Set associated product category different from configurable product - magento

I have a configurable product which has a number of associated products, each of these is a simple product and determines the size of the product.
I want to add a number of the simple products to a new category "Sale", but this doesn't work unless I set the main configurable product as Sale too. But if I do that then all the sizes appears in the Sale category.
How can I make only specific sizes appear in the new Sale category?

I guess you're trying to promote those simple products in a special way, right? Maybe an product attribute would suit your need better.
However, if you have configured your simple products to not appear as single products in catalog, they will not do this of course. If you set your configurable products to the new category Sale it doesn't matter what the simple products have been assigned to, they will always appear.
What might help you, is to copy your configurable product, attach that one to Sale an associate only the simple products that should appear under sale.


Configurable products for different product sizes and price

I am trying to make a store for car care chemicals in Magento for online buyers and company distributors.
Each chemical has a size option - 0.5 liters, 5 liters, 207 liters
And the above options have price difference depending upon the customer is a normal buyer or a distributor.
I have made a configurable product, but the price in the
"Super product attributes configuration" overrides the Group pricing in the simple products.
Can somebody please suggest the right way?
You have to create a attribute "size" as dropdown with all possible sizes.
When you add the product you have to choose one of them.
Magento will not take into the account the simple products' price of a configurable one. Simple products' prices are ignored. if you want to sell a simple product X having price $120 and a simple product B ($130) then set configurable product's price to $120 and add products you want to associate with this configurable product. After adding them click on 'Associated Products' tab which opens a block named Super product attributes configuration, which contains options and price differences and set the prices accordingly as described in attached image.
Moreover There's an extension that allows you to use simple product prices instead of price differences Since it's free extension. The extension is "Simple Configurable Products(SCP)".

Why does Magento show the configurable products and its associated simple products as well?

On my online store, we sell jeans. The configurable products are the different types of jeans, and the associated simple products are the sizes for each (6,8,10,12,14). When i search for a product or just scroll on the feed it doesnt only show the configurable products and when i click it you can choose the size, but the individual simple products show up too eg:
Skinny Jeans
Skinny Jeans-6
Skinny Jeans-8 etc. How do i fix this?
For your simple products, you can set its Visibility. You can change it under
Product Information > General > Visibility > Not Visible Individually
This way they won't appear on front-end while still being associated with your configurable product.

Product variants with same sku

I need to add a few products with the same sku but different attributes, such as weight and size. How can i do this with using magmi or anyway? As i understant product SKU must be unique.
You cannot have 2 products with the same SKU.
But there is a workaround for this.
You cannot use configurable products because each combination of attributes must be a standalone simple product, hence different sku.
But you can simulate this using custom options (See the tab 'custom options' in the product edit page in admin).
It has all you need. You can have the same sku, you can have different prices for different custom options.
There is only one drawback.
You cannot have a separate stock for each combination of options. The product can either be in stock or out of stock.
So if you use up the stock for a weight and size you have to manually remove it from the backend.

magento configurable products options

In my store i have all the products as configurable products and there is no simple products displayed on store. Everything goes fine but then i noticed one problem.
After adding a product to cart by choosing the simple product from the configurable product page, i still gets configurable products sku in the cart , also it maintains through out the session. So we cant track actually which product sell.
Is it problem with any configuration or should i do anything to catch the simple products sku instead of configurable product SKU.
Please help me
This is probably a bit late if your store is filled with configurable products, but I've found this product a lifesaver in the past:
It basically just adds the simple product to the cart using the simple product's price as the buying price. Custom options must also be added to the simple products rather than the config products.
As a result the purchased item is the simple product SKU rather than the configurable product.

Magento - show price range of simple products

Is it possible in Magento to show the price range of simple products as opposed to the price set for the main configurable product.
For example, say we have a t shirt, configurable by size and each with a different price. It doesnt make sense to show a fixed price on the catalog page does it?
I would expect to see something similar to Prices from £3.99.
Does anyone know if this is possible without any custom modification.
I know, it is NOT good solution but worth to try.
Create simple products of each t-shirt based size then group this products like "Polo T-Shirt". Users will see only "Polo T-Shirt" but they can choose what they want from drop-down list.
