What difference between control's window handle and controlID - winapi

I'm learning Win32 assembly. Have some question I search but not suitable result.
Anyone can explain for me What difference between control's window handle and controlID.

They have nothing in common. Every window has a handle, returned by CreateWindowEx(). Such a window can have a few extra properties attached, like a menu handle. The hMenu argument in CreateWindowEx(). If the window doesn't have a menu, a child window won't have one, then you can use that argument to pass an arbitrary other bit of data. It will be assigned to the GWLP_ID property (see GetWindowLongPtr). Also note the GWLP_USERDATA, an extra property that's entirely yours to use as you see fit.
Dialogs take advantage of this, a dialog template that you create in the resource editor gives you a way to number the child controls. With a helper function like GetDlgItem() to get the handle back for a control with a specific number. Which is pretty necessary for dialogs since it is Windows that create the child controls from the dialog template so you don't know the window handles for them yourself.


Is there any way to activate the Apply button from a print propery page with PrintDlgEx?

I have custom print property sheets/pages that have been added to the dialog displayed by PrintDlgEx. These property sheets are, of course, used to change additional options. The issue is that there does not appear to be any documented way to activate the Apply button from the property sheet's dialog function, or anywhere for that matter. This seems to be a huge omission on Microsoft's part.
Is there any "official" way to change the Apply button's state? If not, are there any possible workarounds?
Is there any "official" way to change the Apply button's state? If not, are there any possible workarounds?
Not directly, no. You would have to retrieve the button's HWND manually an then manipulate it as needed.
use SetWindowHookEx() to install a local WH_CBT hook for the thread that is calling PrintDlgEx(). The dialog's HWND will be available as a parameter of the callback function when it receives a HCBT_ACTIVATE notification. Then you can locate the Apply button's HWND within the dialog (use Spy++ or similar tool to get details about the button, then have your code use GetDlgItem() or FindWindowEx() to get the button's HWND). Be sure to call UnhookWindowsHookEx() after PrintDlgEx() exits (or at least after you are done using the button HWND).
use SetWinEventHook() to register for EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE, EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW, and/or EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART notification(s) for the thread that is calling PrintDlgEx(). The dialog and button HWNDs will be available as a parameter of the callback function. Be sure to call UnhookWinEvent() after PrintDlgEx() exits (or at least after you are done using the button HWND).
Once you have the button's HWND, you can do whatever you want with it. It is a standard button control, so any standard button message/function can be used with it.
A more close to "official" way is to call PropSheet_Changed().
The way I get the property sheet dialog is to look at the source of PSN_ notifications sent to IPrintDialogCallback::HandleMessage(). Or you can use GetParent(GetParent(generalDialog)).
Once you call PropSheet_Changed() the Apply button will activate.
You're right, it seems to be a huge omission on Microsoft's part, as it's not a simple thing to code, but it's something that most people adding property sheets would need.
I can put some code up if anyone needs it.

Tooltip only shows when running from source

I have a hierarchical flexgrid control with the ToolTipText property set, and when I run from source the tooltip displays as it should. But when I compile it and run that way, the tooltip doesn't display.
I've tried to remove anything listening to MouseMove in the hopes that that would fix it, and when I add some code to put the tooltip text into a message box, it appears to be set correctly. Can anyone think of why this would be happening?
Update: It appears that the problem arises when I host the grid inside another user control. E.g.: make container.ctl, which is just a blank control but with ControlContainer = True. Then make gridholder.ctl, which is a mshfg inside of a container.ctl. Lastly, embed gridholder.ctl into some form. Tooltips on the flexgrid don't appear to show up.
I'm interested to see how reproducible this is...
I haven't found a workaround for this issue yet, but I have a better idea of why it's happening after some testing and stepping through some of the VB6 runtime code in WinDBG.
The first interesting thing is that VB6 doesn't use the standard tooltip display mechanisms provided by Windows. For example, it doesn't use WM_NOTIFY messages to show/hide tooltips, or any of the other "standard" tooltip support described in the documentation explaining how tooltips work in Windows.
Instead, the VB6 runtime has its own way of managing and displaying tooltips. In principle, it's similar to in some ways to the standard Windows way of dealing with tooltips, but it's also different in a quite a few areas.
A breakdown of how VB6 does tooltips:
When a VB6 program starts, the runtime uses SetWindowsHookEx to install a mouse hook for the program's main thread.
The mouse hook intercepts all mouse messages sent to the program, in particular all WM_MOUSEMOUSE messages
Whenever the mouse hook runs, it calls an internal method in the VB6 runtime to get the object pointer (HCTL) of the control that the mouse is currently over top of. Note that this is an actual COM interface pointer, not a window handle.
It translates the HCTL to the corresponding window handle (HWND).
It checks to see if the mouse position is within that window's rectangle.
If so, it retrieves the ToolTipText property for the control. If this is not empty, it creates a tooltip window and displays the tooltip after a 700ms delay.
The problem with the MSHFlexGrid (and I imagine other controls that are not standard VB6 controls) is that this code doesn't retrieve the correct HCTL when you hover over the control and it's inside a custom container.
In that case, the code retrieves the HCTL of the custom container, not the HCTL of the MSHFlexGrid itself. Therefore, it retrieves the container's ToolTipText property (which is empty) and not the grid's ToolTipText, and therefore won't display a tooltip.
I'm not sure exactly why it does this, because as noted in the comments on your question, all of this works correctly if you use a PictureBox as your container.
I suspect the PictureBox has code to handle this correctly that is not included when you create your own container.
I'll update this answer with an actual workaround if I can find one. The only thing I can think right now is to somehow "sync" your container's ToolTipText property with the grid's ToolTipText property, so that when VB6 requests the container's ToolTipText, it will return the value of the grid's ToolTextTip property instead.
This is easier said than done, however, because ToolTipText is an extender property, and extender properties take precedence over properties that you write yourself that have the same name.
After a bit of research, I found what I think is the underlying problem. Your user control is not implementing any method for the controls to interact with. User Controls that are Container Controls need to implement the Extender functionality. These two links are the best I've found on the subject so far.

Get Context Menu text of specific TaskBar button

I've got some code that grabs the TaskBar buttons and their text from the windows TaskBar using User32.SendMessage with the TB_GETBUTTON message to retrieve a TBBUTTON structure (Win32 API via C# P/Invokes). But I'm trying to figure out how to then, once I have the handle to the button, grab the associated context menu text. There is some status information on there for a specific application that I would like to retrieve. The button text gets me some of it, but I need to the context menu text to complete it.
Any ideas?
This is not completely clear... Context menus don't have text, as such - they have menu items, each one of which will have text. By "context menu text", do you mean the text of the menu items in the taskbar button's popup/context menu? For example, "Restore", "Minimize" etc in the screenshot below?
If so, I suspect you're going about this the wrong way:
This menu doesn't belong to the button, but is the system menu of the window represented by the taskbar button. If the button has a context menu, this is probably for a grouped collection of windows, not one specific window (or even windows for one process.)
Making judgements based on the context menu of a window sounds like a dodgy approach to me, especially based on text since that will change depending on where in the world your user is located. Applications can also change the contents of this menu so there's no guarantee it will contain something you expect to be there. It would be better to check the window style, if it's minimized, etc, to find out the information that also affects the contents of the menu.
I'm going to answer this based on what your needs seem to be from the question, not what you've directly asked, since (a) it's not possible as asked and (b) I think you're trying to do something else. (As a general guideline, in a question it's good to state why you're trying to do something - and even maybe ask about that, ie 'how do I achieve X' - in case there's a better method than the one you're using. Here, X is probably 'find out information about this window' not 'get the text of the context menu', because that's probably only one possible method to get to X.) Also I think extracting data from the internals of a third-party application like Explorer (the taskbar is an Explorer window) is fragile and prone to break in future versions of Windows.
The system menu or window information (whichever one) belongs to application windows. Unless taskbar buttons are grouped (and then it's the subitems) one taskbar button corresponds to one specific window in the system. So what you want to do is find these windows. You do this by:
Using the EnumWindows function
Then for each window that is passed to the callback, checking the extended window style using GetWindowLong with GWL_EXSTYLE to see if the WS_EX_APPWINDOW bit is set
In addition, sometimes other windows are shown: these heuristics should help.
Each one of these windows is a window that should appear on the taskbar, Alt-Tab dialog, etc.
You say you're getting the text of the taskbar button - this is probably the window caption of the window, and GetWindowText is the canonical (read: probably a lot more reliable) way to get the caption of a window belonging to another process.
If you really want the popup menu, then:
Use GetSystemMenu to retrieve the handle for the system menu for the window. Applications can customise this, so if your app is doing this (and that's why you want the popup menu) ensure you pass false to the bRevert parameter
You can then get the number of menu items using GetMenuItemCount and for each one call GetMenuItemInfo to get info about each menu item. Pass true to the fByPosition parameter to indicate you're accessing the menus by position (since you know the count, you're getting item 0, 1, 2... count-1).
This fills a MENUITEMINFO structure, which (I think, I haven't ever had to code this so I haven't tested) will tell you the text associated with an item via the dwTypeData field "if the MIIM_STRING flag is set in the fMask member".
If you really want information about the window status, you can get this information using methods like IsIconic to see if it's minimized, GetWindowLong again to get other information, etc. I'd suggest you ask another SO question about how to get whatever specific information about a window for details.
Hope that helps!

Is it possible to design Dialogs within a Dialog, both created with ressource editor?

Is it possible to create a dialog ressource with a resource editor and then put this dialog (possibly multiple times) into another dialog?
Here's some background. I need to create a C++ program (Windows). The user needs to input a set of similar data on a dialog. Say, for simplicity's sake, an element of this data-set consist of an edit control and a scrollbar. Since this combination (edit + scrollbar) needs to be put onto the dialog for each element for the data-set, I thought I could create a simple dialog with just one edit control and one scrollbar, and then put this dialog mutliple times onto its "parent" dialog.
So, is this possible at all. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you can do this.
In the dialog editor, set the "Control Parent" flag on the parent dialog. (This will ensure the tab key works to cycle through items in the child dialogs as if they were part of the parent dialog.)
Make sure the child dialog(s) have the "Child" flag set in the dialog editor. Visually, they'll look like dialogs without any border at all in the editor.
At runtime, create the child dialogs as children of the parent dialog using CreateDialog (or CreateDialogParam, etc.). When calling CreateDialog you specify the dialogproc for each window.
I often make the child dialog procs do little more than forward messages to the main window's dialog proc (calling it directly; not via SendMessage), but you have to be careful, obviously. You have to be especially careful if you are creating multiple copies of the same dialog in a single parent, since obviously the control IDs within that dialog will all be the same and you need to differentiate them (perhaps by the parent's hWnd).
You don't have to forward messages to the parent, though. I just do usually do that so that most of the dialog's logic is in one place instead of spread out.
EDIT: Corrected statements about creating the child dialogs, window classes etc. I was mixing up dialogs and normal windows, making things more complex than they are in this case. Sorry about that!

WindowFromPoint returns handle for controls, but I only want the main window

I'm writing a window spy type thing to add a feature to an application I have. I've got all the code working, but sometimes WindowFromPoint returns a handle for a control instead of the containing window. For my purposes, I am only concerned with the main containing window. Is there a way for me exclude controls? Or possible detect that the result is a control and recurse upward until I reach the containing window?
You can test for the WS_CHILD flag (GetWindowLongPtr with 'GWL_STYLE') and if it's there call GetAncestor with 'GA_ROOT' as 'gaFlags'.
