Prawn: how to remove all borders from a table? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working with Prawn gem and creating a table. I want to remove all its borders. I can't find this facility in the documentation.
How do I do that?

Here is the documentation for the prawn gem tables.
According to the "Constructor Details" section, you can pass a variety of :border_<x> options to the constructor... I'd suggest trying to pass a value of :border_width => 0 to your table constructor. (note: not tested - try it yourself and see what happens)


how to capture text from a web page with ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am running an automated test script written in Ruby in which I get a result page, I would like to capture some of the text on the page and print them in a file. Can anyone assist with this effort?
Like the comments say, use Nokogiri.
Install it with gem install nokogiri.
To print the first top-level heading from
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
puts doc.css("h1").first
For more information on finding the text you want, try this guide

Ruby function titled inflect [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Here is ruby code:
[:val1, :val2, :val3].each do |method_name|
define_method(met_n) do |param1, param2|
inflect(param1, param2, SOME_CONST[met_n.to_s])
It's not mine code. I tried to figure out what inflect is, but I failed, although it should be a standard ruby function.
So how is it defined or where do I find a documentation about it?
inflect isn't a standard ruby function. This must be part of someone else's API.

Visualize an OWL file with Gruff [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I load an OWL file in Gruff? It's not clear in the tutorials. I have a file, camera.owl. I need to display this in Gruff and view a graph of it.
I found the answer to this question myself. You need to look under the file menu. File > Load Triples > RDF/XML > File .... Thank you.

what is the command object in spring framework [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Could you please explain about command object in spring frame work with an example?
from Spring Documentation:
Command Object - a JavaBean which will be populated with the data from your forms
Think of Command Object as a POJO/JavaBean/etc.. that backs the form in your presentation layer.
Once the form is submitted, all the individual attributes are mapped/bound to this object. On the way up to presentation, Command Object properties may be used to pre/populate the form.
check an example here

Links contains #, would it affect SEO? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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If i have such links in my site (i am using mvcsitemap):
If i want to submit site map to google for example, should i use the links with # in mysite XML sitemap? or better not to use them in sitemap XML?
Because in such case there would be 3 links to the same resource as i understand and it is not so good for SEO? could some one correct me if i am wrong.
As far as I know so far, hashes will be ignored by most of the search engines and they have no use for SEO. It is user more for internal page navigation or some sort of JavaScript actions.
