Starting an application with invisible console window - windows

I have created a VB script which creates a shortcut to execute my test_application.exe. I want my application to run without a console. I am using following script to create the shortcut
Create_ShortCut "C:\Users\Me\bin\MyApplication.exe", "Desktop", "My-Test", "C:\Users\Me\bin" , 0, 1
Private Sub Create_ShortCut(TargetPath, ShortCutPath, ShortCutname, WorkPath, Window_Style, IconNum)
Dim VbsObj
Set VbsObj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim MyShortcut
ShortCutPath = VbsObj.SpecialFolders(ShortCutPath)
Set MyShortcut = VbsObj.CreateShortcut(ShortCutPath & "\" & ShortCutname & ".lnk")
MyShortcut.TargetPath = TargetPath
MyShortcut.Arguments = " 5000 -exec=C:\Users\Another\other_application.exe"
MyShortcut.WorkingDirectory = WorkPath
MyShortcut.WindowStyle = Hidden
MyShortcut.WindowStyle = 0
MyShortcut.IconLocation = TargetPath & "," & IconNum
End Sub
I would like to start my application in invisible window and the other application to start in a normal window. When I create a shortcut like this I am not able to run my application in invisible mode. Am I doing anything wrong ?

Don't target the console subsystem. If you do, expect to see a console. Instead target the GUI subsystem.


Windows shell script not able to make existing IE window visible?

I have been trying to create a really simple script to maintain visibility on an IE page but am currently unable to force the visibility or foreground position of an existing IE window.
I am able to successfully activate the window using WshShell.AppActivate() but it does not make the page foreground to a user. A sample from my code is below.
Basically the code loops until the user ends the notepad window. my confusion is specifically with why IE is not visible no matter what commands I send
Dim pressX
Dim FindProc
pressX = 1
' Create WScript Shell Object to access filesystem.
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'WshShell.Run "NoScreenSaver.txt", 2, 0
' Define Which process to seek for to terminate script
strComputer = "."
FindProc = "NoScreenSaver"
Dim objApp : Set objApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim IE : Set IE = Nothing
Dim objWindow
' Loop start
' Wait for 5 minutes
WScript.Sleep 3000 '000
For Each objWindow In objApp.Windows
If (InStr(objWindow.Name, "Internet Explorer")) Then
Set IE = objWindow
Exit For
End If
' check if specific notepad closed
If WshShell.AppActivate("NoScreenSaver.txt") = True Then
'wscript.echo FindProc & " is running"
wscript.echo FindProc & " is not running" & vbCrLf & "Script will now end"
pressX = 0
End If
IE.visible = True
IE.navigate ""
' Send dummy key
WshShell.SendKeys "{F13}"
' repeat
Loop While pressX
I never wanted to use AppActivate to check for the specific notepad window either since it would take foreground. There is some information regarding using a COM wrapper but the COM wrapper approach is not possible within my constraints.

Trying to press keys and shortcuts in a hidden CMD window

I am trying to create a script that will use the copy con to write a file
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
CurrentUser = objNetwork.UserName
Set Wshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Wshell.Run "%COMSPEC% cd C:\Users\" & CurrentUser & _
"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup & copy con master.vbs & x = 1 & x=2^Z", 0, True
The problem here is that while using ^Z does simulate the output of Crtl+Z, CMD doesn't treat them the same.
As you can see, I wanted the console window to be hidden, so using something like SendKeys won't work here.
Any suggestions?

VB Script to Delete Desktop shortcut

I need help with this script. This script creates a new desktop shortcut and then deletes another one. However I want it to delete one desktop shortcut if it exists or another if it exists. Not sure how to do this. I've put the 2 different shortcuts in after the "fso.deletefile" but I'm not sure what syntax to use (how to word it.) I'm new to vbs. Thanks in advance for the help.
L_Welcome_MsgBox_Message_Text = "A shortcut to the PM Master" & vbcrlf & "will be created on your desktop."
L_Welcome_MsgBox_Title_Text ="Windows Scripting Host Sample"
Call Welcome()
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell =CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim MyShortcut, MyDesktop, DesktopPath
' Read desktop path using WshSpecialFolders object
DesktopPath =WSHShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
' Create a shortcut object on the desktop
Set MyShortcut =WSHShell.CreateShortcut(DesktopPath & "\PM-Master-ALL.lnk")
' Set shortcut object properties and save it
MyShortcut.TargetPath =WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "c:\Local Cloud\Shared\Sites\Bailey Lane\PM-Master-ALL")
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
DesktopPath = Shell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
FSO.DeleteFile DesktopPath & "\PM Master - ALL.lnk"
FSO.DeleteFile DesktopPath & "\PM Master - ALL - Shortcut.lnk"
WScript.Echo "A shortcut to the PM Master has been successfully created. The older PM Master shortcut has been deleted."
Sub Welcome()
Dim intDoIt
intDoIt = MsgBox(L_Welcome_MsgBox_Message_Text, vbOKCancel + vbInformation, L_Welcome_MsgBox_Title_Text )
If intDoIt = vbCancel Then
End If
End Sub
When in doubt, read the documentation. You can use the FileExists method to check whether a file exists before attempting to delete it:
shortcut = DesktopPath & "\PM Master - ALL.lnk"
If FSO.FileExists(shortcut) Then FSO.DeleteFile shortcut

Run script in background

I want to run following script as scheduled task on Windows 7 in background. Now, script displays cmd window and, can I run script without visible cmd window?
Option Explicit
Dim WshShell, oExec
Dim RegexParse
Dim hasError : hasError = 0
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set RegexParse = New RegExp
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("%comspec% /c echo list volume | diskpart.exe")
RegexParse.Pattern = "\s\s(Volume\s\d)\s+([A-Z])\s+(.*)\s\s(NTFS|FAT)\s+(Mirror|RAID-5)\s+(\d+)\s+(..)\s\s([A-Za-z]*\s?[A-Za-z]*)(\s\s)*.*"
While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
Dim regexMatches
Dim Volume, Drive, Description, Redundancy, RaidStatus
Dim CurrentLine : CurrentLine = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
Set regexMatches = RegexParse.Execute(CurrentLine)
If (regexMatches.Count > 0) Then
Dim match
Set match = regexMatches(0)
If match.SubMatches.Count >= 8 Then
Volume = match.SubMatches(0)
Drive = match.SubMatches(1)
Description = Trim(match.SubMatches(2))
Redundancy = match.SubMatches(4)
RaidStatus = Trim(match.SubMatches(7))
End If
If RaidStatus <> "Healthy" Then
hasError = 1
'WScript.StdOut.Write "WARNING "
MsgBox "Status of " & Redundancy & " " & Drive & ": (" & Description & ") is """ & RaidStatus & """", 16, "RAID error"
End If
End If
Thanks a lot
Option 1 - If the task is running under your user credentials (if not, msgbox will not be visible)
There are two possible sources for the cmd window.
a) The script itself. If the task is executing cscript, the console window will be visible, avoid it calling wscript instead
b) The Shell.exec call. The only way to hide this window is to start the calling script hidden. On start of your script test for the presence of certain argument. If not present, make the script call itself with the argument, using Run method of the WshShell object, and indicating to run the script with hidden window. Second instance of the script will start with the special parameter, so it will run, but this time windows will be hidden.
Option 2 - Running the task under system credentials.
In this case, no window will be visible. All will be running in a separate session. BUT msgbox will not be seen. Change MsgBox call with a call to msg.exe and send a message to current console user.

How to run an exe by client remotely on server using vb6

I'm using code below to execute my commands in cmd. Which is actually made for running an exe on my server.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim FN As Integer
FN = FreeFile
ServerName = "\\mydbserv"
ExePath = """d:\myfolder\my.exe"""
UserName = "myserver\myuser"
Password = "mypass"
MyCommand = "psexec " & ServerName & " -u " & UserName & " -p " & Password & " -i " & ExePath
'Open Bat file
Open "C:\Mybatc.bat" For Output As #FN
Print #FN, "cd c:\Users\myuser"
Print #FN, MyCommand
Print #FN, "Exit"
Close #FN
result = Shell("C:\Mybatc.bat", vbHide)
End Sub
everything was fine until i seen that cmd is not getting closed when process is done.
and the worse is the exe i was trying to run remotely also not stops. When i check the cpu usage it always shows "00" doesnt even starts.. It shows like working for ever but never works actually.
So my question is :
Why i cant run this exe file remotely? (or why it just shows like running)
How can i remotely run and close when finished this exe file on server?
How can i close the window and process when finished on my pc as well?
How about this?
install Windbg on the server.
config the windbg auto attach to your exe, when your exe is ready to running.
running your script
after your exe is started, the windbg will attach to it.
input 'g' in the windbg command, let your exe to running.
wait until you think it should finished
ctrl-break to let the process hang on
input '~*kb' to windbg command, to see what's going on in every thread,
to find out why they are waiting, and what they are waiting for?
PSExec will only initiate the start of the process in a computer (most of the time remote), after that it has no control on the exe that is being executed. Kindly try to run it as a process (within a ProcessInfo as in C#)(with shell execute false). Also something like the following can be used to confirm the state of the process in remote PC:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strComputer As String
Dim sReturn As String
Dim strNameOfUser As Variant
Dim colProcesses As Object
Dim objProcess As Object
strComputer = "." '"." local or "\\ComputerName"
Set colProcesses = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process")
For Each objProcess In colProcesses
sReturn = objProcess.GetOwner(strNameOfUser)
If sReturn <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not get owner info for process " & objProcess.Name & vbNewLine & "Error = " & sReturn
MsgBox "Process " & objProcess.Name & " is owned by " & "\" & strNameOfUser & "."
End If
End Sub
link :
hope it helps
