Why does firefox block before downloading the document? - performance

Firefox runs my website significantly slower than IE or chrome. When I check the network tab, I see that 235ms is spent blocking. No blocking is reported for my site in chrome, and no blocking is reported in firefox for other sites, like google or amazon. It also has a much higher receiving time than chrome.
Its my understanding that blocking occurs because the browser has a limited number of connection that it can make:
What is meaning of 'Blocking' in Firebug Net Panel?
Here's an example of a website blocking before the document: http://thehill.com/ (sorry in advance for the politics). The blocking on this site doesn't always occur (it does on my site) and is about 1/10th the length of the blocking on my site.
Shouldn't the browser always have all its connections available when it tries to download the Document? Why would firefox be blocking on the document and not chrome, and how can I fix it?

Firefox has it's own http proxy settings. IE and chrome take proxy settings from windows settings. Please check if there is some difference between your FF and IE settings.
Next thing you can do is creating new, fresh profile in FF (make sure there is no addons installed) and trying again.

try making your javascript calls asynchronous. My wild guess (with no codes provided that is the only thing possible) is that you have some javascript call that is blocking. try optimizing and debugging javascript, maybe that will help you see where did the blocking appear.


error parallax effect in firefox but works on google chrome

I need your help my website is not functioning properly on firefox browser but in edge, chrome and opera and safari it works only firefox is not functioning properly
Firefox Browser
Google Chrome Browser
I would recommend setting up all your projects in Xampp or something similar first before testing it. If you are going to upload to a server you need to replicate the environment locally before you decide whether it is going to work or not. It seems complicated but it is quite simple, you can find out more here. https://www.apachefriends.org/
That said, check your urls, they are not the same for your two different screens, the one is referencing an anchor tag.

My Website is slow with Chrome. But not in any other browser even in Incognito

I am fairly new to Web Development. I have created this site - www.hum3r.com
If you try to open the site in Chrome it loads and scrolls so slowly. But in IE, Safari, Firefox and even in Incognito Window of Chrome itself handles perfectly. Please advise why and any suggestion to fix slow n unsmooth scrolls
This sounds like an extensions issue, probably with something that checks scripts as they are downloaded, like AdBlock Plus or a virus scanner. Check which extensions you are running; 99% chance one of them is to blame. Extensions are disabled in incognito mode, which is why it works okay.
Also, as #cale_b said, you should minify and bundle those scripts and stylesheets; those will put a hit on any browser.

Website Images That Are Cached In Chrome Disappear On Page Refresh

I'm having a strange issue with Chrome.
I'm working on development with a very image heavy website. If I reload a page over and over again, eventually half the images or more will just disappear. (they don't seem to be broken, just not visible).
If I clear my local cache in Chrome and refresh the page, the images return.
Any idea what may be causing this and how to possibly fix?
edit: just to note, it's not just me. Others hav reported the same issue on the website I'm working on. Always Chrome.
Images, which contains "content-length" header randomly disapper, removing this at the server side solves this bug...
(chrome dev team has this issue in "open" state in their bug tracing system)
I've been getting this recently too. I generally use the latest dev channel for Chrome and assumed it was related to that, but even when launching the regular version of Chrome I get the same issue. I've only noticed it for the past 2-3 months though. Hard-refresh does the job, but it's a really odd bug.

firefox no longer being ignored by fiddler

After updating firefox to 3.6.4, fiddlerhook no longer allows you to disable firefox traffic. It will always show up in fiddler. Is this a known issue with the new way firefox is handling add ins?
Are you seeing this problem with Adobe Flash requests? FF3.6.4 has a new feature that runs add-ons out-of-process, and I think they have a bug where the proxy setting from the main process isn't properly propagated to the background add-on process. I don't know if that's been filed in Mozilla's DB.
Restarting Firefox should resolve the issue.

Debugging in IE

I've got this weird bug. The progress bar in IE's bottom-window status bar keeps incrementing very slowly after an Ajax POST. At least that's where I think the problem is.
How can I tell what the hell IE is doing that's causing the progress bar to keep going? In FireFox, I would just look at the Console tab in FireBug and see what's up.
I turned Fiddler on but it doesn't pick up any HTTP requests or responses being sent.
What can I do in IE?
I'm not very experienced in Web debugging but you might try the Developer Tools that come in Internet Explorer 8. It's under the Tools menu, or just hit F12. I think the Profiler tab may be helpful. I had heard somewhere that the IE8 Tools were created to mimic Firebug's feature set as closely as possible.
An another tool for checking HTTP requests is the Debugbar
This might not help if Fiddler isn't picking anything up, but HttpWatch is a great http request debugging tool for IE.
I don't think there is a problem here, earnestly. IE has a bug where it shows that a request has not yet been completed when it has. This has been around for a while now, and I have tested my own applications against it. There is nothing happening and there are no connections waiting for a response, yet the browser still thinks there is an open connection.
i recently discovered this tool for earlier IE versions which can be used in combination with the IE debugger for network profiling and more behind the scenes debugging
open IE ...thn press F12 ...here you will get many menus..to debug script choose "SCRIPT" option..and start debug...and if there is any error on page...thn u will get on Console option..also see on attach image...
