Graphviz: Putting a Caption on a Node In Addition to a Label - graphviz

In my Graphviz graph (written in DOT), I want each node to have a label, but in addition to that, I want some nodes to have a small caption denoting some other unique value for that node. For example, if this were for a history diagram, a node's label might be something like "Birth of George Washington" and the caption might read "See also: American Revolution."
This is fairly flexible, so the caption doesn't necessarily need to be inside the node, but I do need some other way of putting text that clearly isn't part of the label (e.g. is a different size, possibly a different color) and is in a different location but is still clearly a part of the node.
Is there any way to do this?

To place captions outside the node, you may use xlabel:
digraph g {
a [label="Birth of George Washington", xlabel="See also: American Revolution"];
b [label="Main label", xlabel="Additional caption"];
a-> b;
forcelabels=true makes sure no xlabel is omitted.
A second option is to use HTML-like labels:
digraph g {
a[label=<Birth of George Washington<BR />
<FONT POINT-SIZE="10">See also: American Revolution</FONT>>];


Sepetate 2 glutinous arrow header in graphviz

Hi my arrow like following:
Arrow on the red marked is glutinous.
How do I divide it?
add code
In your situation fastest fix would be to add nodesep = 0.15 graph attribute (right after digraph { statement). This attribute adjusts the minimal distance between the nodes in one rank. This results in:
Also you may play with headport and tailport attributes, as I suggested in the comment. Shortcut for them is to add a colon after node when you are defining edge.
If you replace TR_Client_Data -> idle with TR_Client_Data -> idle:e you will get this result:
Edges are crossed, but they are apart.
Also I've noticed that you define node attributes in a wrong way: keyword node defines global attributes for all nodes in the graph (or subgraph). If you want to specify attributes for a single node, place them after node definition.
node [
shape = point,
fontsize = 12
] start_point;
start_point [
shape = point,
fontsize = 12

Graphviz: Color only a field in a Record-based Node

Is there a way to add color to only a field in a record-based node. Like in the following example, can the field struct2:f0 alone be in different color?
digraph structs {
node [shape=record];
struct1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> mid\ dle|<f2> right"];
struct2 [label="<f0> one|<f1> two"];
struct3 [label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"];
struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0;
struct1:f2 -> struct3:here;
I don't think this is possible.
You may consider using HTML-like labels - you should be able to do everything you can do with record-based nodes, and more.
From the above linked documentation page:
The record-based shape has largely been superseded and greatly
generalized by HTML-like labels. That is, instead of using
shape=record, one might consider using shape=none and an HTML-like
Although HTML labels are not, strictly speaking, a shape, they can be
viewed as a generalization of the record shapes described above. In
particular, if a node has set its shape attribute to none or
plaintext, the HTML label will be the node's shape.
Try this:
digraph G {
"Record" [ label=<<table>
<td bgcolor='#00CC11'>B</td>

Get rid of "_anonymous_0" tooltips in SVG with GraphViz

I generate SVGs using Graphviz. When embedded in HTML, the nodes, edges and arrows show an "_anonymous_0" tooltip. Can I get rid of these from within GraphViz?
Found by trial and error :-)
digraph "my title" {
tooltip=" "
node [tooltip=" "]
edge [tooltip=" "]
disables the automatic generation of tooltips.
an empty string
does not(!) disable the generation.
If your dot source start something like this:
digraph {
it may help to use the following:
digraph "" {
It looks like the name of the graph (digraph mygraph { ) is transformed to a title element (<title>mygraph</title>). If you omit the name, *anonymous_0* is used instead. But if "" is used, no title element is being created.
There may be a better solution to this though...

Graphviz (DOT) Captions

I need to print a large number of graphs using Graphviz DOT. To distinguish which input each graph corresponds to, I want to also have a caption for each graph. Is there anyway to embed this into the DOT representation of the graphs.
You can use label to add a caption to the graph.
digraph {
A -> B;
labelloc and labeljust can be used to determine top/bottom and left/right position of the graph label.
All the details and other attributes that can be used to modify the label (font etc) in the graphviz attribute reference.
Tip: Define the graph label end of your dot file, otherwise subgraphs will inherit those properties.
Graph's can have attributes just like nodes and edges do:
digraph {
graph [label="The Tale of Two Cities", labelloc=t, fontsize=30];
node [color=blue];
rankdir = LR;
London -> Paris;
Paris -> London;
That dot file produces this graph.
If you are looking for a way to add a caption to a Graph object of graphviz in python. Then the following code can help:
from graphviz import Graph
dot = Graph()
dot.edge('1','2', label="link")
dot.attr(label="My caption")

record nodes and rankdir in graphviz

When I changed the rankdir of my graph from LR to TD, my record nodes also changed their layout direction so they no longer look like a 'record'. I tried applying a separate rankdir to the nodes, but this had no effect.
How does one keep the record nodes with the correct layout?
digraph sample {
graph [rankdir=TD];
node [shape=record];
A [label="ShouldBeTop | ShouldBeBottom"];
B [label="Top | Bottom"];
A -> B;
Taking into account that rankdir effectively replaces the notion of "top" and "bottom" for the given graph, that's not surprising.
I am afraid that there is no easy remedy for this, save hacking the source (and that would not be easy at all). You can surround your labels in "{}" with some kind of mass search-replace solution to get the requested effect:
digraph sample { graph [rankdir=TD]; node [shape=record];
A [label="{ShouldBeTop | ShouldBeBottom}"];
B [label="{Top | Bottom}"]; A -> B;
You can use html table like labels instead of records. IIRC the table based labels do not rotate with the rank direction. See
