I am trying to use Boots library 1.46.1. I use command prompt of Visula Studio 2010. I download boost package, create on C:/ folder Boost where i unzip package, change dir in command prompt and try to bootstrap. And I got message jam0.exe crushes. What can be a problem and how to solve it?
I have followed esp-idf guideline to install and test to build the hello world and blink sample code but both the code met this problem.
Visual studio try to build hello world
> Executing task: ninja <
ninja: error: loading 'build.ninja': The system cannot find the file specified.
The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command ninja " terminated with exit code: 1.
I have tested all the ways I can find to fix it but I'm not sure anything I missed or not.
This is one of the way that I test but also met some problem.
cmd try to run the command below
C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v4.4>python -m pip install --user -r %IDF_PATH%/requirements.txt
ERROR: Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.
This possible problem is the python environment is exist so I cannot do this command, but I try many ways to disabled or deactivated it still cannot.
python path
system environment
After trying to debug this for a long time, I made a backup copy of the entire project folder, then just went hog-wild deleting files. I deleted almost every file I didn't author. Only left the main/CMakeLists.txt, main/component.mk, main/main.c, main/main.h, .gitignore, CMakeLists.txt, and Makefile. Then I ran idf.py set-target esp32 and idf.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 flash monitor and it worked fine again.
VS Code & ESP-IDF on Ubuntu 20.04.05 LTS
Check if the compiler is properly selected. If you don't select a proper c/c++ compiler, then you might get this error. I had mingw in my system, but vs code did not auto detect the compiler. Then I manually added mingw and selected it for compilation after which this issue was resolved.
What worked for me after updating to the new stable release (v5.0) was
Go to the folder S:\esp\esp-idf\esp-idf-v5.0
Run command prompt at this directory and execute install.bat and later export.bat
After trying to build the program in VSCode the error "ninja: error: loading 'build.ninja'" shows up.
Update the path in the ESP-IDF extension in VSCode using ESP-IDF:Configure Paths
locate your project folder e.g. "V:\simpleTest_using_EspIDF_v5_0"
Open command prompt and execute: idf.py build
Now it builds also in VSCode using the Espressif IDF extension.
You not have a build.ninja file. Find this file on proje
I use the command on terminal code file.txt to open file with Visual Studio Code, but when I restart the system, the command stop works. And I need open Visual Studio Code, and reconfigure path to use the code command line interface.
How I can fix this? I'm using macOS HighSierra.
After I restart the system the command apparently fade.
-bash: code: command not found
So your issue may be related to how you installed VSCode
I would run below to install the same
brew cask install visual-studio-code
If you don't want to use brew then I would download the app from below link
And after unzipping move it to Applications folder in finder.
There may be a possibility that MacOS Gatekeeper is interfering with the location of your app after every restart. Which means the symlink gets invalidated every restart and hence the issue
If the problem still happens after restart, you want to exclude VScode out of gatekeeper
spctl --add "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app"
Try to repeat again what is described in official documentation.
Check whether Visual Studio Code is installed in the correct folder with the command: ls -l /usr/local/bin/code.
You can find out correct path by running the command which code or where code in bash.
If the command returns path like that: /usr/local/bin/code -> /private/var/folders/xf/vnnm636d0k92w3sc7lm95w040000gn/T/AppTranslocation/3815E4B6-43DB-0F8E-AAB9-EDE3AC7F67CC/d/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code
/usr/local/bin, it means that the program was installed in a temporary folder.
The path must be: /Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code.
If the program was installed in a temporary folder, this could cause this problem.
Drag Visual Studio Code.app to the Applications folder and repeat
instructions from the official documentation.
If after the above described still does not work and the program is not installed in a temporary folder, it is advisable to check bash settings in ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bash_profile.
Also, if none of the above does not help, you can try the following: sudo ln -fs "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code" "/usr/local/bin/".
So, I created a python program. Converted to exe using Py2Exe, and tried with PyInstaller and cx_freeze as well. All these trigger the program to be detected as virus by avast, avg, and others on virustotal and on my local machine.
I tried changing to a Hello World script to see if the problem is there but the results are exactly the same.
My question is, what is triggering this detection? The way in which the .exe is created?
If so, are there any other alternatives to Py2exe, Pyinstaller, cx_freeze?
You can try nuitka.
pip install -U nuitka
nuitka --recurse-all --icon=app.ico --portable helloworld.py
Maybe you need to install Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools for compile.
If you download Nuitka package, you will find a Trojan files in the folder.
If you use this library, you will create a exe file with a Trojan embedded in the exe file.
It converts files much faster than other similar libraries with no errors.
I would require some guidance in regards to installing a module/package in pycharm (free edition). I have to mention that i have not worked with this IDE yet and wanted to try it out on a little project containing smartcards.
When i try to install "pyscard" i get the error that boils down to
error: command 'swig.exe' failed: No such file or directory
People say just install SWIG, which i guessed already ^^.
The issue i have is that i actually have no idea how to... and none of the pages i found has really enlightended me on this issue.
I downloaded the zip "swigwin-3.0.12" but i am at a loss what to do with it now. EDIT: According to the SWIG page this is an already compiled version and i have to somehow make pycharm recognize that the folder it is in contains the swig.exe it requires.
EDIT2: Adding the folder containing the swig.exe to the PATH variable also did not work ... which i thought would be the issue
Ok the link in the comments from "wp78de" was correct my problem was that pycharm/pc restart were needed for it to catch the added PATH variable to the swig.exe (for pycharm that is)
Any advice is appriciated.
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Pycharm 2017.2.4
Python 3.6
Basically, you just have to add the directory that contains the swig executable the PATH environment variable. You can do it via CMD or the Windows UI.
If you have added swig to your path, you should be able to call it in the command prompt from any directory: open "cmd", and type swig --help" on that prompt.
A restart of PyCharm (or whatever your IDE is) and Windows might be required.
I need a terminal that will support svn on windows and I found that MobaXterm is one of them. However going to their plugin installation page which says:
To install these plugins, just download them and put them in the same directory than the MobaXterm executable.
So I downloaded it and put it in the file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mobatek\MobaXterm Personal Edition however I still get the error message
Sorry: Svn is not included in this version of MobaXterm.
You can check online if you find a Svn plugin for MobaXterm
by ctrl+clicking here: http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net .
If you need a custom version of MobaXterm that includes Svn,
do not hesitate to ask us for a quotation: mailto:contact#mobatek.net .
Does anyone have experience with this software or recommended a terminal that can support svn in windows?
You need to go into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Mobatek\MobaXterm Personal Edition or whichever edition you have and place the plugin there. Restart MobaXterm and it should work.
I normally collect all the plugins which I require from http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/plugins.html
Once the .mxt3 files are getting downloaded, I moved them to the installed folder where the MobaXterm_.exe is there.
After restarting MobaXterm, this will work like a champ.
Hope if this solves your issue faster.
Start MobaXterm terminal.
Type MobApt or apt-get. This will open MobApt package manager.
Once in the package manager, you have a variety of tools/commands that you can install by simply selecting and pressing Install/Update.
i know the question is old. but you should put the plugin into your home.
if you check the setting you see this is the home directory
witch is :
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\MobaXterm\home -- or whatever drive that u installed windows
i just installed the python plugin and it works fine
In Mobaxterm simply type : apt-get install subversion
Usable just right after installation. No need to restart.
Same for git.
Change the name of the .mxt3 file (that you downloaded) to .zip
Extract the files, get the .exe files you want from the bin folder
from the files you just extracted, and add them to the slash/bin
folder of the Mobaxterm (where there are more .exe files)
In order to finish your plugin installation, you need to restart MobaXterm. After restarting, type "svn" in the terminal and it should work.
Try run the command:
#unalias svn
When I saw $PATH and looked into its directories, there was no git.exe.
I downloaded git.mxt3 and put in program files (86) folder and restarted mobaterm.
After restart I can see a file named git.exe in my /bin folder. I am using Win7 (64 bit) and mobaXterm personal Edition v7.1 installed using windows installer (not portable )
MobaXterm already has a 'Packages' button where you can search for plugins and download them. You don't need to go to github and other places to find the necessary files. Just using the built-in search feature under the 'Packages' option at the top of MobaXterm.