coordinates in front of me (webgl / opengl) - opengl-es

I'm learning webgl and I've been stuck on this problem for half a day.
I'm moving into my scene this way :
mat4.rotate(mvMatrix, degToRad(-angle), [0, 1, 0]);
mat4.translate(mvMatrix, [-currentX, 0, -currentZ]);
How am I supposed to get the coordinates (x/z) of a point in front of me (let's say 10 units) ?

Modelview matrix is the matrix the transforms from model local space to view space. Now a point "10 units in front of you" can be anywhere, depending on the space you're interested in. But say you want to know where a point 10 units in front of you was located in model space. Well, nothing as simple as that.
The point 10 units in front of the viewer is located in view space at (0,0,-10). So all you have to do now is applying the inverse transform, i.e. multiply that vector with the inverse ov mvMatrix:
mat4.inverse(mvMatrix) * vec4(0,0,-10,1);
If you wonder where the last 1 element comes from and why a 4 element vector is used for a 3 dimensional coordinate (which is something you should really wonder about) have a read about homogenous coordinates.


Plumb bob camera distortion in Three.js

I'm trying to replicate a real-world camera within Three.js, where I have the camera's distortion specified as parameters for a "plumb bob" model. In particular I have P, K, R and D as specified here:
If I understand everything correctly, I want to set up Three to do the translation from "X" on the right, to the "input image" in the top left. One approach I'm considering is making a Three.js Camera of my own, setting the projectionMatrix to ... something involving K and D. Does this make sense? What exactly would I set it to, considering K and D are specified as 1 dimensional arrays, of length 9 and 5 respectively. I'm a bit lost how to combine all the numbers :(
I notice in this answer that there are complicated things necessary to render straight lines as curved, they way they would be with certain camera distortions (like a fish eye lens). I do not need that for my purposes if that is more complicated. Simply rendering each vertex is the correct spot is sufficient.
This document shows the step by step derivation of the camera matrix (Matlab reference).
So, yes. You can calculate the matrix using this procedure and use that to map the real-world 3D point to 2D output image.

Game Maker - Touch Event

I´m making my first game in Game Maker.
In the game i need to the user to draw a figure, for example a rectangle, and the game has to recognize the figure. How can i do this?
Well, that is a pretty complex task. To simplify it, you could ask him to place a succession of points, using the mouse coordinates in the click event, and automatically connect them with lines. If you store every point in the same ds_list structure, you will be able to check conditions of angle, distance, etc. This way, you can determine the shape. May I ask why you want to do this ?
The way I would solve this problem is pretty simple. I would create a few variables for each point when someone clicked on one of the points it would equal true. and wait for the player to click on the next point. If the player clicked on the next point i would call in a sprite as a line using image_angle to line both points up and wait for the player to click the next point.
Next I would have a step event waiting to see if all points were clicked and when they were then to either draw a triangle at those coordinates or place an sprite at the correct coordinates to fill in the triangle.
Another way you could do it would be to decide what those points would be and check against mouse_x, and mouse_y to see if that was a point and if it was then do as above. There are many ways to solve this problem. Just keep trying you will find one that works for your skill level and what you want to do.
You need to use draw_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, outline) function. As for recognition of the figure, use point_in_rectangle(px, py, x1, y1, x2, y2).
I'm just wondering around with ideas cause i can't code right now. But listen to this, i think this could work.
We suppose that the user must keep his finger on touchscreen or an event is triggered and all data from the touch event is cleaned.
I assume that in future you could need to recognize other simple geometrical figures too.
1 : Set a fixed amount of pixels of movement defined dependent on the viewport dimension (i'll call this constant MOV from now on), for every MOV you store in a buffer (pointsBuf) the coordinates of the point where the finger is.
2 : Everytime a point is stored you calculate the average of either X and Y coordinates for every point. (Hold the previous average and a counter to reduce time complexity). Comparing them we now can know the direction and versus of the line. Store them in a 2D buffer (dirVerBuf).
3 : If a point is "drastically" different from the most plain average between the X and Y coordinates we can assume that the finger changed direction. This is where the test part of MOV comes critical, we must assure to calculate an angle now. Since only a Parkinsoned user would make really distorted lines we can assume at 95% that we're safe to take the 2nd point that didn't changed the average of the coordinate as vertex and let's say the last and the 2nd point before vertex to calculate the angle. You have now one angle. Test the best error margin of the user to find if the angle is about to be a 90, 60, 45, ecc.. degrees angle. Store in a new buffer (angBuf)
4 : Delete the values from pointsBuf and repeat step 2 and 3 until the user's finger leaves the screen.
5 : if four of the angles are of 90 degrees, the 4 versus and two of the directions are different, the last point is somewhat near (depending from MOV) the first angle stored and the two X lines and the Y lines are somewhat equal, but of different length between them, then you can connect the 4 angles using the four best values next to the 4 coordinates to make perfect rectangular shape.
It's late and i could have forgotten something, but with this method i think you could even figure out a triangle, a circle, ecc..
With just some edit and confronting.
EDIT: If you are really lazy you could instead use a much more space complexity heavy strategy. Just create a grid of rectangles or even triangles of a fixed dimension and check which one the finger has touched, connect their centers after you'have figured out the shape, obviously ignoring the "touched for mistake" ones. This would be extremely easy to draw even circles using the native functions. Gg.

Translate - Rotate - Translate Back using XMMATRIX

If all I know is an object's World matrix (because its x/y/z position is not tracked, which would be easier), how do I go about rotating it around it's center?
If I knew the location, it'd be about as simple as something like this:
XMMATRIX world = pMissile->GetWorldMatrix();
XMMATRIX matrixTranslation = XMMatrixTranslationFromVector(pMissile->GetPosition());
XMMATRIX matrixInvTranslations = XMMatrixInverse(nullptr, matrixTranslation);
float rotationAmount = (60 * XMConvertToRadians((float)fElapsedTime / 2.0f));
XMMATRIX missileWorld = world *
* XMMatrixRotationX(rotationAmount)
* XMMatrixRotationY(rotationAmount)
* XMMatrixRotationZ(rotationAmount)
* matrixTranslation;
Unfortunately, since I don't know the position, I'm not sure what to do. Basically I need to be able to get the "Translate back to the origin" from just the world matrix. Before I start pulling elements out of the matrix, there must be a DirectX or DirectXTK function to do this, no?
Currently I'm decomposing the matrix to get it:
XMVECTOR vectorTranslation, vectorScale, rotationQuat;
XMMatrixDecompose(&vectorScale, &rotationQuat, &vectorTranslation, world)
If that's the right/best way, let me know!
Somewhat tangentially, as you can see I use an inverse of the translation to "move it back" to where it was originally before I translated it to the origin for rotation. A lot of samples skip this - is there something I'm missing in that you don't -need- to translate back at the end?
XMMatrixDecompose is the correct, fully general way to get the elements of an arbitrary transformation matrix. The computation is expensive, so most folks make assumptions about what's in the matrix--because they control it at all points. For example, avoiding non-uniform scaling can really simplify things.
Many games exclusively use rotation and translation, and avoid scaling or at least avoid non-uniform scaling. You can quickly compute the inverse from such matrices by just transposing the upper 3x3 elements and then negating the x, y, and z elements of the last row.
If you know your matrix only contains a rotation and translation, and never contains scale, then the rotation matrix is just the upper 3x3 elements. As long as your matrix is homogenous (i.e. the last column is [0 0 0 1]), you can just read out the translation from the last row: world.r[3] should be (x, y, z, 1).
If you are new to DirectXMath, you should consider using the SimpleMath wrapper in the DirectX Tool Kit. It handles the alignment complexities a bit more automatically, and includes handy helpers like Matrix::Translation which just extracts the equivalent world.r[3] x, y, and z.

XNA 2D Camera loosing precision

I have created a 2D camera (code below) for a top down game. Everything works fine when the players position is close to 0.0x and 0.0y.
Unfortunately as distance increases the transform seems to have problems, at around 0.0x 30e7y (yup that's 30 million y) the camera starts to shudder when the player moves (the camera gets updated with the player position at the end of each update) At really big distances, a billion + the camera wont even track the player, as I'm guessing what ever error is in the matrix is amplified by too much.
My question is: Is there either a problem in the matrix, or is this standard behavior for extreme numbers.
Camera Transform Method:
public Matrix getTransform()
Matrix transform;
transform = (Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-position.X, -position.Y, 0)) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) * Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(zoom, zoom, 1.0f)) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3((viewport.Width / 2.0f), (viewport.Height / 2.0f), 0)));
return transform;
Camera Update Method:
This requests the objects position given it's ID, it returns a basic Vector2 which is then set as the cameras position.
if (camera.CameraMode == Camera2D.Mode.Track && cameraTrackObject != Guid.Empty)
If any one can see an error or enlighten me as to why the matrix struggles I would be most grateful.
I have actually found the reason for this, it was something I should have thought of.
I'm using single precision floating points, which only have precision to 7 digits. That's fine for smaller numbers (up to around the 2.5 million mark I have found). Anything over this and the multiplication functions in the matrix start to gain precision errors as the floats start to truncate.
The best solution for my particular problem is to introduce some artificial scaling (I need the very large numbers as the simulation is set in space). I have limited my worlds to 5 million units squared (+/- 2.5 million units) and will come up with another way of granulating the world.
I also found a good answer about this here:
Vertices shaking with large camera position values
And a good article that discusses floating points in more detail:
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Thank you for the views and comments!!

Fastest way to to take coordinates from model space, to canonical coordinates space in OpenGL ES 2.0

Like many 3d graphical programs, I have a bunch of objects that have their own model coordinates (from -1 to 1 in x, y, and z axis). Then, I have a matrix that takes it from model coordinates to world coordinates (using the location, rotation, and scale of the object being drawn). Finally, I have a second matrix to turn those world coordinates into canonical coordinates that OopenGL ES 2.0 will use to draw to the screen.
So, because one object can contain many vertices, all of which use the same transform into both world space, and canonical coordinates, it's faster to calculate the product of those two matrices once, and put each vertex through the resulting matrix, rather than putting each vertex through both matrices.
But, as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a way in OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders to have it calculate the matrix once, and keep using it until the one of the two matrices used until glUniformMatrix4fv() (or another function to set a uniform) is called. So it seems like the only way to calculate the matrix once would be to do it on the CPU, and then result to the GPU using a uniform. Otherwise, when something like:
gl_Position = uProjection * uMV * aPosition;
it will calculate it over and over again, which seems like it would waste time.
So, which way is usually considered standard? Or is there a different way that I am completely missing? As far as I could tell, the shader used to implement the OpenGL ES 1.1 pipeline in the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide only used one matrix, so is that used more?
First, the correct OpenGL term for "canonical coordinates" is clip space.
Second, it should be this:
gl_Position = uProjection * (uMV * aPosition);
What you posted does a matrix/matrix multiply followed by a matrix/vector multiply. This version does 2 matrix/vector multiplies. That's a substantial difference.
You're using shader-based hardware; how you handle matrices is up to you. There is nothing that is "considered standard"; you do what you best need to do.
That being said, unless you are doing lighting in model space, you will often need some intermediary between model space and 4D homogeneous clip-space. This is the space you transform the positions and normals into in order to compute the light direction, dot(N, L), and so forth.
Personally, I wouldn't suggest world space for reasons that I explain thoroughly here. But whether it's world space, camera space, or something else, you will generally have some intermediate space that you need positions to be in. At which point, the above code becomes necessary, and thus there is no time wasted.
