CKEditor: How to install a new skin - ckeditor

I am new with CKEditor, though i find it quite amazing!
Anyway, i try on a simple site and is working fine.
The only thing is that i would like to style it.
I find that there are already nice skins like Kama or BootstrapCK-Skin (the one i prefere).
But i do not understand how to install.
I see many answer on google, i have tried many of them but no one is working with me.
That's why i am asking on Stack Overflow!
Can someone explain me how to install a new skin?
Thank you!

First go to page:
and download skin. After that,
open ckeditor\skins end download file copy in to skin dir.
Go to config.js end paste = 'kama';
at the end of the line, and call index page... :-)


Where should I place a language dictionary for module-checkout for magento 2?

I am trying to translate the "Go to Checkout" of Magento 2. If I place the file in /vendor/magento/module-checkout/i18n/de_DE.csv it works. Content of de_DE.csv:
"Go to Checkout","Zur Kasse"
But this seems as a bad idea as adding/changing stuff in /vendor is bad practice at least.
I have tried to place it practically everywhere, but no luck...
You can achieve the same by overriding it in your custom theme like given in below example. More over doing the changes in the vendor/magento is not advisable.
Once all the translations are set save the file and run the below given command in the terminal.
Clear cache (bin/magento cache:clean) and check your changes.
Hope this will make your day!.
You can add your csv file in app/i18n/vendorname/modulename, it will get translated everywhere the site., In your case you are saying that tried with place the translated file in vendor..So you can just override that in your custom theme too..Like path app/design/frontend/VendorName/CustomModuleName/Magento_Checkout/i18n/.csv,
And run the commands like upgrade deploy compile if it is necessary..
And clean cache too..
Hope this will help.

Joomla cannot unset mod_languages/css/template.css

Joomla 3.x
The following code is not working
thank you
The code is correct and I tested it, it's working fine.
Possibly you are running it in a plugin event after the head is rendered, or you have cached the page and the code is not really running.
In either case, try to put it at the component level, clear cache, and it should work
to identify the component: turn SEF off, and look at the URL it shows as option=com_componentname;
to identify the module, simply rename the modules folder, and update the site; if it works, it's a module.
For plugins, rename the plugins/system and plugins/content first, then drill down until you spot it.
Alternatively, but much slower, you can turn modules and plugins on and off from the backend, until you find the culprit.
A variation which I've used with success in the past:
Here's an alternate method using a module override which should work for you.
if it doesn't already exist, create a new directory titled html in your template's folder, ie: /templates/your-template/html/
inside this, create an new mod_languages folder, ie /templates/your-template/html/mod_languages/
copy the file from joomla-site-root/modules/mod_languages/tmp/default.php to the folder above, ie /templates/your-template/html/mod_languages/default.php
open this file with a text editor and around line 12 look for the line where JHtml is loading the mod_languages CSS, and comment it out.
// JHtml::_('stylesheet', 'mod_languages/template.css', array(), true);
That's it, hopefully, this will do the trick for you.
Overriding Joomla core output using this method is safe and you won't loose your work with future Joomla updates.
More info about Joomla overrides:!_core
Good luck!

Finding the file that is being loaded on the fly in joomla

im using a joomla template in my localhost. I would like to edit one of the on-screen module's position. i used chrome and firefox to inspect the elements and even changed the properties. it works the way i want, but the problem is, im not sure where these actual files are residing in my localhost. There are 100s of files and its frustrating there isn't an easy way to find out the exact file that i have to edit.
I understand that joomla contents are generated on the fly and thus it isn't easy to find the exact file. I have also seen some of the past related questions in, asked by desperate users like myself, nothing works.
Im hoping someone knows of a tool or a trick that can help me. I even tried indexing the localhost folder (c:\wamp\www\demo) to search file contents, it doesn't seem to work for some reason.
Pls help.
The position of the module is almost certainly determined only by the css in your template. Using web inspector in Firefox or Chrome you can see which file (and the file path) of any styles that are currently being applied to the module, so you can simply modify the rules in that files.
I love Mac
Since my files are in the localhost, i have been trying to search for the div class that is generated on the fly, but my pc couldn't thoroughly search the contents of the file.
On my mac, i searched for the div class word and hey! it showed me a list of files that contained the div class and i found the file in a matter of seconds! how cool is that!!
Thanks Guys, hope this helps someone too!

Joomla and JomSocial Error

I'm having problem with a client site. I'm not good with Joomla (we mostly do Wordpress), but one of my long-time clients asked me to move a site from another developer that never finished it, so I obliged. The problem is, everything is working great except for the Community page:
The only errors I'm finding are with the Facebook integration (which they told me the previous dev never finished/fixed). I'm really confused here...anyone out there have any ideas? It seems instead of showing the proper titles that Com_community_somethingElseHere is replacing everything.
Thank you guys in advance for your help!
Seems something is wrong with the en-GB.com_community.ini file.
I could not find the file in the above location!!!
Put this file in that folder and it will work!!!
If you can't find the file to put in the folder, create your own and place it there.. how? Well, google for this string as it is (including double quotes) "en-GB.com_community.ini" and open the first couple of results.
Then copy paste the displayed file content into your own ini file (name it en-GB.com_community.ini) and place it in your en-GB folder.
Load the page and it will show up as it should!

WordPress: plugins don't load (only) on homepage after update

After several plugins got updated yesterday I saw in the source code that actually no plugin is loaded(1) on the frontpage anymore. On all the other pages everything works just fine.
The most obvious one is the menubar (wp-menubar-plugin), and for now I made an exception for the homepage(2) loading a hard coded copy of the menu as I couldn't debug the issue.
For comparison:
homepage: as newby I only can post on link so please use the one below and click on "home" to compare the source code (only header) of the homepage and and all other pages. Sorry and Thank you ;)
other page example:
I tried some debugging by deactivating all plugins and activating one after the other with no change. I had a look through all my template files and couldn't find anything that could cause this 'exception'.
Has anyone experience with this or a similar behaviour?
I would be thankful for any hint where I could start with the debugging.
Thank you for any help,
(1) the easiest test is the 'All in One SEO Pack' which should be found in the header
(2) if (is_page('home')) ... echo css and in the body echo html
I can't exactly say what it was, but after the provider change some permissions so that I don't get the 550 error again all the plugins work again as well.
Thanks again for your help!
