UrlReferrer VS Session VS Query Parameter - session

I have 2 search-pages and 1 result-page.
The result-list on the result-page is a list of URLs.
The URLs are dependent of the search-page, so if the user comes from search-page1 he gets a different URL to the user who comes from search-page2.
So on the result-page I have to know from which search-page the user comes.
First I tried it with UrlRefferer, but if the result-list has too many results, I use paging and if the user clicks on the second result-list I loose the UrlReferrer...
What is the best way to do this? To use Session or better use a query parameter in the URL?

If I understood your question, this is only for a single request. So better you can pass as a request parameter. Session will unnecessary hold the value for the whole pages which is not appropriate. And unless you update the value in session parameter, it will keep hold the old value only.
Is it possible for you to hold the value in a script variable?

IMHO session is a simpler solution, so you doesn't have to set query parameters every time user change page.


Using laravels {{old}} on dynamically created inputs

I have a form which allows a user to create an unlimited number of fields. If this forms fails validation I want the user to return to this page with the form populated with their previous input values - i.e. I want these fields to persist.
With a normal form I could do this with {{ old 'title' }}, however, these additional fields are being generated through JavaScript and so I cannot add this PHP snippet. What is the best way for me to retrieve these previous input values?
3 ways to do this, cache, sessions and cookies.
cache and sessions are server side which is much better for security, however it will take extra time and effort for setting up, but if the data is not sensible and can be passed within cookies, better to the cookies.
The best thing about cookies for your current situation is: you can set it up directly from your front end JS code.

Symfony2, doctrine2, session, best way to paginate search page

Let's imagine we have simple data and want to make pagination of it. It's not hard to do, simple _GET var with page number others doctrine with offset will allow us to do it in easy way, BUT How should it look like in search page? Let me explain.
For example we have simple route with /search url. Where we have form for our search. When use input string we user POST method on same page and will get result. Simple enough but if we add pagination here it become a problem with storing "inputed string".
If we store in session on search query it will be solution BUT... it's not. Why? User input search string - get result with pagination (here search string already in session) after that leave the page (or close browser, or left to another page). When he will return data from session will show him 'result of old query'...
So question is, what is the best practice for such situation? I want simple search query + pagination of it but if user left page - clear result.
Using POST instead of GET for search query is kinda unusual and not really safe. Since search query operations are read-only you should use GET to access/get the data. POST is used for updating or creating resources.
And how you will go back/forward in the pagination (using browser's buttons)? You always will be getting an alert box. AND you cannot share/bookmark the search query url.
BTW to answer your question, sessions and hidden input fields would be the way to go. You also can use a combination of get and post
When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

Storing multiple CAPTCHA solutions in a session

I'm implementing a 3D CAPTCHA for my website.
My original idea was to store the expected captcha solution in a session variable. After a user submits a form, I'd compare it with their response.
What happens if the user opens my website in multiple tabs though? For each tab a new CAPTCHA challenge is generated and the expected response variable in the session is overwritten.
Now consider the user submits a form in an "old" tab. Since the expected response variable in the session has been overwritten, they won't pass the test.
Should I worry about this? How would you deal with it?
That is the general approach for captchas and sometimes a reason why they do not validate.
This is a goood read http://www.sitepoint.com/captcha-inaccessible-to-everyone/ why not to use captcha
You could however add them in an array instead and see if the answer exists in array.
You are not stating which language you are using otherwise i could provide some code.

How to save property after tombstoning?

I have some property OwnerId that has each page in my application. I need these property to create HttpWebRequest and get some data. But when the application deactivated and activated again the page as deleted and created again, so these property is 0. I can't save these property in PhoneApplicationPage.State , because these property is different for different pages, so when I go twice back I can get error. I think to take it property after application activated from NavigationService.BackStack pages.But I'm not sure it is right. How can I do it ?
Aram .. thanks for explaining the question better.
Now, while your application is in the foreground, how are you managing all these different OwnerIDs? A collection? I am guessing you don't have multiple instances of the same page; but rather pass query parameters along to indicate which OwnerID/UserID should be used to display appropriate user info. You could put the whole collection in State dictionaries with a key & hydrate/dehydrate during the application lifecycle. Makes sense?
I'm not 100% clear on whether you need a setting for each page or just a single setting for the app. In either case your best option (IMO) is IsolatedStorageSettings (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.isolatedstorage.isolatedstoragesettings(v=vs.95).aspx)
If you just need a single setting then there's no problem but if you need one for each page you will need to do something ugly like using the page name as the key.

CakePHP session data cleared on paginator sort

My session data is being saved in my form as expected.
However, when I run a sort on any column of my results, my form session values are cleared.
I am calling in my search form through en element as it's used on specific locations of the site.
Does anyone know why pagination is clearing out my session? Is this standard Cake?
The paginator sort elements are simply a link generated by the paginator and won't consider any of your form data. The first thing you need to make sure that you're doing is tell the paginator to include any URL paramters for the current page in the url it generates. Put this anywhere in the view before you call any of the $paginator functions.
$paginator->options(array('url' => $this->passedArgs));
Secondly, make sure that your search parameters are being included in the URL. It sounds like they probably aren't. I just answered another question on the best practices of search result URLs here: CakePHP Search Results Best Practices
I solved this:
CakePHP session ID path or other method to share the results of a url - recommendations welcome
