While read line do and append to a file - shell

I'm getting confused by this script that I am trying to write. Any help would be appreciated, I searched around and wasn't able to come up with a solution. I'm sure it's right in front of my eyes.
I have a python script that makes an API call which returns a value. I have a file (examplefile.txt) where I would like to submit each of the lines to the python script and save the returned text in test.txt
Here is what I came up with, but isn't working. The script appears to run correctly, and I see all of my submitted values from the exampleFile.txt, but nothing is being saved to the test.txt file
cat exampleFile.txt | while read line; do ./apiCall.py -v $line | cut -f2 -d, > test.txt |; done
Any ideas on how to fix?
cat exampleFile.txt | while read line; do ./apiCall.py -v $line | cut -f2 -d, >> test.txt |; done
Also could use
while read line; do ./apiCall.py -v $line | cut -f2 -d; done < exampleFile.txt >> test.txt

This is a shell scripting question more than it is a python one. However, I think your issue is " > test.txt" the ">" will start from a blank file each time instead of appending the results. try " >> test.txt"


Trouble Allocating Memory in Bash Script

I tried to automate the process of cleaning up various wordlists I am working with. This is the following code for it:
# Removes spaces and duplicates in a wordlist
echo "Please be in the same directory as wordlist!"
read -p "Enter Worldlist: " WORDLIST
RESULT=$( awk '{print length, $0}' $WORDLIST | sort -n | cut -d " " -f2- )
awk '!(count[$0]++)' $RESULT > better-$RESULT
This is the error I recieve after running the program:
./wordlist-cleaner.sh: fork: Cannot allocate memory
First post, I hope I formatted it correctly.
You didn't describe your intentions or desired output, but I guess this may do what you want
awk '{print length, $0}' "$WORDLIST" | sort -n | cut -d " " -f2- | uniq > better-RESULT
Notice that it's better-RESULT instead of better-$RESULT as you don't want that as a filename.
Yeah okay I got it to run successfully. I was trying to clean up wordlists I was downloading of the net. I have some knowledge of the basic variable usage in Bash, but not enough of the text manipulation commands like sed or awk. Thanks for the support.

Unable to remove spaces between strings from a file

I have a file whose contents are like below.
$ cat test
static2 deploy
I am trying upload contents from these directories to s3 bucket. The issue is s3 doesnt accept spaces and hence I am getting an error. For this to be done, I am trying to remove space between "static2 deploy". This file will have around 400 entries and some of them will have directories with space in it like "static2 deploy". The script which I have written is not able to do that. The script and the output is below.
for i in `cat test`;do var="$( echo "$i" | tr -d ' ' )"; echo $var;done
I have tried sed too but that also doesnt work. I want output as below so that I can push it in s3 bucket
Can someone please help me out here? I have been trying things since yesterday but have been unable to fix it.
You can achieve this by below sed command
echo "static2 deploy" | sed "/static2/s/ //g"
How will it work? sed first search for string static2 and once found it will search for all the spaces in that line and removes them.
So above command will output
But if you try with below:-
echo "static deploy" | sed "/static2/s/ //g"
Output would be
static deploy
So in your case you need to try with below:-
cat test | sed "/static2/s/ //g" > output.txt
Hope this will help.
for i in `cat test` loops over every string in the file and not every line.
This works:
cat test | while read line; do var="$( echo "$line" | tr -d ' ' )"; echo $var; done
or shorter if you only want to print the line:
cat test | while read line; do echo "$line" | tr -d ' '; done

creating a variable from sed output

I am banging my head against the keyboard on this simple piece of code.
vpnstatus=$(/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn state | (grep -m 1 'state:'))
echo $vpnstatus
vpnconn=$(echo $vpnstatus | sed -e 's/>>\ state: //g' | sed "s/ //g")
echo "$vpnconn" "$connstate"
if [ "$vpnconn" = "$connstate" ];then
echo $vpnconn
else echo "this script still fails"
echo done
This is the output from the above code:
>> state: Connected
Connected Connected
this script still fails
I believe the issue revolves around the vpnconn=$ if I comment that section of code out and fill the variable vpnconn="Connected" this code works fine. Something with how the sed is working on the input from vpnstatus and outputting the results to vpnconn is making what looks like a correct result incorrect when doing the compare in the if then.
I have tried splitting up the vpnconn line into two separate lines and that did not change anything, I took out the sed "s/ //g" and replaced it with a trim -d ' ' and that did not change the results. I know this is something small in this tiny piece of code that I am missing.
Did you try?
vpnconn=$(echo "$vpnstatus" | awk '{print $3}')
Something like:
vpnstatus=$(/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn state|grep -m 1 'state:'|awk '{print 3}')
should do the work.

How Do I Convert A Cut Command In Bash Into Grep With Given Code?

I've written a template engine script that uses cut to extract certain elements from a file, but I want to use grep in place of the cut. Here is the code I have written:
IFS=# #makes # a delimiter.
while read line
dataspace=`echo ${line} | cut -d'=' -f1`
value=`echo ${line} | cut -d"=" -f2`
printf -v $dataspace "$value" #make the value stored in value into the name of a dataspace.
done < 'template.vars' #read template.vars for standard input.
skipflag=false #initialize the skipflag to false
while read line #while it is reading standard input one line at a time
Just came to the conclusion that the code blocks system here does not support bash.
Anyway, since stackoverflow isn't letting me put Bash into codeblocks, I am not putting the entire script since it would look nasty. Based on what is currently high-lighted, how would I go about changing the part using the cut command into a line using the grep command?
As has been noted, you should give more information for a better answer. Going with what you have, I would say that awk is a better option than grep
dataspace=$(awk '$0=$1' FS== <<< "$line")
value=$(awk '$0=$2' FS== <<< "$line")

How to handle variables that contain ";"?

I have a configuration file that contains lines like "hallo;welt;" and i want to do a grep on this file.
Whenever i try something like grep "$1;$2" my.config or echo "$1;$2 of even line="$1;$2" my script fails with something like:
: command not found95: line 155: =hallo...
How can i tell bash to ignore ; while evaluating "..." blocks?
EDIT: an example of my code.
# find entry
$line=$(grep "$1;$2;" $PERMISSIONSFILE)
# splitt line
reads=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f3)
writes=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f4)
admins=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f5)
# do some stuff on the permissions
# replace old line with new line
sed -i "s/$line/$nline/g" $TEMPPERM
my script should be called like this: sh script "table" "a.b.*.>"
EDIT: another, simpler example
$test=$(grep "$1;$2;" temp.authorization.config)
the temp file:
the call sh test.sh table pattern results in: : command not foundtable;pattern;read;write;stuff
Don't use $ on the left side of an assignment in bash -- if you do it'll substitute the current value of the variable rather than assigning to it. That is, use:
test=$(grep "$1;$2;" temp.authorization.config)
instead of:
$test=$(grep "$1;$2;" temp.authorization.config)
Edit: also, variable expansions should be in double-quotes unless there's a good reason otherwise. For example, use:
reads=$(echo "$line" | cut -d';' -f3)
instead of:
reads=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f3)
This doesn't matter for semicolons, but does matter for spaces, wildcards, and a few other things.
A ; inside quotes has no meaning at all for bash. However, if $1 contains a doublequote itself, then you'll end up with
grep "something";$2"
which'll be parsed by bash as two separate commands:
grep "something" ; other"
^---command 1----^ ^----command 2---^
Show please show exactly what your script is doing around the spot the error is occurring, and what data you're feeding into it.
$ cat file.txt
$ cat xx.sh
grep "$1;$2" file.txt
$ bash -x xx.sh hello welt
+ grep 'hello;welt' file.txt
You have not yet classified your problem accurately.
If you try to assign the result of grep to a variable (like I do) your example breaks.
Please show what you mean. Using the same data file as before and doing an assignment, this is the output I get:
$ cat xx.sh
grep "$1;$2" file.txt
output=$(grep "$1;$2" file.txt)
echo "$output"
$ bash -x xx.sh hello welt
+ grep 'hello;welt' file.txt
++ grep 'hello;welt' file.txt
+ output='hello;welt;'
+ echo 'hello;welt;'
Seems to work for me. It also demonstrates why the question needs an explicit, complete, executable, minimal example so that we can see what the questioner is doing that is different from what people answering the question think is happening.
I see you've provided some sample code:
# find entry
$line=$(grep "$1;$2;" $PERMISSIONSFILE)
# splitt line
reads=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f3)
writes=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f4)
admins=$(echo $line | cut -d';' -f5)
The line $line=$(grep ...) is wrong. You should omit the $ before line. Although it is syntactically correct, it means 'assign to the variable whose name is stored in $line the result of the grep command'. That is unlikely to be what you had in mind. It is, occasionally, useful. However, those occasions are few and far between, and only for people who know what they're doing and who can document accurately what they're doing.
For safety if nothing else, I would also enclose the $line values in double quotes in the echo lines. It may not strictly be necessary, but it is simple protective programming.
The changes lead to:
# find entry
line=$(grep "$1;$2;" $PERMISSIONSFILE)
# split line
reads=$( echo "$line" | cut -d';' -f3)
writes=$(echo "$line" | cut -d';' -f4)
admins=$(echo "$line" | cut -d';' -f5)
The rest of your script was fine.
It seems like you are trying to read a semicolon-delimited file, identify a line starting with 'table;pattern;' where table is a string you specify and pettern is a regular expression grep will understand. Once the line is identified you wish to replaced the 3rd, 4th and 5th fields with different data and write the updated line back to the file.
Does this sound correct?
If so, try this code
while IFS=';' read -r -d$'\n' tuple pattern reads writes admins ; do
line=$(cut -d: -f1<<<"$tuple")
table=$(cut -d: -f2<<<"$tuple")
# do some stuff with the variables
# e.g., update the values
# replace the old line with the new line
sed -i'' -n $line'{i\
;d;}' "$file"
done < <(grep -n '^'"${in_table}"';'"${in_pattern}"';' "${file}")
I chose to update by line number here to avoid problems of unknown characters in the left hand of the substitution.
