kdd cup 1999 dataset, how to use it in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I downloaded KDD99 dataset here: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/kddcup99-mld/kddcup99.html
After unzipping I tried to open it using datagrid in VS 2010 but it didn't work, I tried different softwares but none seems to work.
I am new and I need to use that dataset in my research project, but don't how to, I tried Google but found none.
The file is in unknown format, can any one tell me how to open it in visual studio or any other software?
If you don't know, please refer me to some site where I can find the answer.
Also if you know any website that is remotely related to kddcup99, please let me know.

Don't use this data set. It's flawed. http://www.kdnuggets.com/news/2007/n18/4i.html
As a result, we strongly recommend that
(1) all researchers stop using the KDD Cup '99 dataset,
(2) The KDD Cup and UCI websites include a warning on the KDD Cup '99
dataset webpage informing researchers that there are known problems
with the dataset, and
(3) peer reviewers for conferences and journals
ding papers (or even outright reject them, as is common in the network
security community) with results drawn solely from the KDD Cup '99
Let me repeat this data set must not be used for network-intrusion detection. It does not reflect reality, it's simulated and old data. It looks nowhere like any current attack pattern anyway.
Other than that, the files should be ASCII text files. With good tools you don't need to extract it, because they can be decompressed on the fly (in fact, your webbrowser might be using this compression on the fly with some webservers)
For anything other than runtime benchmarking, don't use it.


How can i minimize the source code theft in visual studio 2010/TFS

how can i limit the redistribution of source code on different machines. I want that the source code should not compile/build within visual studio /TFS if it is redistributed to some other machine with different visual studio license?
If there is no built in mechanism i need some direction. perhaps i need to install an add in for visual studio that will check on compile time if it is not installed it will simple not allow the code to compile?
Store all of your developer infrastructure (developer workstations, TFS infrastructure, etc) in an isolated building. This building should have no internet access whatsoever.
Post security guards outside the building. Armed is preferable, but not strictly necessary.
Each person entering the building should be stopped by the security guards and forced to surrender all personal effects (cell phones, cameras, tape recorders, thumb drives, etc). Nothing should be allowed to come into this room or exit the room. This includes things like eyeglasses and clothing, since they could have covert recording devices embedded in them.
All people entering or exiting the room are thoroughly searched, both upon entry and exit from the room. Ideally they would be cavity searched and x-rayed, although finding security guards comfortable with performing cavity searches could be challenging, and they would almost certainly command a higher salary.
This will prevent your employees from:
emailing code to themselves
taking pictures of the code on their screen
writing code down on sheets of paper
dictating the code into a recording device
copying code to a thumb drive and smuggling it out of the room
Of course, this doesn't account for the possibility that an employee has an eidetic memory. If that's the case and you find out, you'll have no choice but to have them killed upon their departure from the company.
Please note that the 'having former employees killed' portion is satire. I do not actually recommend having people killed. That is illegal and immoral.
Do not allow people to access your source code if you don't want them to steal it.
There is no way to do this out of the box and no known third party tooling for this.

Custom Intellisense Extension

I am wanting to write an addition to intellisense in Visual Studio.
Is it possible to extend at all, from my research I haven't found any samples or documentation on intellisense extensions.
How can I get intellisense to show a simple HelloWorld message like the following (where hello world is added at run time to the intellisense for String):
So in Visual Studio 2010 and later, the extensibility APIs you want to at are under the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Languages.IntelliSense namespace. At a high level, you want to MEF export a ICompletionSourceProvider which will provide the items you need. There are two good blog posts here and here that demonstrate the basic technique.
There are two problems that you'll run into if you wanted to make your screenshot be a reality. (This is why I asked for the scenario, as my advice here would change.) First, this method doesn't legally let you append to an existing completion set, but rather provide a new one. In the UI this appears as two tabs, like the Common/All tabs in the Visual Basic editor. This is a limitation of the current API. You could try to modify one of the existing completion sets in your AugmentCompletionSource but I have no idea if that'd work. It's definitely unsupported, in any case.
Second, it's really hard to know when and where to recommend things. In your example, you said "the IntelliSense for string". Sadly, there aren't any APIs (currently) in VS that let you know what the thing before the dot is. You could do some simple heuristics or try implementing some parser that is Good Enough™ for your scenario, but you'll have to accept for now that you won't have perfect results.
The Roslyn project aims to fix the second issue, so you may find it useful to explore a bit further. Since we expect that lots of people will want to extend completion, we're also thinking about offering other extensibility APIs so you don't have to roll a ICompletionSourceProvider from scratch, but such APIs are not in the current CTP.
[Disclaimer: I'm a member of the Roslyn team who works on IntelliSense.]

How did you find Visual Studio 11 Beta?

Visual Studio 11 Beta version is released recently. I'm to download and replace my VS2010, while i'm in the middle of some risky projects. How do you find it?
There are many aspects that I wish I can ride of them by putting VS2010 away:
Single Edmx diagram: It's very important to create separated (splitted) edmx files for large data models.
Weak garbage collection and memory management: Installing some or many extensions ends to memory problems and exceptions.
Weak modeling tools: one unanswered problem of mine is an example. Also, I couldn't check my layers references using layer diagram or other kind of available diagrams.
There are many other points, that you and me faced with them.
How's the VS 11 Beta? How did you find it? What are benefits and risks?
I wouldn't replace it. In fact, the user interface is a disaster and was the first thing to make me revolt and uninstall it after ten minutes of use. Now, a user interface doesn't stop me from doing work, sure, but this was so far from an improvement that I won't be touching it until Microsoft brings back some colour into the icons. Even then, the idea that mono-colour glyphs are easier for humans to perceive amongst a sea of other same-coloured glyphs on a background of the same colour is unfounded and unresearched. It seems more that were simply trying to "make it like the other stuff" without even doing any UX testing.
Humans fundamentally evolved colour eyesight because it aids in perceiving our environment. Grass is green, fire is orange, sky is blue, scary monsters are gray and scaly. When users have ten or more years of visual 'muscle' memory behind them, removing colour, let alone shape and form (in the form of object based icons) is disorienting and plain stupid.
No one ever complained that Visual Studio 2010 was too colourful and distracted them from their code, at least not in the way that the developers are complaining about the beta. If anything, it reinforces the structure of the IDE panel and toolbar layout by providing colour, shape and line cues in our peripheral vision.
I could go on, but given the almost universally negative feedback on this issue, I'm not alone in my frustration.
All the features in the world couldn't get me to use a UI like that, especially when I have a user interface as nice as Visual Studio 2010's. I had trouble separating the IDE into panels and objects. Which gray rectangle with gray shapes is the solution explorer. Which gray rectangle with gray shapes is the toolbox?
Well, visually, it is quite different. Really heavily inspired by WP7, and the expression blend suite.
I find it quite appealing visually speaking. It also seems more user friendly while installed out of the box (you can however import settings from your current VS installation, which I chose not to do)
You get some pack of additionnal tools, and seem easier to access (at lest IMO).
Concerning extensions, we will have to wait and see, but most of the extensions I use are quite good, and dont crash inexpectedly, so I believe the extension developper is more at fault than Visual Studio itself :).
You should simply try it out to see, because you can install side by side with your current VS install, it should not interfer
You can find Visual Studio 11 Beta here.
I haven't used it to be honest, although your question implies you're going to replace VS2010 with the new Beta version - that's not a good idea! You should be able to download and install it alongside Visual Studio 11 until it's released properly.

Getting Started type resources for TFS in Visual Studio 2010

I have been dumped in the deep end at a new job and I need to create, administer, and use TFS projects currently in some disarray. I'm looking for recommendations on good books, tutorials, articles etc. on using TFS as integrated with VS 2010 (and otherwise, but not s priority).
Given that I don't enjoy most beginner oriented and 'for dummies' material, what resources should I be looking at?
Books might give you a pretty decent general background, but my take is Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio 2010 is still a bit of a moving target (i.e. the specific issues in the TFS build that your employer is using may not match the TFS in a published book; you may want to check the configurations of your installations...). Of course, almost all software starts being updated Scrum-style before the latest update is pushed out to users anymore, but my "moving target" characterization of TFS is probably more appropriate than for the average development tool ... maybe not; it may not matter that much to most people that TFS is still a bit "fluxy" ... Brian Harry might use a different phrase, but I'm guessing that he would ascribe the TFS "fluxiness" as reflection of his recent pronouncement that TFS is open platform with lots of different things going on, lots of different moving pieces. We are all open source now!
If you are a glass-is-half-full kind of a guy like I am, you will see this "moving target fluxiness" as actually sort of a cool thing -- exciting improvements and great new features will be coming your way; you might even get to find new features, help make those improvements happen. Hopefully, nothing will happen to destroy a project your employer is counting on and sink you any further into the deep end in your new job -- look on the bright side, you may gain a profound sense of empathy for your predecessor before this is all through. There are always all kinds of positives in situations like this!
If you were a miserable cynic, you'd say that if Boeing built planes like Microsoft builds software, thriving ecosystems of "development" passengers on airliners would have hands-on (i.e. white-knuckle, death-grip) opportunities in every flight -- they would be involved in discovering and improving mechanical, electronic, hydraulic design features or maybe learning about something new related to a supplier issue, a new failure mode, new mfg and maintenance issues. Don't be a miserable cynic -- sieze the day; embrace change, you're in the deep end already, you might as well swim to the other side, right?
Since there will be a lot of people at Microsoft serving the MSDN community and trying use/build/tailor/improve the TFS "open platform" (to "eat their dog food," so to speak) you won't really know exactly where the best developments might come from ... I would routinely follow a search of all MSDN blogs for the "Team Foundation Server" keywords ... in my case, I pasted this RSS url into my RSS reader.
This book is from some of the MSFT guys. It is really good.
Visual Studio 2010 ALM Virtual Machine + Labs: December 2010 Refresh

Visual Studio 2010; Tab and indent size should be separate settings as in previous VS versions

I just saw this post on Microsoft Connect(while browsing on /.) about combining tab and indent option into one in VS2010.
They say they did ask here. But I don't see 8 comments being enough.
I usually use the default setting but sometime(in fact rarely) I do use customs settings.
They provide code and say it's our job now to manage these settings.
Final response, for now, from Microsoft;
Thanks again to everyone who has voiced an opinion on this issue. I unfortunately have to reiterate what I posted earlier: we cannot revert the UI for this before RTM. It's too late in the product cycle and too close to the VS 2010 ship date. Had the team heard this feedback a few months ago, the discussion about what to do for VS 2010 RTM could potentially have been reopened; again, we did phase in this change gradually and poll a wide variety of internal and external users to make sure all points of view could be considered before making a final decision. We'll be revisiting this issue for future versions and possibly for a VS 2010 service pack if/when one is to be released, but for RTM we're simply out of time.
Why are they doing this? Anyone know?
Well, the answer appears to be in the thread for your first link:
It's unfortunately not as simple as finding someone who wants a feature to be a certain way. Merging these two options into one eliminated a class of bugs that originated from setting them differently; we didn't consider changing this simply because we felt one fewer text box would constitute a significant improvement. In the absence of a critical mass of users who voiced negative feedback, we made the decision to update the options.
And those 8 comments weren't the only feedback they got, apparently. Quoting yet again:
Regarding user feedback on the decision to merge these two options, we asked a wide variety of people and phased in the changes gradually. We blogged publicly about the potential change on the VS Editor blog (admittedly not the most widely-read VS blog, but readership was significant enough to generate discussion): http://blogs.msdn.com/vseditor/archive/2009/03/19/how-do-you-use-tab-size-and-indent-size.aspx. We solicited feedback from members of Microsoft's MVP program, who spend a lot of time in Visual Studio, and from many internal teams and developers who use Visual Studio. We also phased in the change gradually: for Beta 1, Indent Size was disabled/grayed out and always set to the same value as tab size. In the absence of negative customer feedback on this, we merged the Tab Size and Indent Size options into a single “Tab and indent size” option for Beta 2.
I'm not saying it's a good idea, just that Microsoft appears not to have just inflicted this on their users without at least some consultation. I'm no Microsoft fan-boy in case you think I'm an apologist, other than XP at work, I pretty much use al free software. It just seems to me they may not be totally in the wrong here. And I have had experiences with customers trying to get changes made to software late in the cycle - it's a royal PITA :-)
More worrying to me would be the comment from your second link:
Visual Studio 2010 can support multiple font faces and multiple font heights
Colour and italicise my code all you want, but you'll have to prise my beloved fixed width font from my cold dead hands!
And I've just noticed that MS went out of their way to actually give a workaround to those people who vehemently want the setting kept separate. The comment on the second link, dated Dec 16 2009, gives an editor extension that allows different values to be set for tabs and indents. This is pretty darn good service if you ask me.
EDIT: As you can now see on the Connect bug, we've split the settings back out and I went through and fixed up all the behavior issues with the split options (minus 3 or so bugs that were in the VS2008 implementation, mostly around un-indenting). It won't be patched into the RC, but it'll be there when VS2010 ships.
(I'm a developer on the Visual Studio editor team)
To be accurate, we didn't precisely remove the feature; one of the tradeoffs we made while writing this piece of the new editor was that the cost of reimplementing it, relative to the numerous other things we had to write and what we thought the benefit was, was going to be fairly high. However, we weren't convinced that we had an accurate idea of what the benefit was, so Brittany did all of the things she listed to try and get a better idea of the impact, and again and again we were met with people who really didn't care (the vast majority of people seem to use 4/4). So we disabled it in Beta 1, and didn't get much negative feedback. We removed the option completely in Beta 2, and still didn't get very much negative feedback until the last 2 weeks, at which point it has become too late for us to put it back in (for RTM, at least).
Also, it isn't just a matter of re-enabling the option in the dialog (though that is basically what Brittany's extension does), as the editor itself still doesn't consider indentation/tab size to be different settings (internally, there is just TabSizeOptionId). Though the language services, which generally are the clients that care most about these settings, should handle them correctly, the editor doesn't distinguish between the two, and will end up using the tab size setting in cases where the indent size setting should probably be used.
