Three.js no shadows on ShaderMaterial - three.js

I'm creating terrain editor with three.js and i have encountered few problems.
First. Shadows renders on MeshLambertMaterial, but it wont on ShaderMaterial.
Second. How to change object's material (from lambert to shader) on runtime?
Here's demo of my editor:
And source code:

LambertMaterial is a built-in material, that's supported by the plugins. So shadow plugin supports rendering on the LambertMaterial, while ShaderMaterial is your own shader/material, that should manually enable shadow support, it's not set by the default.
Switching material:

here is the example of ShaderMaterial with shadow and fog
or you can also rewrite a shader from LambertMaterial or other,
make it support your own shader


Spherical environment map blurry

I took an equirectangular envMap from the three.js docs sample where it appears sharp on a sphere.
If I load the same material into my aframe scene with the following params
material="spherical-env-map: /assets/models/1/envtest.jpeg; roughness: 0; metalness: 1"
it appears blurry like this
What am I doing wrong?
Reproducible example via glitch:!/sepia-forest-keyboard
What I have noticed when setting up the glitch:
Using Aframe 1.0.3 it is blurry
Using Aframe 1.2.0 it remains black no matter what I do
That happens because you are using a PBR material in your code since the default material of A-Frame is MeshStandardMaterial. Meaning a material that tries to render physically correct. The official three.js example uses MeshLambertMaterial which is no PBR material. Both type of materials implement environment maps differently.
When using a PBR material, it's recommended to use a HDR environment map which is also pre-processed with PMREMGenerator like in this example:

How can I have a camera orbit without using WebGLRenderer, and use canvas only?

I'm getting started with three.js, and I don't want to use WebGLRenderer (renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();) at all. Instead I want to use renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer();.
I don't want to use WebGLRenderer due to lack of support.
How can I have a camera orbit without using WebGLRenderer, and use canvas only in three.js?
The three.js site has a small but effective set of Canvas samples as well. Just take a look at the source of it has an orbiting camera. It is orthographic, which you might not want, but the source should be self-explanatory on how to change it to a perspective camera.

lightMap / specularMap / shading with meshBasicMaterial

I'm currently working on something along the lines of a plugin for another program to add 3D capability to it, so I'm trying to put all the functionality i can from three.js into it, with the added goal of this being a good way to learn all the functionality of three.js firsthand.
I'm running into an issue now as i implement textures and materials that with mesh basic material, setting some things which the documentation on the main site shows are features, doesn't actually do anything.
when i set a texture for either specularmap or lightmap nothing is actually showing up. Im pretty sure its not a mistake im making because setting the texture of the map works, but trying to set this same texture for the specularMap or lightMap is doing nothing. Does a regular texture work for these, or do i have to do something different?
I'd also like to know what the shading property does for mesh basic, because as far as i can see setting it to smoothshading/flatshading/noshading is doing nothing aswell.
MeshBasicMaterial does not respond to lights. Change your material to MeshLamberMaterial or MeshPhongMaterial, for example.
For MeshBasicMaterial and MeshLambertMaterial, the specularMap is used only to modulate the reflection when an environment map is used.
For any material, lightmaps require a second set of UVs. geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] contains the usual set of UVs; for a lightmap, you need to add geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ], a second set of UVs.
For MeshBasicMaterial, the shading property only applies when an environment map is used. SmoothShading will yield smooth reflections; FlatShading will yield faceted reflections.
three.js r.66

Flat shading OpenGL using Three.js

I am trying to simulate the OpenGL flat shading model using Three.js. My idea is creating an example like I was trying to change some different shading models but I cannot obtain the desired result.
Is it possible to create this scene in three.js?
Thanks in advance
Materials e.g. the MeshBasicMaterial have an option called "shading". It can be set to THREE.None, THREE.FlatShading, THREE.SmoothShading.
I am not sure if you need a light source in the first place or wether you have to enable shading for a the whole scene. Look at the demos at the Three.js website for something with shading.

Alternative for texture support of CanvasRenderer in Three.js r49?

In Three.js r47, I used CanvasRenderer to draw some objects with image texture. Then I upgrade Three.js to r49 and all these objects dont show up anymore. The change log of r49 reads that "Removed Lamber Texture support in CanvasRenderer". So I think this is the reason.
My question is does Three.js support an alternative to draw texture objects by CanvasRenderer?
Try using MeshBasicMaterial instead?
