PLSQL Developer. Grayed out "Preference" menu item - oracle

I cannot click the preference button on Pl/SQL Developer. Though I am connected and I am able to run scripts. I need to adjust somethings in the pls/sql Developer, but I am not able.
Doest anyone know the solution?

According to this changelog, this bug was fixed in version 8.0 Beta 5: "Preferences menu could be disabled on first start".
According to this thread, you need to make sure that this directory exists and you can write to it: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\PLSQL Developer\Preferences\<user>.


Howto fix messed-up TOAD configuration - How to open a SQL-Window

I am stuck with my daily use of TOAD.
I use Toad in parallel with SQL Developer, because TOAD provides syntax hi-lighted SQL Export und faboulous dependeny tracking with F4. Still most of development of mine is done on SQL developer.
For a few days I struggle with Toad. Sometimes it opens all the editor windows I need on opening, sometime it won't and I can't figure out how to tailor and tame the beast.
I struggle with this situation:
I have connected to target system, but the editor window does not open by itself, neither I can open one manually - see picture.
What is wrong?
How can I tailor toad, to open an SQL editor window, each time a new session is established?
How can I open a SQL-window, eg. how to activate the open editor option in the situation show on the screenshot?
What kind of strange state TOAD is taking in the situation shown?
Thanks for your help.
Your screenshot is so small I can't see everything you have going on, but the Editor menu you show contains Editor specific commands that are only enabled when an Editor is opened and active. You don't have one. To open an Editor windows see the Database menu. There's also a toolbar button for it, but it looks as though you only have the Team Coding toolbar active.
Since you are having issues I'd recommend resetting the toolbar layout so that everything is visible again. Right click over Toad's toolbar and choose "Restore defaults."

Xcode assistant editor won't show some of the code

First of all, I would like you to know that the class IS set to the correct file in each ViewController - I know that because it did work before, but then I got a "crash" in Xcode that blinked quickly without me being able to read it before it went off again.
I have a lot of ViewControllers in my Xcode, everything was working fine, I was making some more features to the ViewControllers.
Then I got the "crash" as mentioned above, and it would not show any of the files/classes related to their ViewController in assistant editor.
Assistant editor just said: No Assistant Results. Then I read that I could just show the files inside my XCode project and delete project.xcworkplace and xcuserdata. And I thought it worked at first, but it did not work on every viewcontroller unfortunately - only on some of them.
Now, I still have plenty of ViewControllers left to edit that aren't working, and I would hate if I had to recreate every single one.
Does anyone have a better solution to this? I really hope you do :-)
Make sure you set Automatic not Manual.
There was some related answer but I can't find it. Anyhow: what I do to fix it is to uncheck the Target Membership in the File Inspector for the XIB and then turn it on again. That fixes the issue (in most cases) for me.
Also try restarting/clearing the different caches of XCode.
I was similarly not able to view code/classes relating to the View Controller. In my particular case, it appears i might have caused the issue- I turned OFF Indexing because Xcode was running terribly slow and around that time I started getting the issue and the message “No assistant results”.
To resolve this in my case, I turned indexing back ON and set the Assistant editor to “Automatic”.
To turn Indexing On or Off, open up the Terminal using either of the below commands-
Turn Indexing OFF:
defaults write IDEIndexDisable 1
Turn Indexing ON :
defaults write IDEIndexDisable 0
From accepted answer regarding Indexing: Stopping xcode from indexing
xcode 9.0
Open project.
Click on "Show the assistant editor".(top right side middle button - circle shape)
Code was show after do second step.
I cloned a project and found that I have the same problem. But all I did to fix it was to just sign the app at Signing and Capabilities and the option for the right View Controller pops up in the top bar of the Assisntant in my View

XCode 4 Cursor Jumps To First Line When Auto Suggesting

I have a problem in XCode 4.2 when I have the autosuggest feature turned on. Whenever an autosuggest (autocomplete) pops up, the cursor will jump to the top of the file, to the second character of the first line. This happens regardless of whether or not I select the autosuggest or take any other action. As soon as I turn off the autosuggest feature, this behavior stops happening.
I have turned off all key binding associated with jumping to the top of the page and have deleted all derived data for the project as per some suggestions I have heard, but have not been able to solve the problem.
Anybody have a solution?
I had similar problem Xcode cursor jumped randomly. It was triggered by an editor theme using an italic font. I changed the font to a regular one, and the problem was resolved.
Simple solution (or workaround):
Open Preferences.
Open Fonts & Colors tab.
Select Basic theme.
I got the hint from this page.
Just in case there is a bounty awarded :) let me repeat my "solution" from above: I suggest moving aside your /Developer folder and re-installing Xcode. Simply running the installer w/o removing the old /Developer folder may not replace all the necessary files. Good luck.
I have had a similar problem where the cursor jumped to the top and I couldn't scroll down. I don't know if it is the same problem that you have but there is no real solution. Its just one of Xcode's bugs there are a lot more. Open another file in the project and go back to the file you were working on, close and reopen the project or restart Xcode. Thats the only solutions I found.
If thats not working, then you can always re-install Xcode

Delete a User Code Snippet in Xcode

How ??? I can not delete a custom code snippet in Xcode.
I did these steps :
Select needed code snippet and press Delete key.
A pop-up window will appear , and select Delete button.
Remember that : this action cannot be undone.
In the Library select the code snippet you want to delete and press Backspace. A confirm dialog will show up, click "Delete".
Good question, I haven't found a way to do it from within Xcode, but they can be deleted from the Finder. The snippets are stored at ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/. Each one is a separate file that you can delete. Unfortunately they're named with an ID and don't give an indication of which one is which. They're XML files though, so either use a text editor or QuickLook to see the contents and recognise them.
Also, I've had to restart Xcode in order to get the deleted snippets to no longer show up.
I was having trouble, and after messing around a bit it finally worked. You select the user snip and hit the delete key. I tried this multiple times but it didn't work initially. This may be due to me running a prerelease version of Xcode though.
In Xcode 10, select snippet from snippet pop-up dialog.
Then press Shift+⌘
After that just confirm your removal.
Note: This process cannot be undo at this moment.
I was trying forever to delete the useless (to me) C++ ones, but apparently you can only delete the user-created ones in Xcode 10. Bummer.
User-created code snippets are located in
If your XCode UI for deletings snippets doesn't work as in my Xcode 10.2.1, you can navigate to this folder and
either delete all user snippets with rm * or use some kind of cat/grep to find the ones you want to delete.
In xcode select the code snippet
Delete title and shortcut and save it after that select the same and press delete a confirmation box pops up asking you to delete or cancel the code snippet.

Oracle SQL Developer "Run" shortcuts disabled

Suddenly all my keyboard shortcuts in the "Run" menu are disabled and I have no idea why. They were working yesterday, but not today. I can click on the toolbar menu options to run these commands (Run, Trace, etc), but they key bindings don't work. I tried this suggestion and even went so far as to re-install it. Still no luck. Anyone have any suggestions?
Most of the menu items in Oracle SQL Developer will be active only if at least one connection is active.
So check whether you have your connection object is active.
For more Oracle SQL Developer shortcuts click here
Have you assigned a connection to the worksheet (or file, if that's what you are trying to run)? It's the dropdown box on the top right-hand side.
This is for debug and won't be enabled until you click on some code (say a Function, Procedure, or a Package)
I had this same issue until I opened the procedure/function etc. with the procedure editor instead of as a worksheet. This is done by finding your program in the Connections explorer and opening it from there.
