Is it possible to add a 'pending' subscriber to Mailchimp via the API? - mailchimp

Here's what I'd like to do:
User completes sign up form on my app
My app sends the input data (email address, name, etc) to Mailchimp via the API, but with a status of 'pending'
My app sends an email to the user asking them to confirm their email address (essentially emulating the Mailchimp confirmation email)
User clicks link in confirmation email, which takes them back to a confirmation page in my app
My app updates the user's status in Mailchimp to 'subscribed' via the API
Essentially, I want to emulate Mailchimps standard confirmation process, but sending the emails from my own app.
The part that I don't know how to do (or don't know if it's possible) is the part where I add a new subscriber with a status of 'pending'.
Here's some further info that's not strictly relevant but may be of interest...
Why don't I just use the standard Mailchimp confirmation email?
The confirmation email needs to contain extra info, unique to each user, that Mailchimp will not have access to.
Why don't I collect all the data locally and then send it all to Mailchimp once the user has confirmed their email address?
For reasons I won't go into, the number and type of required fields will be unknown. At the point when the sign up form is displayed, I will request the list of fields from Mailchimp and display the necessary fields. It is possible that, between the time when the user initially completes the form and the time when the user confirms via email, the required fields will have been changed. If I try to submit the previously collected data to Mailchimp after the required fields have been changed, it will cause an error.
So I need to collect and submit all data to Mailchimp at the same time. And then simply 'switch on' that user in Mailchimp once (s)he has confirmed.
I hope I've provided enough info. If not, happy to provide more or clarify any points.

The internal "pending" status is not able to be managed manually like that. You can subscribe them using double opt-in and then later force them onto the "subscribed" list, but you can't stop them from getting MailChimp's own confirmation email.
One possible work-around would be to add an interest group or merge field that is populated by your system once you've confirmed the email address. You'd then create a saved segment for only confirmed users and make sure you only ever send to that segment and never the whole list.
Another possibility, if you use API v3.0 (which is currently only in beta), is to add them to your list as unsubscribed and then switch their status to "subscribed" once you've confirmed them. If you do this, be very careful that you're not re-subscribing users who unsubscribed or you could wind up in trouble.

This workflow is definitely 100% possible in the current (V3) of the API. Just set the "status" field on a member to "pending" and then to "subscribed".


How to get conversation id if we only have send-only permission of user outlook account?

Is it possible to get conversation id and message id of the messages sent by our app on behalf of the user who only given send only permission?
We want to send follow-up mails in the same conversation and there is no way we can do that without message id.
I'm afraid not. You need to have in order to find the message id and add to the conversation.
Also, it's important to note that the id is mutable and can change for any number of reasons (most commonly the mail item being moved to another folder). It is possible to get immutable identifiers for Outlook resources but this functionality is still in Preview so, for the time being, it really shouldn't be used in a production environment.

Mailchimp API - send update notification for existing subscribers

I have the following workflow using the Mailchimp API:
User is signing up on a form and uses the button "I want to opt in for the newsletter"
The User is posted to the Mailchimp API with status pending and receives a double-opt-in email
The User clicks on the confirm button and his status is changing to ```subscribed``
Now there is a chance, the user is coming back to another form in my app, but clicks again on the button "I want to opt in for the newsletter"
Now I have two possibilities:
My script is checking weather the user already exists on the list, in this case -> ignore and do nothing
My script triggers a Mailchimp "Update Details" Mailing which asks the user to update its details
1st case is easily doable with the Mailchimp API.
2nd case I know is possible via Mailchimp Widgets but I have not found anything in the API docu to trigger this update mailing.
I know about the different status: but nothing is reflecting this particular case ("User already subscribed").
I'd like to know how I can do that and how I can trigger an "update details" mailing via the API.
As far as I know and from what it sounds like you've seen as well there isn't a pre-built option or endpoint in place to trigger MC's update profile email.
But because this version of their email is essentially just a link to the existing subscribers list profile, one of the following workarounds might be worth a shot.
1) Use their API automation workflow option to send existing subscribers an email with their update profile link using the merge tag:
Doc on that Automation API endpoint:
Doc on update profile:
Alternatively if you'd like to try and serve subscribers their profile link right on your form after your script check in #2 that to could be done after retrieving:
the subscribers unique_email_id
and appending that hashed id to end of the lists specific Update profile URL as the value for e=
Which would lead them to their existing pre-filled update profile form:
E.g: http://mailchimp.{USX}{unique_email_id}
Your list specific URL sans the e= value can be obtained from using the update profile merge tag in their Campaign builder and using preview or sending yourself a test email.

Can I shut off the email confirmation subscription from MailChimp

I have a problem with the link with MailChimp. The problem is that MailChimp is sending an email to confirm subscription every time somebody is filling any kind of form. But, I don't want MailChimp to do that, because my prospects are not subscribing for newsletter (I mean, not each time they are filling a form). So, I'm afraid my prospects will run away when they will see that strange email in there inbox.
Is there a way to shut this email off ?
Thank you.
A confirmation is good to know that users exist or you want be sending it to people whose email addresses were bought but are no longer using them. Also buying an email list is not recommended (not saying you are), it will affect the deliverability of the campaign and not to mention complaints can cause black listing. Now having said that try and see if you can change the optin status from double to single (even if they give the option). I know dotmailer does/used to give an to change a user from double option to single optin.

Checking multiple lists for one email address in MailChimp API 3.0

In MailChimp API 2.0 there was a single command, helper/lists-for-email, that would return all of my lists that a particular email address was subscribed to.
I'm having trouble finding anything similar in MailChimp API 3.0.
We have our own page on our website for managing newsletter preferences, and we need to be able to have some of our list options pre-checked when a logged-in user looks at the list, based on which lists he is subscribed to. All I have been able to figure to do is to check the API for each list individually (10 different API calls) to see if a specific email address is subscribed, but this takes a very long time and I am concerned it may time out for some users depending on network traffic. Either way, it's so long that it's an awful user experience.
Is there one API 3.0 call I can make to find out which of my lists a user is subscribed to, like there was in 2.0?
There is now a solution using the following API:
You can include the "email" field to filter by a user's email.

Saving data in parse to a not yet existing user

I am new at programming. I am building sort of like an chat app and I am using Parse as a backend. I want to make it possible for an existing user to send a message to a non existing user if the user knows the non existing-users email. The non-existing user will then get notified by the app on his email that this person send him a message and that he needs to sign up to read the message, and here is the question:
Does Parse makes it possible to chain this message to the non-existing users email, so that when he signs up in the app with this specific email the specific message to this email will display?
Thanks in advance.
No, not exactly.
You can create the user with the appropriate e-mail address and a made up password. Once that user exists (and hence is saved) you can start to associate things with it. After that you can send an e-mail to the prospective new user allowing them to complete the registration (this is basically a password reset).
