Matlab relational operator performance in presence of NaN-values - performance

When testing the following code (notice the *NaN in the second fragment)
x = zeros(1,5000000);
for i=1:10
selector = x > 1;
x = zeros(1,5000000)*NaN;
for i=1:10
selector = x > 1;
on Matlab revisions
R2012a 64-bit
R2013a 32-bit
I observe the following odd behavior
R2012a 64-bit
Elapsed time is 0.056266 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.059677 seconds.
R2013a 32-bit
Elapsed time is 0.070116 seconds.
Elapsed time is 3.995697 seconds.
So in case of R2013a 32-bit the presence of NaN values drastically increases runtime. Can anyone give me a hint where this might be comming from?
Best regards,

You are using Intel CPU, and of that, for 32-bit code, you are using it's FPU. It is awfully slow with NaN, Inf and denormals and this is an old story. Good news SSE unit is slow with denormals only and handles NaNs at full speed, so if you can convince your compiler to emit SSE code, you should be up to full speed. This is done automatically for x64, because it implies SSE2 and the ABI uses SSE registers, but since x32 floating point ABI uses FPU registers, the FPU is used for doing the calculations to avoid moving things around too much.
I did not dig deeper (we use embedded platforms and not all of them have SSE as of now), but I suspect changing some compiler/flags should help. If it does, checking how things are inlined would be in order to see if you have that SSE-to-FPU-and-back on each function call. If it's a small tight loop somewhere in the code, there is a possibility of using SSE intrinsics.
upd: Oops just noticed this is matlab. The reasoning stays, but for the solutions, you'll have to look yourself.

The problem may be due to the fact that your 32-bit system takes longer to reallocate the ~40MB of memory in the x = zeros(1,5000000)*NaN; line. Perhaps there is not enough available RAM and it needs to swap memory to disk. To check which part (the allocation or the comparison) is problematic, tic-toc these parts separately.
BTW, there is no need to multiply by NaN - you can simply do x = nan(1,5000000);


What could be the causes of this performance regression, and how to investigate it?

I'm writing some high-performance code for ARM64 using NEON SIMD instructions, which I am trying to further optimize. I only use integer operations, no floating-point. This code is fully CPU- or memory-bound: it does not perform system calls or I/O of any kind (filesystem, networking, or anything else). The code is single-threaded by design -- any parallelism should be handled by calling the code from different CPUs with different arguments. The data working set should be small enough to fit in my CPU's L1 D-cache, and if it overflows a little, it will definitely fit in L2 with lots of space to spare.
My development environment is an Apple laptop with the M1 processor, running macOS; as such, the prime choice for a performance investigation tool is Apple's Instruments. I know VTune has some more advanced features such as top-down microarchitecture analysis, but evidently this isn't available for ARM.
The problem
I had an idea that, at a high level, works like this: a certain function f(x, y) can be broken down into two functions g() and h(). I can calculate x2 = g(x), y2 = g(y) and then h(x2, y2), obtaining the same result as f(x, y). However, it turns out that I compute f() many times with different combinations of the same input arguments. By applying all these inputs to g() and caching their outputs, I can directly call the output of h()with these cached values and save some time recomputing theg()-part of f()`.
I confirmed the basic idea is sound by microbenchmarking with Google Benchmark. If f() takes 100 X (where X is some arbitrary unit of time), then each call to g() takes 14 X, and a call to h() takes 78 X. While it's longer to call g() twice then h() rather than f(), suppose I need to compute f(x, y) and f(x, z), which would ordinarily take 200 X. I can instead compute x2 = g(x), y2 = g(y) and z2 = g(z), taking 3*14 = 42 X, and then h(x2, y2) and h(x2, z2), taking 2*78 = 156 X. In total, I spend 156 + 42 = 198 X, which is already less than 200 X, and the savings would add up for larger examples, up to maximum of 22%, since this is how much less h() costs compared to f() (assuming I compute h() much more often than g()). This would represent a significant speedup for my application.
I proceeded to test this idea on a more realistic example: I have some code which does a bunch of things, plus 3 calls to f() which, among themselves, use combinations of the same 2 arguments. So, I replace 3 calls to f() by 2 calls to g() and 3 calls to h(). The benchmarks above indicate this should reduce execution time by 3*100 - 2*14 - 3*78 = 38 X. However, benchmarking the modified code shows that execution time increases by ~700 X!
I tried replacing each call to f() individually with 2 calls to g() for its arguments and a call to h(). This should increase execution time by 2*14 + 78 - 100 = 6 X, but instead, execution time increases by 230 X (not coincidentally, approximately 1/3 of 700 X).
Performance counter results using Apple Instruments
To bring some data to the discussion, I ran both codes under Apple Instruments using the CPU counters template, monitoring some performance counters I thought might be relevant.
For reference, the original code executes in 7.6 seconds (considering only number of iterations times execution time per iteration, i.e. disregarding Google Benchmark overhead), whereas the new code executes in 9.4 seconds; i.e. a difference of 1.8 seconds. Both versions use the exact same number of iterations and work on the same input, producing the same output. The code runs on the M1's performance core, which I assume is running at its maximum 3.2 GHz clock speed.
Original code
New code
Total cycles
Instruments won't let me add all these counters to the same run, so some results are from different runs. However, since the code is fully deterministic and runs the same number of iterations, any differences between runs should be just random noise.
EDIT: playing around with Instruments, I found one performance counter that has wildly differing values between the original code and the new code, which is MAP_DISPATCH_BUBBLE. Still doing research on what it means, whether it might explain the issues I'm seeing, and how to work around this.
EDIT 2: I decided to test this code on other ARM processors I have access to (Cortex-X2 and Cortex-A72). On the Cortex-X2, both versions perform identically, and on the Cortex-A72, there was a small (~1.5%) increase in performance with the new code. So I'm more inclined than ever to believe that I hit an M1 front-end bottleneck.
Hypotheses and data analysis
Having faced previous performance problems with this code base before, some ideas sprung to mind:
Memory alignment: SIMD code is sometimes sensitive to memory alignment, particularly for memory-bound code, which I suspect my code may be. However, adding or removing __attribute__((aligned(64))) made no difference, so I don't think that's it.
D-cache misses: the new code allocates some new arrays to cache the output of g(), so it might lead to more cache misses. And indeed there are 3.6 million more L1 D-cache misses (load + store) than the original code. However, as I've mentioned at the beginning, the working set easily fits into L2. Assuming a 10-cycle L2 cache miss cost, that's only 36 million cycles. At 3.2 GHz, that's just 1.1 ms, i.e. < 0.1% of the observed performance difference.
I-cache misses: a similar situation: there's an extra 5.1 million L1 I-cache misses, but at a 10-cycle cost, we're looking at 1.6 ms, again < 0.1% of the observed performance difference.
Inlining/unrolling: I employ aggressive inlining and loop unrolling on my code, as well as LTO and unity builds, since performance is the #1 priority and code size is irrelevant (unless it affects performance via e.g. I-cache misses). I considered the possibility that the new code might be inlining/unrolling less aggressively due to the compiler hitting some kind of heuristic for maximum code size. This might result in more instructions being executed, such as compares/branches for loops, and CALL/RET and function prologues/epilogues for function call. However, the table shows that the new code executes a bit fewer instructions of each kind (as I would expect), and of course, in total (INST_ALL).
Somehow, the original code simply achieves a higher IPC, and I have no idea why. Also, to be clear: both codes perform the same operation using the same algorithm. What I did was to basically the code for f() (a bunch of function calls to other subroutines) between g() and h().
The question
This brings me to my question: what could possibly be making the new code run slower than the old code? What other performance counters could I look at in Instruments to give me insight into this issue?
Beyond answers to this specific question, I'm looking for general advice on how to approach similar problems like this in the future. I've found some books about debugging performance problems, but they generally fall into two camps. The first just describes the profiling process I'm familiar with: find out which functions take the longest to execute and optimize them. The second is represented by books like Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud and The Every Computer Performance Book, and is closer to what I'm looking for. However, they look at system-level issues like I/O, kernel calls, etc.; the kind of code I write is CPU- and maybe memory-bound, with many opportunities to convert to SIMD, and no interaction with the outside world. Basically, I'd like to know how to design meaningful experiments using a profiler and CPU performance counters (cycle counters, cache misses, instructions executed by type such as ALU, memory, etc.) to solve these kinds of performance issues with my code when they arise.

Adding a redundant assignment speeds up code when compiled without optimization

I find an interesting phenomenon:
int main() {
int p, q;
clock_t s,e;
for(int i = 1; i < 1000; i++){
for(int j = 1; j < 1000; j++){
for(int k = 1; k < 1000; k++){
p = i + j * k;
q = p; //Removing this line can increase running time.
e = clock();
double t = (double)(e - s) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("%lf\n", t);
return 0;
I use GCC 7.3.0 on i5-5257U Mac OS to compile the code without any optimization. Here is the average run time over 10 times:
There are also other people who test the case on other Intel platforms and get the same result.
I post the assembly generated by GCC here. The only difference between two assembly codes is that before addl $1, -12(%rbp) the faster one has two more operations:
movl -44(%rbp), %eax
movl %eax, -48(%rbp)
So why does the program run faster with such an assignment?
Peter's answer is very helpful. The tests on an AMD Phenom II X4 810 and an ARMv7 processor (BCM2835) shows an opposite result which supports that store-forwarding speedup is specific to some Intel CPU.
And BeeOnRope's comment and advice drives me to rewrite the question. :)
The core of this question is the interesting phenomenon which is related to processor architecture and assembly. So I think it may be worth to be discussed.
TL:DR: Sandybridge-family store-forwarding has lower latency if the reload doesn't try to happen "right away". Adding useless code can speed up a debug-mode loop because loop-carried latency bottlenecks in -O0 anti-optimized code almost always involve store/reload of some C variables.
Other examples of this slowdown in action: hyperthreading, calling an empty function, accessing vars through pointers.
And apparently also on low-power Goldmont, unless there's a different cause there for an extra load helping.
None of this is relevant for optimized code. Bottlenecks on store-forwarding latency can occasionally happen, but adding useless complications to your code won't speed it up.
You're benchmarking a debug build, which is basically useless. They have different bottlenecks than optimized code, not a uniform slowdown.
But obviously there is a real reason for the debug build of one version running slower than the debug build of the other version. (Assuming you measured correctly and it wasn't just CPU frequency variation (turbo / power-saving) leading to a difference in wall-clock time.)
If you want to get into the details of x86 performance analysis, we can try to explain why the asm performs the way it does in the first place, and why the asm from an extra C statement (which with -O0 compiles to extra asm instructions) could make it faster overall. This will tell us something about asm performance effects, but nothing useful about optimizing C.
You haven't shown the whole inner loop, only some of the loop body, but gcc -O0 is pretty predictable. Every C statement is compiled separately from all the others, with all C variables spilled / reloaded between the blocks for each statement. This lets you change variables with a debugger while single-stepping, or even jump to a different line in the function, and have the code still work. The performance cost of compiling this way is catastrophic. For example, your loop has no side-effects (none of the results are used) so the entire triple-nested loop can and would compile to zero instructions in a real build, running infinitely faster. Or more realistically, running 1 cycle per iteration instead of ~6 even without optimizing away or doing major transformations.
The bottleneck is probably the loop-carried dependency on k, with a store/reload and an add to increment. Store-forwarding latency is typically around 5 cycles on most CPUs. And thus your inner loop is limited to running once per ~6 cycles, the latency of memory-destination add.
If you're on an Intel CPU, store/reload latency can actually be lower (better) when the reload can't try to execute right away. Having more independent loads/stores in between the dependent pair may explain it in your case. See Loop with function call faster than an empty loop.
So with more work in the loop, that addl $1, -12(%rbp) which can sustain one per 6 cycle throughput when run back-to-back might instead only create a bottleneck of one iteration per 4 or 5 cycles.
This effect apparently happens on Sandybridge and Haswell (not just Skylake), according to measurements from a 2013 blog post, so yes, this is the most likely explanation on your Broadwell i5-5257U, too. It appears that this effect happens on all Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs.
Without more info on your test hardware, compiler version (or asm source for the inner loop), and absolute and/or relative performance numbers for both versions, this is my best low-effort guess at an explanation. Benchmarking / profiling gcc -O0 on my Skylake system isn't interesting enough to actually try it myself. Next time, include timing numbers.
The latency of the stores/reloads for all the work that isn't part of the loop-carried dependency chain doesn't matter, only the throughput. The store queue in modern out-of-order CPUs does effectively provide memory renaming, eliminating write-after-write and write-after-read hazards from reusing the same stack memory for p being written and then read and written somewhere else. (See for more about memory hazards specifically, and this Q&A for more about latency vs. throughput and reusing the same register / register renaming)
Multiple iterations of the inner loop can be in flight at once, because the memory-order buffer (MOB) keeps track of which store each load needs to take data from, without requiring a previous store to the same location to commit to L1D and get out of the store queue. (See Intel's optimization manual and Agner Fog's microarch PDF for more about CPU microarchitecture internals. The MOB is a combination of the store buffer and load buffer)
Does this mean adding useless statements will speed up real programs? (with optimization enabled)
In general, no, it doesn't. Compilers keep loop variables in registers for the innermost loops. And useless statements will actually optimize away with optimization enabled.
Tuning your source for gcc -O0 is useless. Measure with -O3, or whatever options the default build scripts for your project use.
Also, this store-forwarding speedup is specific to Intel Sandybridge-family, and you won't see it on other microarchitectures like Ryzen, unless they also have a similar store-forwarding latency effect.
Store-forwarding latency can be a problem in real (optimized) compiler output, especially if you didn't use link-time-optimization (LTO) to let tiny functions inline, especially functions that pass or return anything by reference (so it has to go through memory instead of registers). Mitigating the problem may require hacks like volatile if you really want to just work around it on Intel CPUs and maybe make things worse on some other CPUs. See discussion in comments

Accelerator restriction: unsupported operation: RSQRTSS

I have a simple nbody implementation code and try to compile it for launching on NVIDIA GPUs (Tesla K20m/Geforce GTX 650 Ti). I use the following compiler options:
-Minfo=all -acc -Minline -Mfpapprox -ta=tesla:cc35/nvidia
Everything works without -Mfpapprox, but when I use it, the compilation fails with the following output:
346, Accelerator restriction: unsupported operation: RSQRTSS
The 346 line writes as:
float rdistance=1.0f/sqrtf(drSquared);
float drSquared=dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz+softening;
and dx, dy, dz are float values. This line is inside the #pragma acc parallel loop independent for() construction.
What is the problem with -Mfpapprox?
-Mfpapprox tells the compiler to use very low-precision CPU instructions to approximate DIV or SQRT. These instructions are not supported on the GPU. The GPU SQRT is both fast and precise so no need for a low-precision version.
Actually even on the CPU, I'd recommend you not use -Mfpapprox unless you really understand the mathematics of your code and it can handle a high degree of imprecision (as much as 5-6 bits or ~20Ulps off). We added this flag about 10 years ago since at the time the CPUs divide operation was very expensive. However, CPU performance for divide has greatly improved since then (as has sqrt) so you're generally better off not sacrificing precision for the little bit of speed-up you might get from this flag.
I'll put in an issue report requesting that the compiler ignore -Mfpapprox for GPU code so you wont see this error.

setting denormal flush to zero (FTZ) in XCode

I'm using XCode to develop in C++ on OS X Mountain Lion, to run on the local machine. I'm having performance issues relating to denormal numbers and I wish to set the FTZ flag so that they will be flushed to zero. (I have checked that denormals are indeed the problem, and flushing them to zero will not cause accuracy issues in my case.) However, I can't find any information about how I should actually achieve this in XCode. Is it an option I can change in the build settings? Or some code I should type somewhere? Any help would be much appreciated.
If I understand the comments in "/usr/include/fenv.h" correctly,
#include <fenv.h>
should do what you want.
A pointer to a fenv_t object with the default floating-point state modifed
to set the DAZ and FZ bits in the SSE status/control register. When using
this environment, denormals encountered by SSE based calculation (which
normally should be all single and double precision scalar floating point
calculations, and all SSE/SSE2/SSE3 computation) will be treated as zero.
Calculation results that are denormals will also be truncated to zero.
Setting this option reduced the running time of the program in Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x? (link given by #Mysticial in his comment) from 27 seconds to 0.3 seconds
(MacBook Pro, 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo).

Performance penalty of persistent variables in MATLAB

Recently I profiled some MATLAB code and I was shocked to see the following in a heavily used function:
5.76 198694 58 persistent CONSTANTS;
3.44 198694 59 if isempty(CONSTANTS) % initialize CONSTANTS
In other words, MATLAB spent about 9 seconds, over 198694 function calls, declaring the persistent CONSTANTS and checking if it has been initialized. That represents 13% of the total time spent in that function.
Do persistent variables really carry that much of a performance penalty in MATLAB? Or are we doing something terribly wrong here?
#Andrew I tried your sample script and I am very, very perplexed by the output:
time calls line
6 function has_persistent
6.48 200000 7 persistent CONSTANTS
1.91 200000 8 if isempty(CONSTANTS)
10 end
I tried the bench() command and it showed my machine in the middle range of the sample machines. Running Ubuntu 64 bits on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU, 4GB RAM.
That's the standard way of using persistent variables in Matlab. You're doing what you're supposed to. There will be noticable overhead for it, but your timings do seem kind of surprisingly high.
Here's a similar test I ran in 32-bit Matlab R2009b on a 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 QX9650 machine under Windows XP x64. Similar results on other machines and versions. About 5x faster than your timings.
function call_has_persistent
for i = 1:200000
function has_persistent
persistent CONSTANTS
if isempty(CONSTANTS)
0.89 200000 7 persistent CONSTANTS
0.25 200000 8 if isempty(CONSTANTS)
What Matlab version, OS, and CPU are you running on? What does CONSTANTS get initialized with? Does Matlab's bench() output seem reasonable for your machine?
Your timings do seem high. There may be a bug or config issue there to fix. But if you really want to get Matlab code fast, the standard advice is to "vectorize" it: restructure the code so that it makes fewer function calls on larger input arrays, and makes use of Matlab's built in vectorized functions instead of loops or control structures, to avoid having 200,000 calls to the function in the first place. If possible. Matlab has relatively high overhead per function or method call (see Is MATLAB OOP slow or am I doing something wrong? for some numbers), so you can often get more mileage by refactoring to eliminate function calls instead of making the individual function calls faster.
It may be worth benchmarking some other basic Matlab operations on your machine, to see if it's just "persistent" that seems slow. Also try profiling just this little call_has_persistent test script in isolation to see if the context of your function makes a difference.
