Caching in an excel document level customization in vsto - visual-studio

I have a document level customization in excel that is used to calculate and save quoting data. Basically each sheet is a quote with specific cells containing QuoteNo, Description, Totals etc.
I want to be able to extract this data into a list of POCO objects that is then cached as a property in the ThisWorksheet class.
I get the error
The Cached attribute on the following member is in error because the
member is not public, static, read-only, or is a parameterized or
indexer property
I believe that this is because a list has an indexer property.
So how can I store this type of data in the cache?

OK, not my preferred solution but it solves the problem.
I add a method to the class that inherits from list that creates xml with the relevant data. The BeforeSave event is used to add (or update) this xml to the customXmlParts. Other documents can then access this and de-serilaise it.
Clunky but it works, does anyone have anything more elegant?


Square Connect API V2: Partial updates to catalog objects?

In the V2 api, is there a way to partially update a catalog object? For example, if I have an item, and I don't want to keep track of modifier_list_info, it seems I have to send that data with any upserts otherwise it will get wiped out.
Is there a way to specifiy a partial update?
The best way to update a catalog object would be to first retrieve the object (, and then edit the properties you need to change. For instance, the response will have an object field so = 'Food'
will change the name to 'Food'. Then pass the entire object back to the UpsertCatalogObject endpoint. This will keep all the same properties except for changing the name.

Changing the model's attributes - adding or removing attributes

I am working on a MVC3 code first web application and after I showed the first version to my bosses, they suggested they will need a 'spare' (spare like in something that's not yet defined and we will use it just in case we will need it) attribute in the Employee model.
My intention is to find a way to give them the ability to add as many attributes to the models as they will need. Obviously I don't want them to get their hands on the code and modify it, then deploy it again (I know I didn't mention about the database, that will be another problem). I want a solution that has the ability to add new attributes 'on the fly'.
Do any of you had similar requests and if you had what solution did you find/implement?
I haven't had such a request, but I can imagine a way to get what you want.
I assume you use the Entity Framework, because of your tag.
Let's say we have a class Employee that we want to be extendable. We can give this class a dictionary of strings where the key-type is string, too. Then you can easily add more properties to every employee.
For saving this structure to the database you would need two tables. One that holds the employees and one that holds the properties. Where the properties-table has a foreign-key targeting the employee-table.
Or as suggested in this Q&A (EF Code First - Map Dictionary or custom type as an nvarchar): you can save the contents of the dictionary as XML in one column of the employee table.
This is only one suggestion and it would be nice to know how you solved this.

would you use an array or a custom-made class for simple data manipulation? (ruby)

I can do bit of coding in ruby. I just touched objects and I am not so object literate, I mean I do not think in objects yet :-)
I have data that I scrape from the forum on regular basis. I need fields like
author, date posted, title, category, number of views, etc etc = array in my point of view.
Then I want to be able to these in ruby
save the whole lot (quick solution is csv or xml - later probably some sql database)
sort it by field
load/read my file to update fields and do some statistics, extract some data
add new fields easily in case I need to
edit, modify my "file/database" outside ruby.
I believe that I can do every operation like change the number of views of post, change the date of the last reply in the post etc etc either using array or object.
so my Question is: would you use
...................................... custom class/object or array?
could you tell why?
It would seem logical to me, at least, to make an object for storing and working with the data that you're scraping. Typically, you'd have instance variables for each of the fields that you have mentioned (author, title, category, views, date_posted) and probably some methods to populate them from the scraped data as well as read/write them.
In terms of storing the data for these objects, using an ORM such as ActiveRecord or DataMapper makes this very easy. An ORM let's you map the data in a data store, such as MySQL, to the corresponding Ruby objects. It will also provide a bunch of convenience methods for saving, updating and querying those objects.
However, it might be a good learning experience to try writing your own methods to map the data to XML files.
Do you mean "would you use an array or a custom-made class" do process this data.
What I would probably do is create a class that stores the data you want internally as an array or hash. You would then have methods of that class you could call to perform the tasks that you describe.
An object encapsulates data with behaviour i.e. functions or operations that can be performed on data. However, array is just a data structure that has a collection of element. Basically data structures expose data and have no meaningful functions.
Since you want to perform save, sort, update, stat, etc operations on your collected data so it makes sense to have a Post object with data/attributes (like author, date posted, title, category, etc.) and the operations/methods you would like to perform on your data. Abstracting the data and behaviour of your object into a class will make your code easy to maintain and understand where you can easily see the responsibility of the class by the methods defined in that class and how those methods change the state of your object by manipulating the object attributes/data.

MS CRM 4 - Custom entity with "regardingobjectid" functionality

I've made a custom entity that will work as an data modification audit (any entity modified will trigger creating an instance of this entity). So far I have the plugin working fine (tracking old and new versions of properties changed).
I'd like to also keep track of what entity this is related to. At first I added a N:1 from DataHistory to Task (eg.) and I can indeed link back to the original task (via a "new_tasksid" attribute I added to DataHistory).
The problem is every entity I want to log will need a separate attribute id (and an additional entry in the form!)
Looking at how phone, task, etc utilize a "regardingobjectid", this is what I should do. Unfortunately, when I try to add a "dataobjectid" and map it to eg Task and PhoneCall, it complains (on the second save), that the reference needs to be unique. How does the CRM get around this and can I emulate it?
You could create your generic "dataobjectid" field, but make it a text field and store the guid of the object there. You would lose the native grids for looking at the audit records, and you wouldn't be able to join these entities through advanced find, fetch or query expressions, but if that's not important, then you can whip up an ASPX page that displays the audit logs for that record in whatever format you choose and avoid making new relationships for every entity you want to audit.
CRM has a special lookup type that can lookup to many entity types. That functionality isn't available to us customizers, unfortunately. Your best bet is to add each relationship that could be regarding and hide the lookups that aren't in use for this particular entity.

Creating custom class for every Stored Procedure using linq to SQL?

I'm using stored procedure in LINQ, i know it will generate a class T(procedure name + "Result") for me automatically to store the data.
If the name of stored procedure is spCampus, the generated class will be spCampusResult.
My Question:
when i'm using SP should i create custom class that replicate all the properties ( i'm refering to whatever the .dbml creates when you drag and drop the SP)
in my situation i will be using SP... is that fair to say i will be treating as a class object and pass around from model to controller and to view ?
or i will be better off creating a new custom business object contining all the props from .dbml ?
i havent get any clear cut answer
In the designer you can shape the object any way you see fit. You can change the names of the properties you can change the name of the object returned from the sproc if you want to. It is also my understanding that you can change the protection levels on the properties as well. This to me means that you can use the LINQ2SQL generated objects as your DTO's or you business objects because you have the power to shape them as you see fit in the designer and since they are partial classes you can extend their behavior without touching the generated class. Hope this helps.
