how AntiForgeryToken() works in MVC and how to retrieve value at server action method from AntiForgeryToken? -

i was reading about AntiForgeryToken but do not understand the actual use or importance. i saw people wrote a code like in their form as
#using (Html.BeginForm("Create", "Register"))
so what it will generate a unique token and when form will post then this unique toke will pass and as well as a cookie will pass with same unique token value and two unique data will compare at server end that both are equal or not. if not then some tamper occur.
i just do not understand if other form field value change or tamper then how that tampering can be determine. suppose we often store valuable data inside hidden fields. if i need to secure that hidden fields value then how AntiForgeryToken can help us?
can we use AntiForgeryToken to wrap up those valuable data inside it and later compare at server end.
can anyone give me bit of sample code by which i can put 3 valuable data in my page and if tamper then a friendly message will be show to user. guide me how to do it. thanks

The idea behind the AntiForgeryToken is to prevent data being posted from a "fake" source. An attacker using a fake (forged) form can trick the user to submit any kind of data using their current session context. As you can imagine this can do quite a lot of damage.
A way to prevent this is to have a hidden field on your forms containing user specific data(something random) that is stored in the session, so that the bad guys can't forge it. In this case when a user posts the data, but doesn't have the user specific token, you can treat is as being malicious.
I think you have a misconception that the anti forgery token is about detecting whether the data posted has been "tempered" with, which it is not.
Here is more on this.


Using laravels {{old}} on dynamically created inputs

I have a form which allows a user to create an unlimited number of fields. If this forms fails validation I want the user to return to this page with the form populated with their previous input values - i.e. I want these fields to persist.
With a normal form I could do this with {{ old 'title' }}, however, these additional fields are being generated through JavaScript and so I cannot add this PHP snippet. What is the best way for me to retrieve these previous input values?
3 ways to do this, cache, sessions and cookies.
cache and sessions are server side which is much better for security, however it will take extra time and effort for setting up, but if the data is not sensible and can be passed within cookies, better to the cookies.
The best thing about cookies for your current situation is: you can set it up directly from your front end JS code.

Storing multiple CAPTCHA solutions in a session

I'm implementing a 3D CAPTCHA for my website.
My original idea was to store the expected captcha solution in a session variable. After a user submits a form, I'd compare it with their response.
What happens if the user opens my website in multiple tabs though? For each tab a new CAPTCHA challenge is generated and the expected response variable in the session is overwritten.
Now consider the user submits a form in an "old" tab. Since the expected response variable in the session has been overwritten, they won't pass the test.
Should I worry about this? How would you deal with it?
That is the general approach for captchas and sometimes a reason why they do not validate.
This is a goood read why not to use captcha
You could however add them in an array instead and see if the answer exists in array.
You are not stating which language you are using otherwise i could provide some code.

xss protection and html purifier

I am currently using the CodeIgniter framework, and looking to strengthen the XSS protection by using HTMLPurifier (
Is my understanding correct that you want to 'clean' data on post, so that its purified before its inserted into the Database? Or do I run it before displaying in the view?
If so, do I want to run HTMLPurifier on every single post that takes place? Since the app contains a lot of forms, I'd hate to have to selectively choose what gets cleaned and what doesnt - assuming that I can intercept all posts, is this the way to go? Of course, I validate some fields anyway (like email addresses, numeric numbers, etc)
Use $this->input->post() to get $_POST data. Codeigniter filters it automatically if global xss filter is set to true.
See the docs:
Edit: to clarify
Yes you should filter before inserting into the DB and yes you should filter all user input.
A quick google search,, led to this page: which is a helper for htmlpurifier. Regarding catching all $_POST data: you have to do something with the data, right? In your models, when you're doing that something, just make purify() part of that process:
$postdata = purify($_POST);

rails how to give data to ajax in a secure way?

In order to use some AJAX calls, we use often some input type="hidden". But these values can be easily changed. So, is it a builtin rails feature than permit to send date to AJAX, withouth being usable by user, or than can't be changed by user ?
In my current rails apps, i'm using filters for discard all malicious actions on my controllers. I am not building a public API, so i don't really need more powerful checks.
But for examples, i have an apotomo widget displaying some data, using some input hidden. But if you change it, you can access to another data set. In my case, it's not really an issue, cause all these users have the right to access these data sets anyway.
But is it some manner to give datas to ajax call, in a secure way ? Or the only security, is about rights management ?
All input that comes from the user is insecure as you do not have control over it! Users even do not need a webbrowser but can use some other program (like curl or wget) to send manipulated data.
As you state, using a whitelist (not a blacklist as you can never be sure of all bad, but of all good!) is a good way to start.
To make sure the hidden fields have not been changed you can use some kind of checksum that is calculated on server side using a fixed secret. This secret must never be exposed to your visitors!
hash = md5(field_1 + field_2 + field_3 + my_secret)
When these four hidden fields (field_1..3, hash) arrive in your form you can recalculate the hash and compare it with the params[:hash] in order to be sure the field_1 to field_3 have not been changed.

Should hidden field information always be encrypted?

A question based on a comment made here:
storing user detail ... session vs cache !
Summary: I mentioned a technique I've used where I populate a model and use hidden fields to keep and pass back that information; Viewstate on the cheap. Simon Halsey said that the information should be encrypted or hashed so it is not tampered with. I'm thinking the added complexity of hashing it is just a form of YAGNI.
I can see that for sensitive information, definitely, but is this a good rule of thumb in general? What am I missing?
I actually have an attribute to do this (something similar) and speak about this exact thing in a security presentation. Yes - you should hash a copy of the value... encrypting it is up to you. if you encrypt it you get no model binding but is more open to attack, although a hash check helps. I'll post the code shortly for it and update this post. Who would ever think Viewstate helped with security : )
but to answer your question - you can encrypt it, but you need a way to at least validate it on the server side, so I hash a value and hash the posted value and then compare hashes in the attribute. encrypting can help - but then you need to implement either your own model binder or manually handle those values
The rule of thumb would be generally for any values that could be maliciously overwritten to attack your data - then you want some protection/validation on those fields. you could compare server side against what you know is a valid option for them (a form of whitelisting) but then you have the same form of rules duplicated on loading the data and on saving the data and that gets a bit messy at times, unless its as simple as limiting a user's get/update to a single userId.
What I mean is.. if you are updating say a user's record. Generally the main thing that matters for security is that the userId is not changed by the user to update a record that isn't theirs. The logic on get/save is easy "where o.UserId == userId"
However in complex role based security the logic becomes trickier and is not as clean to limit record updates like this. In those cases you can really take advantage of encrypted/hashed fields. I always hash the specific fields uses for update. Sure - they can be forged with other valid hashed fields from a previous request, but the scope of potential damage is significantly more limited this way.
