Resize all uiscrollviews in a container uiscrollview - uiscrollview

Hierarchy is a fullscreen landscape container UIScroll. Inside are multiple fullscreen pages made up of uiscrollviews with images inside - this allows paging plus pinching /zooming of the inner scrollviews. You can scroll up and down.
I want to resize the width of the container scrollview and have the nested uiscrolls and images within them resize proportionally and dynamically to the new width and height.
My outer scroll has autoresize to yes, my inner scrolls have the same. And I also have my uiimageviews on auto as well.
Right now the frame of the container scroll just crops off the inner content.
Any thoughts?

I ended up adding code to a function that allowed me to scale the interior of the scrollview the way I wanted.
[containerscrollView setFrame:CGRectMake(200.0f, 0.0f, 800.0f, 768.0f)];
containerscrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(800,containerscrollView.frame.size.height * scrollArrayCount);
for (UIScrollView *tmp in [containerscrollView subviews]) {
if (tmp.tag>4000) // make sure to only resize the inner scrollview {
[tmp setFrame:CGRectMake(tmp.frame.origin.x, tmp.frame.origin.y, 800.0f, 768.0f)];
_innerScrollView.contentSize =CGSizeMake(800.0f, 768.0f);


Xcode - viewDidLayoutSubviews

i have a view inside a viewController, i wanted to start the smaller view outside the viewController in the left, and animate it to the centre when i press a button. so i made it like this:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { = CGPointMake( - 400,
And it works perfectly!, the problem is i have a text view inside that smaller view, and every time i start editing it it jumps outside of the main viewController right where it was, and i have to press the button again to bring it inside.
How to fix this?
PS: i tried positioning it to the centre when i start editing the text view like this:
func textViewDidBeginEditing(textView: UITextView) { = CGPointMake( + 400,
But it doesn't work. and the method is connected to the textView properly(delegate)
PS2: i also have imagePickerController inside my viewController.
OK, as you're using Auto Layout.
The first rule of Auto Layout (you will see this in any Auto Layout book) is that you absolutely cannot touch the frame or center of a view directly.
// don't do these
myView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
// ever = CGPointMake(50, 50);
You can get the frame and center but you can never set the frame or center.
In order to move stuff around using Auto Layout you need to update the constraints.
For instance if I set up a view called myView and want it to grow and shrink in height I would do something like...
Set the top constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the left constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the right constraint to the superview at 0.
Set the height constraint to 50 (for example) and save it in a property called heightConstraint.
Now to animate the change in height I do this...
self.heightConstraint.constant = 100;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
animations:^ {
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
This will then animate the height from 50 (where it was when I set it) to 100.
This is the same for ANY animation of views using Auto Layout. If (for instance) I had saved the left constraint I could change that and it would increase and decrease the gap from the left edge of the superview to myView.
There are several really good tutorials about AutoLayout on the Ray Wenderlich site. I'd suggest you take a look at them.
Whatever you do, I'd strongly suggest not just disabling Auto Layout. If you don't know how to use Auto Layout then you will very quickly fall behind with iOS 8 and the new device sizes.

iOS animation: Drop down that keeps it position

I´m trying to create a drop down menu that will display a set of controls. I got the animation working but the whole "button" moves with the animation.
My button is a UIView which is named settingsPanel, this is my code so far:
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f animations:^{
self.settingsPanel.bounds = CGRectMake(self.settingsPanel.bounds.origin.x, self.settingsPanel.bounds.origin.y, self.settingsPanel.bounds.size.width, self.settingsPanel.bounds.size.height + 300);
I just want the height of the panel to change, and it does, but the whole view moves up a bit as well.
How can I create a animation that justs increases the height downwards?
You need to set the frame, not the bounds.
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f animations:^{
self.settingsPanel.frame =
self.settingsPanel.frame.size.height + 300);
Frame is an external coordinate. When you change the frame, you change the actual position of the view within its superview, so you can keep the origin and width the same and just increase the height.
Bounds is an internal coordinate. When you change the bounds, the system has to decide what to do about the frame; its solution is that the change happens around a stationary center position. So the top moves upward as the height grows downward.

ObjectAnimator in Android doesn't update the View's parent

Build a SlideUp animation in a ImageView with fixed height that is placed in a LinearLayout with wrap_content height.
The animation runs normally, but the parent LinearLayout doesn't resize itself while or after the animation occurs. I mean, if it is set to "wrap_content" and the "content" changes it's position (y axis to -100), it's expected that the parent accompanies the animation, "animating" it's height to 0 as well, or not?
How can I force it to continue "wraping" the content while the animation runs?
PS: No, it's not about fillAfter, I'm using ObjectAnimator, which changes the real object properties, not only the View drawn. For instance, the click event is not being triggered on the place the image used to be before the animation.
My code:
ObjectAnimator oa = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(findViewById(, "y", 0, -100);
Layout structure:
LinearLayout (match_parent, wrap_content) > ImageView (fill_parent, 100)
Any clue on that? Thanks!

SCNView Re-sizing Issue

I am trying to render 3D bar chart in SCNView using ScreenKit framework.
My rendering code is,
int height=10,y=0,x=0;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
SCNBox *box1 = [SCNBox boxWithWidth:4 height:height length:2 chamferRadius:0];
boxNode1 = [SCNNode nodeWithGeometry:box1];
boxNode1.position = SCNVector3Make(x, y, 0);
SCNMaterial *material = [SCNMaterial material];
material.diffuse.contents = (NSColor *)[self.colorArray objectAtIndex:i%6];
material.specular.contents = [NSColor whiteColor];
material.shininess = 1.0;
box1.materials = #[material];
//boxNode1.transform = rot;
[scene.rootNode addChildNode:boxNode1];
y += 5 ;
I can render but while re-sizing the view the chart bars goes to the center of the view.
I need to render the chart, which cover the margins of the view and when Re-size it have to change accordingly. The image(s) below shows my problem.
Original Image:
Image where less stretching of both windows:
Can anyone please help me to fix the issue.
The the windows in the image that you had linked to in your original question was very stretched and that made it very hard to see what was going on. When I took that image and made the windows less stretched it was easier to have some idea of what is going on.
I think that you are seeing a general resizing issue. Either you are using springs and struts and have configured flexible margins on the left and right or you are using auto layout with a centered view with fixed width.
I assume that the red boxes that I have drawn in the image below is the bounds of your scene view in both these cases. You can easily see if this is the case by giving the scene view a different background color and resize it again.
My solution to your problem would be to change how your view resizes as the window resizes, to better meet your expectations.

Scrolling Background

I'm trying out new things for a simple game in Portrait mode, I want to add a seamless scrolling background to a game, the image is 512x512px.
The Main scrolling I want to have is Vertically, but I want to be able to scroll sideways too within the bounds of the image size. How should I go about with this, I'm using cocos2d.
Try repeating the texture (in this case within 2000px)
CGRect repeatRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 2000, 2000);
CCSprite *background = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Background.png" rect:repeatRect];
ccTexParams params =
[background.texture setTexParameters:&params];
