Need help creating an RSS feed from Joomla 1.7 site - joomla

I'll try to make this clear. I need to make a few pages of my Joomla site into RSS feeds. I don't need the entire site.
I've run into several examples of how to do it, but none of them are really clear. Can anyone PLEASE tell me the easiest, most effective way to do it?
I've never worked with RSS feeds before, so please make it as simple and clear as possible.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you.

To make a feed in Joomla you just make a view.feed.php file that sits next to your view.html.php file. Basically you just follow the model from one of the category feeds. You are using the feed document.


How can I make a one page websites on joomla?

i'm trying out joomla! CMS, and in my job we're very fond of one-page sites. Is there any way of making a fully functional website with it? The main reason we need the CMS is because of the way the client wants to update they're webpage.
Ok before you do anything, have a real think to yourself, is Joomla really the best option? Your client requires a 1 page website, therefore what would be the point in loading a full blown CMS just for that. Joomla, when zipped up, is more or less 8MB. Out of all honestly, I would even find the likes of Wordpress still too big for a project of this size.
What I would really recommend is having a look round on the web for a very small CMS that simply includes a small backend with the ability to create, update and delete articles.
Have a look at this for example:
This would be a brilliant way to start. It has a small backend for you to manage articles, and you can start building up a completely custom template, exactly to your client's liking. I'm not too sure on the programming skills but if you're fairly new to it, then this would be a good place to start and gain knowledge.
Given that the above is what I would personally recommend, you may not want to do that or may not have the time, therefore if you really want to stick with Joomla, you should find a template that fits your needs in regards to module positions. Else you can add your own custom positions to the template. Have a read through the documentation as it will give you the necessary information
Hope this helps
I was looking for a solution myself for quite a while. I came up with the following two soutions:
Like #mattosmat said for a joomla one page site the simplest solution actually is it to declare one section as the main componenent and create the other section with cusom-made joomla modules.
Use wordpress with the advanced field plugin to create a single-page website.
Actually if a clients wish is it to create a single page website with cck and cms features i create these projects in wordpress and not in joomla anymore in my opinion its the wrong plattform.
I Have One Word!!!
BOOTSTRAP!!!! IS the way to go.. simple,succinct,beginner friendly. Doesnt matter if you really make it in Joomla! or anything else.
And for head start, look up "Scrollspy" in Bootstrap.

How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

How to add placeholder images from Imageholdr?

I am a new developer and i searched for tools that i can use to design websites more efficient, and i came across, anyone used it before? They say that i can add pictures easy on my website without downloading them or so.
I tried to use and it worked on my website, but i want to use category and it doesn't work i don't know why can anyone help me setup this? The site instructions are that i must use
http:// but it doesn't work. Any solution? thanks
You misread the instructions. The correct url is just

pyrocms codeigniter widgets modules

My question is do widgets get in on any custom libraries that I add to a custom module? What I want to achieve is create a custom module and I want to add ability to generate pdf documents so I was thinking of making the pdf generation a widget as I would like to use that on another site. If I made it a module, would I be able to share the resources between my pdfmodule and any other module? Sometimes I wish there was a book written on pyrocms that clarifies these issues.
Sorry it took a month to spot this one, but we generally help out on the support forums and don't look here as often.
SO, cross loading resources. Yep that is supported just fine. We use the HMVC plugin for CodeIgniter and often forget that people don't know too much about how it works. I'll get something added to the documentation for this, but basically you just specify the module name like this:
Hope this helps anyone finding this in the future. It's probably a bit late for Eagletrophy.

How see number of comments on joomla

helo all!
i want to see the numbers of comments of any article on frontpage in joomla.
how can I add this plugin or module for the readers know the numbers of commments per article...
sorry for my english :D
Which component are you using for commenting? There are a bunch out there - in terms of displaying comments on the front page, I think you would probably have to contact that developer to see if they have a plugin to help with that, or write some code of your own to assist with that (it shouldn't be too hard - some templates have that functionality out of the box even).
Ultimately it will depend on which component and if the developer has already created something to go along with that plugin.
