SPSS version 22 ERROR: attempt to connect to a remote server failed - windows-7

I have installed SPSS statistics 22 on my Win7 Home 64-bit SP 1 and it will not run. I am on an HP Pavilion dv7 with tons of RAM and disk.
Authorized copy (not network) standalone install with the 20-character authentication key.
I've been with IBM's ECuRep support for SPSS and still the software will not run (not that they were really any help). I'm working on this problem for 3 weeks now.
The error on startup:
Attempt to connect to a remote server failed inet:Local Computer: 0
I have purchased the software twice from two separate vendors, neither have been any help. Looking for ANY advice that may help. This is the student Version 22 standard Grad Pack.

The only thing I can think of that might cause this is a misconfigured firewall. Although Statistics would be running entirely on the one machine, it may use communications between the frontend and backend processes that are being intercepted and blocked.

I had the same problem, and called IBM support. They said it could be because SPSS was not installed with admin rights, recommended to remove and delete files under program files then reinstall. That did not help.
Then a friend told me he had a similar problem but the 32 bit version worked for him, so I tried. It worked once then it died again.
Finally, I installed version 21 64 bit. That worked.


SCCM uninstalled on clients in organization

In my organization a project has begun to install SCCM on every computer. My job is to filter out computers which do not have SCCM installed on them (that part is done), find out why and try to install.
Unfortunately, I’m inexperienced with SCCM logs and find it hard to locate the problems (if there are any) and there is a huge number of devices I have to check all by myself and accessing each computer’s C$ will take years.
The OS of the problematic computers are Windows 10/7/XP/Server 2016.
Can anyone help me with these issues please?
Thanks in advance
The client install logs on the local machine are here C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs. You could script something to pull the logs and dump on a network share.
You can pull the CMTrace.exe from the server install directory to read the logs.
They are most likely failing for the same reason, I would start with looking at the firewall and make sure WinRM is enabled.
There are 3 methods to installing the agent GPO, Login Script, or from the console.

system.net.sockets and windows 10 error?

I'm having a very strange problem with an application in windows 10. It consists of several .exe in the same computer communicating between them with sockets using system.net.sockets library.
The problem I have is that after installing Windows 10 in a new computer, install all windows updates and then installing that application, connection to sockets doesn't work correctly and the application fails. The strangest thing is that if you leave the computer alone for 1-2 days the applications starts working just fine. The same has happened after installing version 1803 update, it stops working and then works one or two days later.
Any idea of what can it be? Has anyone seen something similar?
It really seems to be related to the 1803 update you mentioned.
Running an application from a network share will fail when creating a socket;
Copying the very same application to a local drive/path will work just fine, without any further modification.
We are also struggling with this while connecting to an Oracle database (both ODBC and ODP.NET) and it seems the issue has recently been acknowledged:
It also seems this is a recurrent Windows bug:
Win Socket Creation fails with Error code 10022 if non super user
Sorry, no effective solution at the time (other than copying the app binaries to a local folder). I'll update this answer once we get a better solution.
OK, looking a little further I found here in SO that this might be related to a SMBv1 network share, which describes the environment we had here (the network share was disabled because of another bug we faced - thanks MSFT).
Re-enabling SMBv2 / SMBv3 on the server solved the issue.
Related post:
After Windows 10 update 1803 my program can't open a socket when running from network share

DataStage 11.3 Assembly Editor flash popup

Our organisation is in the process of upgrading from DataStage 9.1 to 11.3.
Problem: The DataStage 11.3 Assembly Editor fails to display, and falls over with an error.
Backend OS:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
Linux 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 12 16:05:43 EST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Client OS:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (ok, it’s bootcamp Windows running on a Mac). Flash player 16 ActiveX (latest version).
We raised a ticket with IBM and they said it was a flash player problem and we should install the debugger version of flash to get a trace file. After completing the trace, we managed to capture the following error:
RSL Error 1 of 3 (can also be 2 or 3 of 3, in no particular order)
Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: https:/// /ibm/iis/ds/xmlpack3/XMLPackLibrary.swf
Note: There are three swf (flash player) files in that server location. The RSL error #2032 error could occur on any one of the following:
One important factor in this upgrade is that we have installed the backend of DataStage in the Amazon AWS cloud, and have installed the client tools on our local network. So this should not be factor, given that the client tools access the back via HTTP or HTTPS. Our DevOps guys have said that the domain that is giving us problems is probably our local windows domain (and the security within it). We don’t believe that having the backend on an AWS host is the cause of the problem. We have tried to eliminate the AWS cloud (and our local Group Policies) out of the equation, by creating a Windows 2008 server in the AWS cloud on a Bastion Host, with local administrator access. We had a lot of problems with Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. We had to force it to turn off by hacking the registry. Once we could get past the IE problems, we managed to replicate the exact 2032 error on the 2008 server as my Windows 7 machine on the LAN.
The only way we can get the Assembly Editor to work is to log in as the local Administrator user on the 2008 server. No other user works, even if they have full Administrator rights and nothing else. We’ve tried everything on this and relaxed all security measures that we can think of. Something appears to be blocking the flash player plugin that is launched from DataStage via a custom Internet Explorer session.
One test that IBM recommended is to access the swf files directly in the browser by substituting the URL :
This test works OK, which means that Flash Player is installed and functioning. What is interesting is that the URL prompts for a username and password. That leads me to think that the problem exists in the handshake of credentials between the flash player and the backend and/or what directories the flash player can write to.
Has anybody found a resolution to this problem? Currently our upgrade to 11.3 is at a standstill until we get an answer.
We found a solution to our own problem. There is a setting in Internet Explorer that if turned on, can block the download of the SWF files to the local machine. This can be found in the Security section of the Advanced tab in the Internet options:
Do not save encrypted pages to disk
This setting must be turned off. We had turned it on because it was recommended by SalesForce. If turned on, the SWF files will not be saved and therefore will not execute. The result is an RSL #2032 stream error.
This fixed the problem immediately. Now we just need to apply the setting to our Group Policies for the domain.
I hope this helps other DataStage users. This one had us confused for days!

Error occurs while install Oracle BIEE

I'm trying to install Oracle BIEE 11g on my computer, but something wiered happend.
I've tried on a x86 computer with 2GB memory and a x64 computer with 4GB memory. Both of them are running Windows OS. I want to connect a MS-SQLSERVER database, and I've finished creating related DEV_ tables using RCU.
I followed the tutorial from the doc.oracle.com, but then I stopped at the 14th step, it says "设置数据库连接失败". I can continue install, but another error occurs, service obisch1 cannot start. I can open localhost:9704 after installation, but it will return a 500-error after I restart my computer.
I searched the internet, it says I should set my database source using "Net Manager" Tool, but I don't know how. And after install I got a database source using driver "MERANT OEM 5.3 32-BIT SQL Server Wired Protocol", but I can't make change to it, cause the system says can't find the driver...
I don't know what to do now... Anybody can help me? Thanks very much.
Well, I've kind of solved it.
I still don't know why my computer cannot find the odbc drier "MERANT OEM 5.3 32-BIT SQL Server Wired Protocol", which seems to be the reason why I can't connect to the database at the 14th step while I install OBIEE.
However, I add an odbc-connect through the system's function, I found it in the control panel.
On the other hand, the url http://localhost:7001/em and http://localhost:7001/analytics can be still accessed(after a long time, it can be accessed).
So, then I create a rpd file use my own odbc-connect, and it seems work fine.
Thanks everybody, anyway, and hopes can help

Java 7 prevents FTP transfers on Windows Vista and 7 if firewall is on. Any ideas?

Java 7 prevents FTP transfers on Windows Vista and 7.
In FTP, before a file is transferred a PORT or a PASV command must be sent. As soon as one of the commands is sent the Windows Firewall closes the socket that sent it. This only happens if the firewall is on and an exception for java.exe is absent. I suspect this problem is related to Java 7 using the new Vista IP stack.
Does anyone have any ideas how to fix or work around this problem? We're distributing a Java FTP library so we obviously can't add exceptions ourselves.
java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed
JRE version info:
java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)
FOLLOW-UP 1 (14 November 2011):
Oracle has analysed the problem and have found that it seems to be a bug in Windows Firewall and/or the IPv6 stack. They managed to replicate the problem with a native C (i.e. non-Java) app, so this is strong evidence that the bug is not in Java. They have informed Microsoft, so the ball is in their court now. More details can be found at http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7077696
FOLLOW-UP 2 (27 July 2012):
A (very helpful) contact at Oracle has told me that the issue has now been escalated at Microsoft. We're hoping to see some results soon.
FOLLOW-UP 3 (15 August 2012):
Our contact at Oracle has told us that Microsoft has accepted the bug and is in the process of prioritizing it.
FOLLOW-UP 4 (21 September 2012):
Microsoft has produced a patch that is currently being tested by Oracle. No word on a release date.
FOLLOW-UP 5 (11 October 2012):
Success at last! Microsoft has publicly released a hotfix. They imply that the fix will be included in a general software update in the future:
"if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next software update that contains this hotfix."
The problem is caused by the stateful FTP filter of the firewall. As a workaround you can disable it by executing netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable with administrator rights.
Another workaround is to start the JVM with:
We tested the Windows hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2754804 and confirmed that it did resolve the problem.
I've submitted a bug report to Oracle, see bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7077696
They've marked the priority as low, which makes me think that they don't quite understand the magnitude of the problem, i.e. that FTP is broken on Java/Windows. I forgot to state that explicitly in the bug report. If anyone else feels like it should have a higher priority please add a comment to the Oracle bug report.
I just noticed that you can also 'vote' for the bug, so please give it a vote if you agree it's significant.
This problem can be demonstrated without JDK7, it's the firewall in Windows 7 blocking the ftp protocol when the application is using IPv6-mapped IPv4 addresses. See http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7077696 for more details and workarounds.
Blogged about the issue here:
Maybe it'll cause some additional awareness of the problem.
Actually TFTP under JDK7 on windows 7 also have the same problem, the MS hotfix does resolve FTP issue, but still not works for TFTP. Seems Oracle should report the same problem to MS and get another hotfix to resolve TFTP issue as well.
The same bug was reported here with a test case:
Java 7 Socket Exception Bug forum.
Its an issue with Java 7
I had the same problem using IDE Eclipse Neon, JAVA 7 and Windows 7 Professional. Trying to upload a PDF file to an FTP server. I solved it by running the following command in CMD as administrator:
C: \ Users \ pc01> netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable
