Fetch friends count using Odnoklassniki API in Ruby - ruby

looking for working solution to Fetch friends count using Odnoklassniki API in Ruby
tried to use lemur and school_friend gems without success
require 'school_friend'
SchoolFriend.application_id = '193320768'
SchoolFriend.application_key = 'CBALsdsASDBA'
SchoolFriend.secret_key = 'A3AA9342CR47DA4BC315'
SchoolFriend.api_server = 'http://api.odnoklassniki.ru'
puts SchoolFriend.users.is_app_user(:uid => '571931088692')
{"error_code"=>100, "error_data"=>nil, "error_msg"=>"PARAM : Missed required parameter: access_token"}
even i specify access_token as mentioned in docs like that:
session = SchoolFriend.session(:access_token => 'token_from_oauth2_client')
{"error_code"=>100, "error_data"=>nil, "error_msg"=>"PARAM : Missed required parameter: access_token"}
i still get same error

Becouse odnoklassniki api requires access token
your request to this api should be like
I'm use lemur and for me it works fine
i'm initialize it like
odnoklassniki = Lemur::API.new(APP_SECRET, Public_key, Access_token, APP_ID)
where APP_SECRET, Public_key and APP_ID you have after registration your app
Access_token you have after use sign in to odnoklassniki via omniauth
and then i can call api method like
odnoklassniki.get(method: 'friends.get')
this returns something like that
["55726542234", "32131394541", "532139395874", "94691213891"]


How to validate url which is used to register resource using rest api?

How to validate url which is used to register resource using REST API?
For example:
REST API POST http://xyz.wt.com:7001/rd?endpoint=node1&domain=D&EXTRA=qsjoiusswq2
In this I need to validate that the URL contains info only about endpoint and domain, EXTRA is useless, and how to find is there any extra info end user is passing?
For most programming languages there are libraries to parse URLs.
For Python, you could use urllib.parse.urlparse and urllib.parse.parse_qs:
import urllib
url = "http://xyz.wt.com:7001/rd?endpoint=node1&domain=D&EXTRA=qsjoiusswq2"
result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(result.query)
keys = set(urllib.parse.parse_qs(result.query).keys())
print(keys == {"domain", "endpoint"}
{'endpoint': ['node1'], 'EXTRA': ['qsjoiusswq2'], 'domain': ['D']}
{'EXTRA', 'domain', 'endpoint'}
So you keys in the query are not what you expect.

Reading Withings API ruby

I have been trying for days to pull down activity data from the Withings API using the OAuth Ruby gem. Regardless of what method I try I consistently get back a 503 error response (not enough params) even though I copied the example URI from the documentation, having of course swapped out the userid. Has anybody had any luck with this in the past. I hope it is just something stupid I am doing.
class Withings
CONFIGURATION = { site: 'https://oauth.withings.com', request_token_path: '/account/request_token',
access_token_path: '/account/access_token', authorize_path: '/account/authorize' }
before do
#consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new API_KEY, API_SECRET, CONFIGURATION
#base_url ||= "#{request.env['rack.url_scheme']}://#{request.env['HTTP_HOST']}#{request.env['SCRIPT_NAME']}"
get '/' do
#request_token = #consumer.get_request_token oauth_callback: "#{#base_url}/access_token"
session[:token] = #request_token.token
session[:secret] = #request_token.secret
redirect #request_token.authorize_url
get '/access_token' do
#request_token = OAuth::RequestToken.new #consumer, session[:token], session[:secret]
#access_token = #request_token.get_access_token oauth_verifier: params[:oauth_verifier]
session[:token] = #access_token.token
session[:secret] = #access_token.secret
session[:userid] = params[:userid]
redirect "#{#base_url}/activity"
get '/activity' do
#access_token = OAuth::AccessToken.new #consumer, session[:token], session[:secret]
response = #access_token.get("http://wbsapi.withings.net/v2/measure?action=getactivity&userid=#{session[:userid]}&startdateymd=2014-01-01&enddateymd=2014-05-09")
For other API endpoints I get an error response of 247 - The userid provided is absent, or incorrect. This is really frustrating. Thanks
So I figured out the answer after copious amount of Googleing and grasping a better understanding of both the Withings API and the OAuth library I was using. Basically Withings uses query strings to pass in API parameters. I though I was going about passing these parameters correctly when I was making API calls, but apparently I needed to explicitly set the OAuth library to use the query string scheme, like so
http_method: :get, scheme: :query_string
This is appended to my OAuth consumer configuration and all worked fine immediately.

Using Stored Twitter access_tokens with Twitterizer

I am using C3 & the latest twitterizer api. I have managed to get the user to authenticate & authorize my twitter application after which I persist only the access_token, access_token_secret and access_token_verifier.
The problem I have now is that when the user returns ( at a later stage, cookies removed / expired ), they identify themselves using our own credentials system, and then I attempt to see if their twitter credentials are still valid. I do this by calling the following method
OAuthTokens t = new OAuthTokens();
t.ConsumerKey = "XXX"; // my applications key
t.ConsumerSecret = "XXX";// my applications secret
t.AccessToken = "XXX";// the users token from the DB
t.AccessTokenSecret = "XXX";//the users secret from the DB
TwitterResponse<TwitterUser> resp = TwitterAccount.VerifyCredentials(tokens);
This is the error I get : "error":"Could not authenticate with OAuth.","request":"/1/account/verify_credentials.json"
I know my tokens are valid because if I call this method :
TwitterResponse<TwitterUser> showUserResponse = TwitterUser.Show(tokens, CORRECT_SCREEN_NAME_HERE);
with my screen name passed in and the same OAuth tokens, it returns correctly.
Any Ideas?
C# -> v4.0.30319
Twitterizer ->
In your code, you're defining tokens as t, but when you call VerifyCredentials you're passing it tokens. Is that just an error in your sample code?

Generating Paypal Signature, 'X-PAYPAL-AUTHORIZATION' in Ruby

Is there any library in Ruby that generates the Signature, 'X-PAYPAL-AUTHORIZATION' header that is required to make calls on behalf of the account holder who has authorized us through the paypal Permissions API.
I am done with the permissions flow and get the required access token, tokenSecret. I feel I am generating the signature incorrectly as all my calls with the the generated 'X-PAYPAL-AUTHORIZATION' fail. They give the following errors:
For NVP call I get:
You do not have permissions to make this API call
And for the GetBasicPersonalData call I get:
Authentication failed. API credentials are incorrect.
Has anyone gone through this in Ruby? What is best way to generate signature. Paypal has just provided some SDK in Paypal, Java, but not the algorithm to generate signature.
Take a look at the PayPal Permissions gem.
Specifically lib/paypal_permissions/x_pp_authorization.rb
require 'cgi'
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'
class Hash
def to_paypal_permissions_query
collect do |key, value|
end.sort * '&'
module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc:
module Billing #:nodoc:
module XPPAuthorization
def x_pp_authorization_header url, api_user_id, api_password, access_token, access_token_verifier
timestamp = Time.now.to_i.to_s
signature = x_pp_authorization_signature url, api_user_id, api_password, timestamp, access_token, access_token_verifier
{ 'X-PAYPAL-AUTHORIZATION' => "token=#{access_token},signature=#{signature},timestamp=#{timestamp}" }
def x_pp_authorization_signature url, api_user_id, api_password, timestamp, access_token, access_token_verifier
# no query params, but if there were, this is where they'd go
query_params = {}
key = [
params = query_params.dup.merge({
"oauth_consumer_key" => api_user_id,
"oauth_version" => "1.0",
"oauth_signature_method" => "HMAC-SHA1",
"oauth_token" => access_token,
"oauth_timestamp" => timestamp,
sorted_query_string = params.to_paypal_permissions_query
base = [
base = base.gsub /%([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])/ do
"%#{$1.downcase}#{$2.downcase}" # hack to match PayPal Java SDK bit for bit
digest = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', key, base)
# The PayPalURLEncoder java class percent encodes everything other than 'a-zA-Z0-9 _'.
# Then it converts ' ' to '+'.
# Ruby's CGI.encode takes care of the ' ' and '*' to satisfy PayPal
# (but beware, URI.encode percent encodes spaces, and does nothing with '*').
# Finally, CGI.encode does not encode '.-', which we need to do here.
def paypal_encode str
s = str.dup
CGI.escape(s).gsub('.', '%2E').gsub('-', '%2D')
Sample parameters:
url = 'https://svcs.sandbox.paypal.com/Permissions/GetBasicPersonalData'
api_user_id = 'caller_1234567890_biz_api1.yourdomain.com'
api_password = '1234567890'
access_token = 'YJGjMOmTUqVPlKOd1234567890-jdQV3eWCOLuCQOyDK1234567890'
access_token_verifier = 'PgUjnwsMhuuUuZlPU1234567890'
The X-PAYPAL-AUTHORIZATION header [is] generated with URL "https://svcs.paypal.com/Permissions/GetBasicPersonalData". (see page 23, and chapter 7, at the link)
NVP stating "You do not have permissions to make this API call" means your API credentials are correct, just that your account does not have permission for the particular API you are trying to call. Something between the two calls you are submitting is not using the same API credentials.
For NVP call I get:
What NVP call?
TransactionSearch (see comments below)
Also, if you haven't already done so, you will want to use the sandbox APP-ID for testing in the sandbox, and you will need to apply for an app-id with Developer Technical Services (DTS) at PayPal to get an App-ID for live.
To use the TransactionSearch API, all you should be submitting is below. You do not need to specify any extra headers.
//And for submitting API calls on bob's behalf, if his PayPal email was bob#bob.com:

Using Ruby + OAuth to access Yelp API

I just getting started with OAuth, and I tried to make a small client to connect to some webservices... I tried twitter and it worked like a charm, however, I also tried to access Yelp V2 API (following their Python example) but I always get back as an answers:
HTTP 400 Bad Request
Missing parameter: oauth_consumer_key
Here's my code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'oauth'
consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new( CONSUMER_KEY,SECRET, {:site => "http://api.yelp.com", :signature_method => "HMAC-SHA1", :scheme => :header})
access_token = OAuth::AccessToken.new( consumer, TOKEN,TOKEN_SECRET)
p access_token.get("/v2/search?location=new+york").body
Regardless to say, that code works with twitter API without any problem (I actually followed twitter's example code)
Cheers and thanks in advance,
Use :query_string instead of :header and everything will work (at least for me).
Same code, using Signet:
require 'signet/oauth_1/client'
client = Signet::OAuth1::Client.new(
:consumer_key => 'MY_CONSUMER_KEY',
:consumer_secret => 'MY_CONSUMER_SECRET',
:access_token_key => 'MY_TOKEN_KEY',
:access_token_secret => 'MY_TOKEN_SECRET'
response = client.fetch_protected_resource(
:uri => 'http://api.yelp.com/v2/search?location=new+york'
# The Rack response format is used here
status, headers, body = response
p body
As per the Yelp documentation, the OAuth parameters do not have to be passed in the query string. The fact that the accepted answer resolved the issue indicates to me that there's probably a bug in the oauth gem causing this.
