrange the tables.

ADO.Net Entity Data Model Designer: Disable auto-layout?

ADO.Net Entity Data Model Designer (VS2010) is making me INSANE -- hopefully someone has dealt with this and knows how to make it stop.
When initially putting together a complex data model, it's perfectly fine that Designer figures out on its own where the lines delineating associations are placed. However, eventually, I wind up meticulously placing those lines myself for the sake of readability.
But if I finish my layout, and then decide to, say, add a property to an existing entity, Designer redoes my entire layout, or at least every association line that leads to or from that entity.
Is there some way to disable or otherwise get around this automatic layout feature?

Moving objects that are behind other objects in Storyboard

I often stack objects in IB/Storyboard it's almost impossible to drag objects that are behind other objects without moving the objects in front. Is there anyway I can move the objects that are already selected but are behind other objects? It always selects the object that's at the top when I try to move it or do I have to bring it to the front and move it and then send it back to the back?
Control + Shift + Click on an object in Interface Builder to see a menu of all of the objects under the mouse.
Still no enough reputations to add comment, so I have to make a comment as an answer.
As #nvrtd mentioned, you can hold Ctrl + Shift and then click to show controls selection popup.
but as #David said, in that way you can only select rather than drag/move using mouse:
That doesn't work for me. I can select it, but can't move it.
my solution:
select the control first
move the control with keyboard arrow keys
You could also change the order of the objects, depending on your design... might be a solution. See SO here.
How to send objects in NIB files to front/back?
