Another way of writing a mimum value procedure in Scheme? - scheme

So if i have the following, which returns the smallest value out of a set of four numbers:
(define (minimum2 a b c d)
(cond ((and (< a b) (< a c) (< a d)) a)
((and (< b c) (< b d)) b)
((< c d) c)
(else d)))
But, I want to write it so that I compare a to b and find the smallest value between those two, then compare c and d, and find the smallest value between those, and then compare those two smallest values together to find the actual minimum. If what I wrote was tough to understand, think of it like a tournament bracket, where a "plays" b, and the winner plays the other winner between c and d. Thank you in advance for the help!

Here's one way to do it:
(define (min4 a b c d)
(define (min2 x y)
(if (< x y) x y))
(min2 (min2 a b) (min2 c d)))
Another way to do it, if you don't want to use an internal function:
(define (min4 a b c d)
(let ((min-ab (if (< a b) a b))
(min-cd (if (< c d) c d)))
(if (< min-ab min-cd) min-ab min-cd)))

Here are two ways to do this. I think that the first, using reduce, is much more idiomatic, but it's not doing the tournament style structure, though it uses the same number of comparisons. The second, which does a tournament style structure, is actually just a special case of a generalized merge-sort. The reason that the number of comparisons is the same is that in the tournament style comparison,
min(a,b,c,d) = min(min(a,b),min(c,d))
and in the reduce formulation,
min(a,b,c,d) = min(min(min(a,b),c),d)
Both require three calls the lowest level min procedure.
A reduce based approach
This solution uses a fold (more commonly called reduce in Lisp languages, in my experience). Scheme (R5RS) doesn't include reduce or fold, but it's easy to implement:
(define (reduce function initial-value list)
(if (null? list)
(reduce function (function initial-value (car list))
(cdr list))))
A left-associative fold is tail recursive and efficient. Given a binary function f, an initial value i, and a list [x1,…,xn], it returns f(f(…f(f(i, x1), x2)…), xn-1), xn).
In this case, the binary function is min2. R5R5 actually already includes an n-ary (well, it actually requires at least one arguments, it's at-least-one-ary) min, which means min would already work as a binary function, but then again, if you wanted to use the built in min, you'd just do (min a b c d) in the first place. So, for the sake of completeness, here's a min2 that accepts exactly two arguments.
(define (min2 a b)
(if (< a b)
Then our n-ary min* is simply a reduction of min2 over an initial value and a list. We can use the . notation in the argument list to make this a variadic function that requires at least one argument. This means that we can do (min* x) => x, in addition to the more typical many-argument calls.
(define (min* a . rest)
(reduce min2 a rest))
For example:
(min* 4 2 1 3)
;=> 1
A true tournament-style solution based on merge sort
A proper tournament style min is actually isomorphic to merge sort. Merge sort recursively splits a list in half (this can be done in place using the indices of the original list, as opposed to actually splitting the list into new lists), until lists of length one are produced. Then adjacent lists are merged to produce lists of length two. Then, adjacent lists of length two are merged to produce lists of length four, and so on, until there is just one sorted list. (The numbers here don't always work out perfectly if the length of the input list isn't a power of two, but the same principle applies.) If you write an implementation of merge sort that takes the merge function as a parameter, then you can have it return the one element list that contains the smaller value.
First, we need a function to split a list into left and right sides:
(define (split lst)
(let loop ((left '())
(right lst)
(len (/ (length lst) 2)))
(if (< len 1)
(list (reverse left) right)
(loop (cons (car right) left)
(cdr right)
(- len 1)))))
> (split '(1 2 3 4))
((1 2) (3 4))
> (split '(1))
(() (1))
> (split '(1 2 3))
((1) (2 3))
Merge sort is now pretty easy to implement:
(define (merge-sort list merge)
(if (or (null? list) (null? (cdr list)))
(let* ((sides (split list))
(left (car sides))
(right (cadr sides)))
(merge (merge-sort left merge)
(merge-sort right merge)))))
We still need the merge procedure. Rather than the standard one that takes two lists and returns a list of their sorted elements, we need one that can take two lists, where each has at most one element, and at most one of the lists may be empty. If either list is empty, the non-empty list is returned. If both lists are non-empty, then the one with the smaller element is returned. I've called it min-list.
(define (min-list l1 l2)
((null? l1) l2)
((null? l2) l1)
(else (if (< (car l1) (car l2))
In this case, you can define min* to make a call to merge-sort, where the merge procedure is min-list. Merge-sort will return a list containing one element, so we need car to take that element from the list.
(define (min* a . rest)
(car (merge-sort (cons a rest) min-list)))
(min* 7 2 3 6)
;=> 2


How to use the built-in function filter with lambda in Scheme programming?

"Implement unique, which takes in a list s and returns a new list containing the same elements as s with duplicates removed."
scm> (unique '(1 2 1 3 2 3 1))
(1 2 3)
scm> (unique '(a b c a a b b c))
(a b c)
What I've tried so far is:
(define (unique s)
((null? s) nil)
(else (cons (car s)(filter ?)
This question required to use the built-in filter function. The general format of filter function is (filter predicate lst), and I was stuck on the predicate part. I am thinking it should be a lambda function. Also, what should I do to solve this question recursively?
(filter predicate list) returns a new list obtained by eliminating all the elements of the list that does not satisfy the predicate. So if you get the first element of the list, to eliminate its duplicates, if they exists, you could simply eliminate from the rest of the list all the elements equal to it, something like:
(lambda (x) (not (eqv? x (first lst)))) ; what to maintain: all the elements different from (first lst)
(rest lst)) ; the list from which to eleminate it
for instance:
(filter (lambda (x) (not (eqv? x 1))) '(2 1 3 2 1 4))
produces (2 3 2 1 4), eliminating all the occurrences of 1.
Then if you cons the first element with the list resulting from the filter, you are sure that there is only a “copy” of that element in the resulting list.
The last step needed to write your function is to repeat recursively this process. In general, when you have to apply a recursive process, you have to find a terminal case, in which the result of the function can be immediately given (as the empty list for lists), and the general case, in which you express the solution assuming that you have already available the function for a “smaller” input (for instance a list with a lesser number of elements).
Consider this definition:
define (unique s)
(if (null? s)
(cons (first s)
(lambda (x) (not (eq? x (first s))))
(unique (rest s))))))
(rest s) is a list which has shorter than s. So you can apply unique to it and find a list without duplicates. If, from this list, you remove the duplicates of the first element with filter, and then cons this element at the beginning of the result, you have a list without any duplicate.
And this is a possibile solution to your problem.

How to multiply a list in scheme?

New to scheme but trying to learn the basics.
Let's say I passed a list in as a parameter and I wanted to multiply each element by -1. Right now I have this:
(define (negative b)
(* (car b) -1 )))
Which returns the first element as -1 * that element
So in this case giving it (negative '(5 1 2 3)) returns -5.
But lets say I want it to return
-5 -1 -2 -3
How would I go about making the rest of the list negative? Using cdr recursively?
Do it recursively.
(define (negative l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (* (car l) -1)
(negative (cdr l)))))
If the list is empty, this just returns an empty list, as the base case.
Otherwise, it calculates -1 * the first element, the negative of the rest of the list, and combines them to produce the result.
The purpose of your exercise may be for you to code up your own map procedure, in which case that's fine. But if not, use scheme's built in 'map' procedure which is intended for just this kind of purpose.
'map' has been available at least since R4RS (that is, a long time ago) and possibly earlier.
by using map. If you want it returned as list.
It would be like this
(define negative
(lambda (b)
(map - b)))
Map is going through list b, and apply procedure "-" to each number in list
If you want to return as single numbers not in list you apply values on the list.
(define negative1
(lambda (b)
(apply values (map - b))))
Edit: I saw that you are asking for recursive solution, which would go like this
(define negative1
(lambda (b)
(if (null? b)
(cons (- (car b)) (negative1 (cdr b))))))

Diagonal of a matrix in racket [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Find main diagonal in matrix - Scheme
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a list of lists(matrix) and i would like to access using (map or apply) the main diagonal.
The problem is larger, to make a matrix of a list of images removing the duplicates but i did that part.
(make-list (length (filter (lambda (x) (<= (image-height x) max-height)) L))
(filter (lambda (x) (<= (image-height x) max-height)) L)) )
I don't have a clue how to access using map or apply the elements of the main diagonal..
Remember that map requires a procedure that takes as many arguments as you have lists to map. In this case we want to access the ith element of a list, this is the built-in procedure list-ref which takes a list L and an index i and returns the ith element of L. So then we just need the indexes of the diagonal elements. This is (list 0 1 2 ...) which we can generate using build-list.
(define (diagonal M)
(define indexes (build-list (length M) values))
(map list-ref M indexes))
You don't have to build the second list if you use recursion. In this case you build the diagonal in a recursive function where we take the leading element of the first row, then recur on the rest of the elements in the rest of the rows:
(define (diagonal M)
(if (null? M)
(cons (caar M)
(diagonal (map cdr (cdr M))))))
It's going to take basically the same amount of operations in terms of building the diagonal, but the second one doesn't require a new list be generated up front and doesn't require determining the size of the matrix, so it's a little better.

Use intermediate language in racket to find permutations of a list [duplicate]

I have found the following piece of code that it makes permutation in Scheme. I mean if I enter like arguments '(1 2 3) it will give me:
((1 2 3) (1 3 2) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (3 1 2) (3 2 1))
The code is the following:
(define (remove x lst)
((null? lst) '())
((= x (car lst))(remove x (cdr lst)))
(else (cons (car lst) (remove x (cdr lst))))))
(define (permute lst)
((= (length lst) 1)(list lst))
(else (apply append(map(lambda (i) (map (lambda (j)(cons i j))
(permute (remove i lst))))lst)))))
The first function remove, it seems straightforward that only gets rid of the caracter denoted by x, even if its repeated or not, by comparing it with the beginning of the list and calling recursively with the rest of it.
The part that I quite do not get it, is the permute function. For what I know map appies a function to every element of an argument (in this case a list), and apply just applies one function one time completely to all the arguments. So what is exactly doing this line:
(apply append(map(lambda (i) (map (lambda (j)(cons i j))
(permute (remove i lst))))lst)))))
For me it seems that it just wants to create a pair with two elements: i and j, which they will become a list with the elements permuted (if we take the assumption that a list is just a bunch of concatenated pairs). But the part that calls again to permute and remove with i, what is that part doing? It is just removing the head of the list to generate subsets of the list having the head of the pair, element i, fixed until it runs out of elements?
Any help?
Let's pick this apart, going from the inside out. Fix lst and apply the inner expression to one of its elements.
> (define lst '(1 2 3))
> (define i 1)
> (permute (remove i lst))
((2 3) (3 2))
Looks good: the inner expression removes an element and generates permutations of the remainder of the list, recursively. Now map the lambda over these permutations:
> (map (lambda (j) (cons i j)) (permute (remove i lst)))
((1 2 3) (1 3 2))
So the inner map produces all permutations that start with some i, which we've set to 1 here.
The outer map makes sure all permutations are generated by considering all elements of lst as the first element.
> (map (lambda (i) (map (lambda (j) (cons i j))
> (permute (remove i lst))))
> lst)
(((1 2 3) (1 3 2)) ((2 1 3) (2 3 1)) ((3 1 2) (3 2 1)))
But this generates lists with too much nesting. Applying append flattens a list of lists,
> (append '(1 2) '(3 4) '(5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
> (apply append '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6)))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
so we get a flat list of permutations out.
I've always found it easier to understand the algorithm on a higher
level before diving into an implementation and trying to understand
what's happening there. So the question is: what are the permutations
of a list, and how would you find them?
The permutations of a single element list are evidently just the list
The permutations of (a b) are the set [(a b) (b a)].
The permutations of (a b c) are the set
[(a b c) (a c b) (b c a) (b a c) (c a b) (c b a)]
In general there are n! permutations of a list of length n - we have n
choices for the first element, and once we've picked that, (n-1) choices
for the second element, (n-2) for the third element, and so on. This
decrease in the degrees of freedom as we fix more and more of the first
elements of the list is very suggestive: maybe we can represent the
finding the permutations of a list of length n in terms of the
permutations of a list of length (n - 1), and so on until we reach the
permutations of a single-element list.
It turns out that the permutations of a list a precisely the set
[element prepended to the permutations of list \ element, for every
element in list].
Looking at the (a b c) case confirms that this is
true - we have a preceding (b c) and (c b), which are the
permutations of (b c), b preceding (a c) and (c a) and so on. This
operation of prepending the element to the sublist could be defined as
(define (prepend j)
(cons element j))
and the operation of doing it for all the
permutations of the sublist would then be (map prepend (permute
sublist)). Now, defining a new prepend function for each element is
maybe overkill - especially since they all have the same form. So a
better approach is just to use a lambda, which captures the value of
the element under consideration. The desired operation is
then (map (lambda (j) (cons element j)) (permute sublist)). Now, we
want to apply this operation to each element of the list, and the way to
do that is using another map, giving:
(map (lambda (element)
(lambda (j) (cons element j) (permute sublist)))
Now, this looks good, but there is a problem: each stage of the recursion takes single
elements and turns them into a list. That's fine for lists of length 1,
but for longer lists it repeats for every recursive call, and we get
very deeply nested lists. What we really want to do is to put all
these lists on the same footing, which is exactly what the (apply append ...) takes care of. And that's almost all of that line. The only
thing missing is how the sublist is generated in the first place. But
that's easy as well - we'll just use remove, so that sublist = (remove element list). Putting everything together, and we have
(apply append (map (lambda (i)
(lambda (j) (cons i j))
(permute (remove i lst)))
The base case takes care of the length = 1 case, and all of the others can be found from there

How do I generate all permutations of certain size with repetitions in Scheme?

I am learning Scheme and I am trying to generate permutations with repetitions of certain size.
For example, given n=4 and set S = {a, b, c, d, e, f}, I'd like to generate all possible permutations: {a,a,a,a},{a,a,a,b},...,{a,a,a,f},{a,a,b,a},{a,a,b,b},...,{a,a,b,f},...{f,a,a,a},{f,a,a,b}...,{f,a,a,f},...{f,f,f,f}.
The trouble is that I can't understand how to pick 'a' 4 times, and remember that i had picked it 4 times, then pick 'a' 3 times, and 'b' one time, and remember all this, so I don't pick it again.
I know that these kinds of problems are best solved with recursive algorithms, but it just makes everything more complicated, like, how do I remember in the recursion, what elements have I picked.
I don't know how to approach this problem at all. I would be very glad if someone wrote out the thought process of solving this problem. I'd appreciate it very much!
Please help me.
Thanks, Boda Cydo.
It's good to start from the procedure's interface and expected results. Your procedure is going to be called (permutations size elements) and is expected to return a list of permutations of the items in ELEMENTS, each permutation being SIZE items long. Figure you're going to represent a "permutation" as a list. So if you called (permutations 1 '(a b c)) you'd expect an output of ((a) (b) (c)).
So the trick about recursive procedures, is you have to figure out what the base condition is that you can answer easily, and the recursive step which you can answer by modifying the solution of a simpler problem. For PERMUTATIONS, figure the recursive step is going to involve decreasing SIZE, so the base step is going to be when SIZE is 0, and the answer is a list of a zero-length permutation, i. e. (()).
To answer the recursive step, you have to figure out what to do to the result for size N - 1 to get a result for size N. To do this, it can help to write out some expected results for small N and see if you can discern a pattern:
ELEMENTS = (a b)
0 ( () )
1 ( (a) (b) )
2 ( (a a) (a b) (b a) (b b) )
3 ( (a a a) (a a b) (a b a) (a b b) (b a a) ... )
So basically what you want to do is, given R = (permutations n elements), you can get (permutations (+ n 1) elements) by taking each permutation P in R, and then for each element E in ELEMENTS, adjoin E to P to create a new permutation, and collect a list of them. And we can do this with nested MAPs:
(define (permutations size elements)
(if (zero? size)
(flatmap (lambda (p) ; For each permutation we already have:
(map (lambda (e) ; For each element in the set:
(cons e p)) ; Add the element to the perm'n.
(permutations (- size 1) elements))))
I'm using FLATMAP for the outer mapping, because the inner MAP creates lists of new permutations, and we have to append those lists together to create the one big flat list of permutations that we want.
Of course, this is all assuming you know about and have a good handle on sequence operations like MAP. If you don't it'd be real difficult to come up with an elegant solution like I just did here.
Here is another version: I used reduce, not flatmap. I wrote it in MIT-scheme.
(define (per s)
(define (ins c before after)
(if (null? after)
(list (append before (list c)))
(append (list (append before (list c) after))
(ins c
(append before (list (car after)))
(cdr after)))))
(define (iter l)
(cond ((null? l)
(let ((rest (iter (cdr l))))
(reduce-left append
(map (lambda (x) (ins (car l) () x) )
(iter s))
(per '(1 3 2 4))
Hint: You can use parameters to a recursive call to "remember" what other recursive calls have done. ;)
