Complexity of a particular divide and conquer algorithm - algorithm

An algorithm decomposes (divides) a problem of size n into b sub-problems each of size n/b where b is an integer. The cost of decomposition is n, and C(1)=1. Show, using repeated substitution, that for all values of 2≥b, the complexity of the algorithm is O(n lg n).
This is what I use for my initial equation C(n) = C(n/b) + n
and after k-steps of substituting I get C(n) = C(n/b^k) + n [summation(from i=0 to k-1) of (1/b)^i]
k = log(base b) n
I'm not sure I'm getting all of this right because when I finish doing this i don't get n lgn, anybody can help me figure out what to do?

I think your recurrence is wrong. Since there are b separate subproblems of size n/b, there should be a coefficient of b in front of the C(n / b) term. The recurrence should be
C(1) = 1
C(n) = b C(n/b) +O(n).
Using the Master Theorem, this solves to O(n log n). Another way to see this is that after expanding the recurrence k times, we get
C(n) = bk C(n / bk) + kn
This terminates when k = logb n. Plugging in that value of k and simplifying yields a value that is O(n log n).
Hope this helps!


Can this be approximated?

The time complexity of finding k largest element using min-heap is given as
O(k + (n-k)log k) as mentioned here link Can it be approximated to O((n-k) log k)?
Since O(N+Nlog(k))=O(Nlog(k)) is above approximation also true ?
No you can't simplify it like that. This can be shown with a few example values for k that are close to n:
k = n
Now the complexity is defined as: O(n + 0log n) = O(n). If you would have left out the first term of the sum, you would have ended of with O(0), which obviously is wrong.
k = n - 1
We get: O((n-1) + 1log(n-1)) = O(n + log(n)) = O(n). Without the first term, you would get O(log(n)), which again is wrong.

Solve recurrence relation using Master's method -> T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n^2 when n is even and T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n^3 when n is odd

T(n) ={ 2T(n/2) + n^2 when n is even and T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n^3 when n is odd
I solved this separately and i am getting the solution as theta(n^2) if n is even and theta(n^3) if n is odd from case 3 of master's theorem. But i am not supposed to solve this problem separately.
How to solve a recurrence relation like this together?
T(n) ={ 2T(n/2) + n^2 when n is even and T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n^3 when n is odd
Is it solvable by master's theorem or master's theorem does not apply?
Kindly help me with this.
Suppose n = 2^k for some integer k, so n equals to 100...00. Then you can apply master method the even part of the recurrence. and obtain theta(n^2).
Now suppose there is also 1 not in the most significant bit, e.g. 100100..00. So, you will have at least one level in your recursion-tree all nodes of which add up to n^3 * constant, and by this you obtain theta(n^3).
Thus, the answer is theta(n^2) if n is a power of two and theta(n^3) otherwise. But if we first encounter odd n and it is equal to a base case then it might not be cubic.
After some chatting with kelalaka it came to me that if first 1 is k-th from the right in n then if k > (2/3)(1/lg 2)lg n, we don't care any more about (n/2^k)^3. It is still O(n^2).

Algorithm complexity, solving recursive equation

I'm taking Data Structures and Algorithm course and I'm stuck at this recursive equation:
T(n) = logn*T(logn) + n
obviously this can't be handled with the use of the Master Theorem, so I was wondering if anybody has any ideas for solving this recursive equation. I'm pretty sure that it should be solved with a change in the parameters, like considering n to be 2^m , but I couldn't manage to find any good fix.
The answer is Theta(n). To prove something is Theta(n), you have to show it is Omega(n) and O(n). Omega(n) in this case is obvious because T(n)>=n. To show that T(n)=O(n), first
Pick a large finite value N such that log(n)^2 < n/100 for all n>N. This is possible because log(n)^2=o(n).
Pick a constant C>100 such that T(n)<Cn for all n<=N. This is possible due to the fact that N is finite.
We will show inductively that T(n)<Cn for all n>N. Since log(n)<n, by the induction hypothesis, we have:
T(n) < n + log(n) C log(n)
= n + C log(n)^2
< n + (C/100) n
= C * (1/100 + 1/C) * n
< C/50 * n
< C*n
In fact, for this function it is even possible to show that T(n) = n + o(n) using a similar argument.
This is by no means an official proof but I think it goes like this.
The key is the + n part. Because of this, T is bounded below by o(n). (or should that be big omega? I'm rusty.) So let's assume that T(n) = O(n) and have a go at that.
Substitute into the original relation
T(n) = (log n)O(log n) + n
= O(log^2(n)) + O(n)
= O(n)
So it still holds.

How do you calculate the big oh of the binary search algorithm?

I'm looking for the mathematical proof, not just the answer.
The recurrence relation of binary search is (in the worst case)
T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1)
Using Master's theorem
n is the size of the problem.
a is the number of subproblems in the recursion.
n/b is the size of each subproblem. (Here it is assumed that all subproblems are essentially the same size.)
f (n) is the cost of the work done outside the recursive calls, which includes the cost of dividing the problem and the cost of merging the solutions to the subproblems.
Here a = 1, b = 2 and f(n) = O(1) [Constant]
We have f(n) = O(1) = O(nlogba)
=> T(n) = O(nlogba log2 n)) = O(log2 n)
The proof is quite simple: With each recursion you halve the number of remaining items if you’ve not already found the item you were looking for. And as you can only divide a number n recursively into halves at most log2(n) times, this is also the boundary for the recursion:
2·2·…·2·2 = 2x ≤ n ⇒ log2(2x) = x ≤ log2(n)
Here x is also the number of recursions. And with a local cost of O(1) it’s O(log n) in total.

Clarification on FFT

I know there is something wrong with the following reasoning but I'm not sure what it is.
The FFT:
given two polynomials
A = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 + ... + a_n x^n
B = b_0 + b_1 x + b_2 x^2 + ... + b_n x^n
you can compute the coefficients of the product
AB = \sum _k = 0 ^ 2n ( \sum _ j = 0 ^ k (a_j b_{k-j}))x^k
in O(n log n ) time.
So given two vectors (a_0, ..., a_n) and (b_0, ..., b_n) we can calculate
the vector v_i = \sum j = 0 ^ k ( a_j b_{k-j}) in O(n log n) time (by embedding the vectors in zeros.)
Given the above, we should be able to calculate the dot product of A =(a_0, ..., a_n) and B =(b_0, ..., b_n) which is A.B = \sum_j=0 ^ n a_j b_j in O(n log n) time by preprocessing one of the vectors say B to be B' = (b_n, b_{n-1}, ..., b_1, b_0) then computing the convolution as in 2. in O(n log n) time.
If the above reasoning is correct, then that means we can implement Matrix Multiplication of two nxn matrices in O(n^2 log n ) time by computing the dot product in O(n log n) time O(n) times.
However, the best run-time for matrix multiplication we know is about O(n^2.4) so this seems unlikely to be true, which probably means of of the steps 1,2, or 3 is incorrect.
There are n^2 entries in the product, not n and so this algorithm would be O(n^2 * n * log n) = O(n^3 log n).
And the best algorithm for computing dot products is O(n), not O(n log n). That's why the naive algorithm for matrix multiplication is O(n^3). (It's n^2 dot products that can be done in O(n) time).
I wonder why it is an achievement that in step 3 you can calculate the dot product in O(n log n) time as it is well known that dot product can be calculated in O(n) time? Also step 2 looks like linear time instead of O(n log n) step?
Also the conclusion about O(n^2 log n) does not follow logically. You can't take the dot product O(n) times resulting in the AB matrix---as far as I know you have to take O(n^2) dot products, leading to (per your analysis) O(n^3 log n) which is inferior to standard O(n^3). This is because of your strange O(n log n) dot product result.
