New to Oracle SQL developer - oracle

I installed Oracle SQL developer on my personal computer.
I want to create my own tables in it and work on them.
But, when I try to make the basic connection, it gives an error below
"network adapter could not make the connection".
Can someone please give a detailed explanation about how can I create my own tables and what I should do to connect to some database?

You have to install Oracle database to create your own tables. You can download Oracle XE from this link.
For a detailed explanation about how to connect to a database, this tutorial comes first when you google it.

This answer is for windows user. And assume that you have installed oracle database, as answered.
Open cmd: (win+r, input cmd, enter).
run command:
sqlplus / as sysdba
create a tablespace:
create tablespace <tablespace-name>
create user:
Create user <username> identified by <password> default tablespace <tablespace-name> quota unlimited on <tablespace-name>;
open oracle sql developer, and add a link with the information in step 4. Link type should be set as local! Link type should be set as local! This may be the direct answer to your question.
Now you could run sql shell in sql developer.


Oracle Database Backup in DBeaver

I am new to Oracle databases. I have installed DBeaver (never used this before too) to connect to the database.
I have created a connection (which I believe is called database) and now I am able to see the database tables and everything. How do I take the backup of the Oracle Database in DBeaver so I can use it locally for test purposes before making any change on live database?
I can't find any option to take the backup of connection/database.
To do a proper backup of your Oracle Database, you should use the oracle provided utility, Recovery Manager. It's a command line interface that's called from your DB server shell prompt via 'RMAN'
You can also use Data Pump to export all or part of a database that can be used to import to another database...not really used for recovery of an existing database.
I'm not aware of your tool having interfaces for either of these Oracle features.
You might not need a backup at all for your needs, take a look at Oracle Flashback Technology.
DBeaver does not support oracle database export import. See details here:
You need to run the sqlplus tool to create a folder where oracle is going to import/export database dumps. Login should happen as sys as sysdba and enter the password you previously entered during database server installation. Example:
sqlplus sys/[your password] as sysdba
After you successfully logged into sqlplus run the following command (don't forget to set to a different folder that you prefer to use):
create or replace directory DATA_PUMP_DIR as 'D:\Database Backups';
Once this is done exit from sqlplus and enter the following command into the command line (again no sqlplus should be used here)
expdp sys/[your password]#localhost:1521/[listener name] file=your-database-dump-file.dmp owner=[your schema]
Once this is done and finished you can zip your database dump if you would like to upload it somewhere else. (I had 9 GB dump and the zipped size was 1.6 GB)

ORA-01219 - "database or pluggable database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables or views only"

I've just installed oracle database 18c on my windows 10 machine. Then I used Oracle SQL Developer to login to the database that I've created during the installation with connection information below:
The connection was successful and when I tried to open the Tables, it showed an error OCA-01219:
I've found this solution:
ORA-01219: database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables/views only
that trying to make the database open. I have tried this but still no success, my database status:
Can anyone please help to to solve this problem? Thank you very much in advanced.
I run into the same problem after having to restart the Oracle Service. The problem was the state of the pluggable database not that of the instance itself, which was "open" like in your case.
The following command worked for me (please replace "orclpdb" with your pluggable DB name):
alter pluggable database orclpdb open;
If output of 'select status from v$instance' is open, can you please execute below query and let me know the out put:
select name, open_mode from v$database;
Also, please let me know if you are trying to connect pluggable database. In case you are connecting to pluggable db, then run below query:
alter session set container='';
Then after apply above approach. please let me know if any query further

Using Oracle "Create User" command does not automatically create an associated schema

I'm just getting started with Oracle data export and import and things worked perfectly fine the first time around. But then I came back next day repeated the exact same steps on the same systems, but get ORA-01435: user does not exist error.
System Specs for all machines:
-OS: Windows 2012 R2 x64
-Oracle Server: Oracle 11G Express x64
I'm exporting data from Oracle server 1 and importing to Oracle server 2.
Export data dump is successful from Oracle server 1.
but when importing the data dump on Oracle server 2, I follow this procedure:
-Stop IIS service
net stop WAS
Create Schema/user account and Grant privileges before import
net stop WAS
sqlplus / as sysdba;
CREATE user PIE1 identified by PASS1;
According to oracle, all goes well, but look at the first image bellow. In DBeaver, I can see that only the User account PIE1 has been created, but NO schema.
Oracle issue 1. User account created, but not the Schema
Question 1: According to Oracle, the command "Create User" IS supposed to also create an associated Schema. Anyone have an idea why this is no longer working for me? It worked once the night before.
I then continue the import procedure as follows:
imp PIE1/PASS1#xe file=c:\Backups\AVUSER2_6_7.dmp log=c:\Backups\import.log fromuser=AVUSER2_6_7 touser=PIE1;
But get the following error:
Oracle claims the User doesn't exist even though it does
Oracle claims the User doesn't exist even though it does. I repeated the entire procedure and even created an identical import/export user account and credentials, and this error still comes up.
Question 2: Any idea why Oracle "Can't find" a user account that's clearly in the database?
Additional Info:
Checked that my windows account is in admin group
Checked that my windows account is in ORA_DBA group
Opened all CMD prompt as Admin
As you implied, users and schemas as the same in Oracle, you can't have a user without a schema. No idea about DBeaver, but as there are other users that aren't listed under 'schemas' (according to your second image - ANONYMOUS, DIP, ...) that seems to be unrelated.
(Purely a guess, but perhaps the user you're connect as in DBeaver just doesn't have visibility of any objects owned by those users - maybe it only lists users it can see in all_objects, say. Pure speculation, but you could investigate that by looking at the data dictionary while connect through SQL*Plus as the same user. According to this old forum post, there is an option to hide empty schemas...)
The import is connecting successfully as PIE1 - you'd get a different error, ORA-01017, if it wasn't and you wouldn't see the 'Connected to...' banner or anything after that.
Your import command has a trailing semicolon that should not be there. The "importing ... objects into" message shows that it's trying to import into the PIE1; user and not the one you actually created, PIE1. Remove that semicolon and try again.
Incidentally, you can probably also remove the #xe TNS alias and stick to a local connection, assuming the environment is configured as it was whenyou ran SQL*Plus. You should also consider using datapump expdp/impdp rather than the legacy exp/imp.

How to create a user in Oracle SQL developer

I am newbie to oracle sql developer, and have just installed it on my machine. I want to make a new connection, but it requires a user and a password which I do not know. I have been googling about it since many days, and have learned that there are some commands to create user, but I do not know where should I run those commands, because I cannot run queries/commands until the connection is created.
Would anyone let me know what should I do?
Steps for creating new user :
1)Open Sql Developer, make new connection.
2)Login with System username and password(made during installation).
3)Once you connect, expand the System user (under Connections, in the left pane) and scroll down to Other users. Then right click users and add new user.
4)Give its username and password & select appropriate system privilege.
5)You are done now, check by making new connection.
Use this below simple commands to create an user
-- Create a user
CREATE USER youruser IDENTIFIED BY yourpassword;
--Grant permissions
you should install database software in your local pc/laptop then create user in the database and you can connect the database via sql developer by key in username and password that already created.If you want to connect to other database same step like the previous step but before that you need to point to the remote database.
I thinks you should use "Database Configuration Assistant" to create new database and U can set user name and password and use it in oracle SQL Developer!!!

How to create Oracle database link with sysdba privilege

I want to:
select * from v$database#standby;
standby is mounted so only a SYSDBA user can connect to query it
I can't find out how to use a database link using SYSDBA privilege
My goal is to display system information/stats from a standby Oracle database on a web page.
I'm using Oracle APEX. Pages are computed from mod_plsql which runs from an Oracle DB so it is easy to display the result of this kind of query.
How to select * from "shell script"?
I don't think you can do this, based on the few things I've seen via Google.
To sum up, connecting remotely as sysdba uses authentication via the password file. Database links do not attempt to authenticate this way, they are authenticated in the remote database and not externally.
Here's a link to a site that briefly touches upon the subject.
I think what you want is:
rather than CREATE DATABASE LINK STANDBY. I just tested this from sqlplus / as sysdba and was able to query.
