View Powerpoint web app presentation offline - powerpoint

Is it possible to save and view presentations made web-compatible with the Powerpoint Web App offline? Simply saving the Powerpoint Web App page doesn't work.


Web addin dialog box in powerpoint: centering and inserting web browser emulation

Operation system: Windows 10
MS Office version: 2019 64-bit
I am trying to create an MS Office web add-in which allows me to place different html pages to different slides. While reading different parts of the MS documentation and web-searching, I could not understand how to:
Center the so-called Taskpane in the center of a slide after start
Insert a web object with an option to show some website content (including js) WITHOUT errors connected to MS Office safety
A good example is a Plotly D3.JS Charts. I try to do practically the same but with support of loading local html files.
UPD: I know about LiveWeb, LiveSlides and other solutions. However, they have their own security problems - I have to correct regit. Therefore, please, do not propose them.
The task pane in an Office Web Add-in always opens to the side of the Office application window. You cannot configure it to open in the center of the document. Also, you cannot have separate task panes for each slide.

Replacing part of Outlook client's window with a custom form

I am developing a VSTO application for Outlook client. I am trying have my form open in the part of the Outlook client window which is highlighted in red in the following image:
I think I can't use the form regions because they replace the view for a single item.
So basically what I want to do is opening my custom form (windows or web) in the red area when I click my tool's button on the toolbar.
Any ideas how this can be done?
There are three main ways for displaying your own form there:
You can use the WebViewURL and WebViewOn properties of the Folder class for setting a web view state for the folder. Microsoft Outlook uses the rendering engine of the version Windows Internet Explorer installed on the client computer to display the web page. If Internet Explorer is not installed on the client computer, Outlook will not display the web page.
Create an adjucent Outlook window. See Creating Adjacent Windows In Outlook for more informaiton. Note, you need to have a deep understanding of Windows API to move that way, see SetWindowsHookEx.
Add-in Express provides a layout for the form out of the box. There is no need to invent a wheel in that case.
You will need to get down to the HWND level to insert your UI - see and

How do add an icon or image to your application in application builder

How do I add an icon to my finished application in apex 4.2.6 .. Not seen this in any of the both desktop and J-query mobile UIs
You cannot modify the icons very easily. These application icons are some background images that are displayed using the CSS Sprite technique.
For each of the app report it's generated a class attribute from internal packaged app metadata.
That is the way to control which icon is displayed from those available in the sprite image.
Take a look at this discussion on Oracle community.

Avoiding drag and drop from embedded Web Browser

I have written a Win32 sample, in this sample I have added web Browser control. It is working fine.
I launch the application with web page having some images. Here I can drag the images on to the desktop.
One of the requirements says that application should not allow drag and drop feature.
Please let me know how to disable this feature.

Is it possible to open an image in Windows Phone 7 pictures application?

I have an application that loads image data from a web service. I want to allow the user to view the images in a similar UI than the phone's Pictures application provides (zoom in/out) etc. Is it possible to open my image data in the Pictures application or do I need to implement my own viewer?
You need to save the image to the phone to view it with the pictures hub. So I would implement my own viewer. It's easy with the Silverlight Toolkit
