Cocos2dx error compile using XCode - xcode

I just download new Cocos2d-x version 2.1.5. And try the new feature by generate project for all platform by calling "".
All project platform created successfully, and try Android and windows platform and it works properly.
But i have an error when running on my XCode. Here the error i got
Please let me know if anyone know how to fix it.
Thanks a lot.


Getting 'Selected scheme "iosApp" does not support "iphonesimulator"' error for Kotlin Multiplatform

I am trying to run the initial example apps generated by the Kotlin Multi Platform Mobile plugin in Android Studio. I followed these steps for my environment setup. The Android Simulator runs correctly, but the iPhone Simulator does not. The Run Configuration has the following error:
Error: Selected scheme "iosApp" does not support "iphonesimulator"
When I run the configuration (ignoring the error), the iPhone simulator does open and appears to load iOS, but it never loads the "Hello, iOS" application that is in Android Studio.
What would cause this?
Version Information:
macOS 12.2.1
Android Studio 2021.1.1 Patch 2
Xcode 13.3
I fixed it with the following method.
Please close the Android Studio.
Go to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ folder and delete com.jetbrains.AppCode.BridgeService.plist there.
Launch Android Studio with the KMM plugin again. It should work now.
From my tests, it seems that there may be multiple reasons for which we receive this error:
the root folder of the ios project has a different name than the .xcodeproject file. Sometimes it works even if they are different and maybe it matters if we change this name after the frameworks was already connected to the iOS project.
"Other linker flags" were manually copied and they were not copied using the copy button from the Connect the framework to your iOS project. This results to wrong data like:
instead of
I managed to fix this by going into Edit Configurations on Android Studio and choosing the location of my XCode project file again. I believe this is an error of the KMM plugin in Android Studio and has yet to be fixed.
Updating Android Studio and KMM plugin worked for me.

Xamarin.iOS project not building after Firebase.Crashlytics upgrade

When I try to build my iOS project I get the following error:
Could not decompress the native framework 'FirebaseInstallations.framework' from '/Users/user188959/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/TestApp.iOS/cc2e7be6a53e530c6acb7d83641ed73c09b7e9dc20fc89349f358d22430aaf4f/obj/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/mtouch-cache/
My iOS build Linker Behaviour is Link Framework SDKs Only. I have tried to delete bin & obj folders, clean & build and also restart Visual Studio, nothing seems to work and I really need to get over this hurdle. All help is much appreciated, thanks.
It only happens after my upgrade of Firebase Crashlytics from to 4.6.2
I've had a similar issue.
Updating Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.InstanceID and after that all Xamarin.Firebase.iOS libraries solved it for me.

Xamarin UITest for Android: POST Failed

With my project upon running UI Tests I get POST Failed error. I can't figure what is the cause of the problem. UITests Post Failed in Xamarin.forms, related to the same issue did not help.
On an actual device I get Instrumentation backend app installed (it runs as a server for UI Tests). But I am still getting POST Failed error.
How to fix this issue?
The problem is related to the Android OS version.
Instrumentation backend application does not work properly on new android os-es.
I created a simulator with older Android OS (Android 6.0 Marshmallow).
And ran UITests with this simulator selected in Visual Studio.
And all things worked.
Hope it will help someone who struggles with the same issue.
Old school things are better than new ones.

Rider 2018.1 iOS simulator not running after build

I have a Xamarin iOS and Android project with a dotnet standard 2.0 library that is being shared between the two operating systems. When trying to run my iOS project, the project build fine and doesn't give any errors but Rider cannot seem to deploy it to a simulator.
I will give the following error:
I thought it could be the problem what is described here, but that did not help. When running the project in VS on MacOs, the iOS project also build and runs on a simulator.
Failed to load Xamarin Forms project with .NET Standard 2.0 Lib in Rider
Can anyone help me trying to fix this, please?
You are not the only one with this problem, the problem is already reported multiple time in Riders issue tracker:
According to the last issue, it's fixed in Rider 2018.2, which will probably be released pretty soon.

XCode 7.2 and Unity 5.3.0f iOS build issue

After several attempts at downloading 5.3.1 version of Unity3D, and not being able to do it successfully, ended up downloading 5.3.0 version from the torrents link pointed to by the unity3d download page.
Now have the environment setup to 5.3.0 of Unity 3D and XCode 7.2
Downloaded the cardboard unitypackage as specified in the link #
When I imported the package, I got a bunch of errors but was able to fix them by moving the required files into the MonoDevelop IDE.
Now I exported this as an iOS project using build settings, it did create a folder with iOS corresponding code. However seeing the following issues, which I've been trying to fix since 3 days. Tried several alternatives like switching to different versions etc, tampering with Build Settings on XCode but no luck. Can anyone please help me?
