Send https post request - https

I can able to send http post request. I used chrome's SimpleRestClient extension to send following http post request
Now I want to do https(http secure) post request, I try to do the following link but I can't. How can I send?


Post Request getting failed due to webkitformboundary in JMeter

We have a recorded script using Blaze Meter(HTTPS call) and run in JMeter, One POST request getting failed and shows "500 Internal Server error". In Post request, JSON passed in form of "form-Data" as parameter. When endpoint executed we observed Webkitformbounday in HTTP header, Please give some solution for
HTTPs Request
HTTP Header Manager
POST Request Body
enter image description here
It looks like the recording solution you're using isn't very suitable for building proper HTTP POST request, I would suggest the following amendments:
Untick Use multipart/form-data box in the HTTP Request sampler
Remove issueDetail parameter name and put it to the end of "path"
Change Content-Type header value to application/json
Authorization header value might need to be correlated if the token life span is short
More information: Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter

Is there a way to send body in Http Get Method in browser?

I am currently facing a requirement that could support HTTP Get Request with payload. Also this question has confused me for a long time. Is there a way to send body with a HTTP GET request from browser side? I know you could send get request with body by using Python, Php,cUrl etcs, but how about from browser side?
I have done some investigations on this topic and find out that most of the popular http request libaries such as axios,request,superagent do not support this feature. Even, the fetch and XMLHTTPrequest does not support Get method with payload.(
The weird thing is that the standard(or RFCs) did not forbid sending a get request with body.
Here comes my question, is there any way from web browser we could support http get request with body?

JMeter http request works via fiddler but not without

I have a simple thread group with HTTP requests as below:
Do Login - POST request
grab the authorization bearer token
Get eventId - GET request
This is a simple HTTP GET request like this http://server_ip:8080/rest/v1/events/1234567
Pass the authorization bearer token in HTTP Header Manager
When I run the above, the Login post request goes through fine. I get a 200 OK and the response header ad message looks fine.
But the 'Get eventId' request fails and returns a 400 Bad Request.
However when I start JMeter to go through the proxy like below, the 'Get eventId' request returns a 200 OK and the response looks as expected.
jmeter.bat -H -P 8888
I am not sure what I am doing wrong?
As per 400 Bad Request status code description:
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
Most likely you need to add HTTP Header Manager to send Content-Type header with the value of application/json (or whatever MIME type server expects).
If this is not the case - inspect what is being sent in both cases using View Results Tree listener and amend JMeter configuration so requests would look exactly the same (apart from dynamic token)

Heroku CSRF and POST httpRequest

I have a web crawler on Heroku and I'm trying to call the script from a POST request on Parse Cloud Code httpRequest but I receive a 403 forbidden response basically telling me the Referer Header didn't pass. How can I get past this?
Django's CSRF protection tests the Referer header: see Browsers typically send that header to indicate the page that originated a request, but programmatic user agents don't (cURL, Python requests, and presumably Parse.Cloud.httpRequest) without being told to do so.
To add custom headers to a Parse request, see: Parse.Cloud.httpRequest call with HTTP request header (note the headers object).
That said, you also need to make sure you have a way to get the CSRF token to begin with, and include it either in a XCSRF-Token header or a form field (unclear from your question whether you are doing that).

Handling Callback URLs in JMeter

My REST Service takes in a JMeter HTTP request and one of the parameters in the request is a callback url.
The REST Service uses this callback url to post back a response.
Is there any JMeter Listener I can use to receive the callback i.e. so that the REST Service can send the response back to a JMeter Listener.
And if possible the Listener can then send in another HTTP Request based on the response.
I'm not sure about your question. But I think you want to receive your REST response and make another request to URL in the response...
By that way, you need to "catch" the response by using Regular Expression Extractor, store URL in the response to a JMeter Variable. Then, you create HTTP Request, and put URL in that JMeter Variable into request.
