Why VS 2010 freezen when copying text editor? - visual-studio-2010

There was such a problem. Established a new framework and then Visual Studio 2010 began to freeze when copying text. How to fix it? Remove the new framework? How Microsoft manages to make all these misunderstandings? Disgusting!
Sorry for my bad english .... it'fault google translate.

You may try to do this:-
Go to tools --> options --> text editor --> C#
and then disable Auto list members and Parameter information.
This seems to be an issue with the Visual Studio but you may find the relevant information here. VS 2010 freezes when pasting text into the editor
P.S.:- And it is not that Microsoft does nothing with its product or leaves a misunderstanding. Its just that even the best may sometimes skip few things.


Turning off auto-suggestions in Visual Studio 2019 without turning off IntelliSense

I am new to Visual Studio and would like to disable the IntelliSense automatic suggestions without disabling IntelliSense entirely. More precisely, I don't want popup hints continually covering the code I'm working on, but I'd still like to be able to use Ctrl-Space to request suggestions at times. I'm coding in C/C++.
I've seen information on how to do this for Visual Studio Code, but I haven't found anything similar for Visual Studio.
Or if this is just a matter of me not understanding how to properly use Visual Studio or IntelliSense, please help me understand or point me to a forum where true Microsoft devotees hang out.
The solution is to go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> General and uncheck Auto list members.
Credit goes to this answer in "Intellisense “Toggle Completion Mode” doesn't work with C++ in Visual Studio 2010 Professional".
Turning off auto-suggestions in Visual Studio 2019 without turning off
Edit Menu-->Intellisense-->click Toggle Completion Mode
After that, when you type, it will not cover the code you are working on automatically.
Hope it could help you.
Mabby this can help you this is a article i found about this

Enabling opening and closing tag guidelines in Visual Studio

I've recently started using Visual Studio quite heavily since starting to develop in .Net
I really like the intellisense as it increases my productivity by allowing me to code faster. Previously when authoring CSS I would just use Notepad ++ and I got very used to some of the little features that this awesome text editor possessed however, now that I am doing the bulk of my work in Visual Studio 2013 I want to try and avoid having too many environments open at once. With this in mind, there is one feature inparticular that I would like to try and replicate in Visual Studio when editing CSS or indeed any other type of code.
In Notepad ++ it automatically includes a sort of guideline which runs down the page between the opening and closing tags of elements as shown below:
My question is, how do I replicate this behaviour in Visual Studio 2013 as the currently setup I have at the moment isn't as clear/productive as you can see below:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are a couple of free extensions you can use to do this. These will run on any of the Visual Studio versions except Express, which does not support extensions.
You can duplicate this with the Indent Guides extension.
You can also use the Structure Visualizer Feature of the Productivity Power Tools.
Note: The backgrounds in the example are different because they are taken on different machines with different themes.

Creating a ".rc" file in Visual Studio 2010 Express

I'm trying to learn game programming. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express on Windows Vista. I want to know how to create a resource file (.rc). The microsoft website gives some fairly ambiguous instructions on creating one. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sxdy04be.aspx. If I go to my Solution explorer, right click and select Add New Item, the IDE does not give a .rc file as one of the options. It only gives me a .cpp, .h and windows form as options. I don't know what to do. I just can't figure out where i'm goofing up. I'd be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
Thanks a lot
Merry christmas!
The Visual Studio Express 2010 does not have the ability to edit resource files. Take a look at this MSDN page it is the listing of which features each version of VS 2010 contain.
From above link. There is no resource editor in the Express Version.
This link discusses a way to add a resource editor to Visual Studio Express.
Also take a look at this MSDN Forum Link It has some tips and links to external editors.

Visual Studio 2010 - sometimes markup language doesn't have collapsibility. How to correct?

I have pages in VS2010 (C#) which when I open the markup language (aspx), once in awhile the text can't be collapsed.
I frequently collapse by tags when I need to add new sections of markup.
Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know a solution?
Closing and reopening the page doesn't always work.
Switching to design mode and back doesn't seem to always work either.
[I am using the most recent service pack].
Just a VS2010 quirk? It does it to me sometimes too, and we're definitely not the only ones - Automatic outlining (collapsible sections) does not start for .ASPX files in Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Integrating the Blend design into Visual Studio 2010

I am a student & am newly introduced to the Microsoft Blend.
Its something really impressive & makes me design happily.
But I am facing a problem: Its fine about the designing part but what about the coding?
Where are we suppose to write the code? I mean how are we to import that file into Visual Studio 2010.
Please do tell me the solution ? I have been looking out for resources nearly everyday.
But its still in vague.
Thanking you.
Expression Blend is a tool meant for designers so it does not really focus much on features for writing code. It is actually designed to inter-operate well with Visual Studio and you should be able to just open any Blend project or solution in Visual Studio and do your coding there.
In fact, I often have both tools open at the same time with the same project open and it makes for a pretty smooth workflow. For example, if I make a change in Blend and then switch to Visual Studio it will prompt me to reload the changes.
If you have Visual Studio installed the easiest way is to click on a file inside the Projects tab and then choose Edit in Visual Studio (see image). Once you do that VS will load the project / solution and open the file for you to edit your file and or add code to it.
