Google Bookmark Plugin for Firefox - firefox

I'm having a real hard time looking for the right Firefox plugin regarding Google Bookmarks.
I tried Deng, GMarks, Fess, and all the other popular ones but I still cant bookmark my links. I seriously consider Google Bookmarks as the ultimate bookmarking tool and I've been 'google-bookmarking' ever since its very existence, in other words, I've been doing that for a very long time; at first, I used to bookmark manually and then GMarks has been working fine for a few years.
I just want a Firefox Plugin that works, one that works !!!! for Google Bookmarks; I explore possibilities of other plugins that work for a certain period of time and I have to try another one.
I have a 64-Bit Windows 7 OS with 2GB of RAM
Hope someone helps me here, thanks in advance

Related or Website and Forum

is there anybody who preserved the old Website of the Janusys company. Mostly known for their GridEX Winforms control but they had a complete suite of Winform Tools. Their support was (up until 'bankruptcy') very good and gave much more info on how to use their control in a non standard way.
I still use their components a lot in my projects and up until last year there was still a lookup method on to get ideas if I was stuck.
The site(s) are out of the air now, so I hope someone has made a 'copy'??
regards Sandor
I hope too.
I hope the site is reactivated or that someone has managed to make a backup

Chrome Portable on read only device: Suppress read only warning

I'm making a windows app for a client using Chrome in kiosk mode. They'd like to burn the project to CD. While this works fine with chrome portable on a read access device it doesn't with a read only device. A warning pops up asking to temporarily copy it to the local drive to run from there. Clicking yes allows the program to work but i'd like to suppress this as they won't want to see it every time. Is there a way for me suppress the warning or cache to the cd before it's burned?
I need to use chrome, not another portable browser. I could be being naive and they're may be a better option than using Portable apps chrome download.
I asked the same question on the Portable apps website and got this response. It worked great although take note of the distribution license.
Add a text file called GoogleChromePortable.ini in your GoogleChromePortable folder that says
this will make it copy the profile to the temp folder on the computer and run from there whether it's in read only place or not.
also notice Johns reminder in Pyromaniac's thread ( - giving someone, especially a "customer" a copy of Google Chrome, Portable or otherwise, is illegal, don't do it.
Link to forum
I've investigated the license agreement and found this
21.2 Subject to the Terms, and in addition to the license grant in Section 9, Google grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to reproduce, distribute, install, and use Google Chrome solely on machines intended for use by your employees, officers, representatives, and agents in connection with your business entity, and provided that their use of Google Chrome will be subject to the Terms.
So legal as long as it's kept internal. Works great if anyone ever stumbles on this question. Chrome makes an awesome portabl app.
To get around user policies you can try a pretty software does what you want.
This uses chrome engine and creates kiosk like portable engine for your given URL or local files. It makes pages looking like windows application. Hope helps.
Note: I'm not the author :)
Here's a link to where I got something that worked for me.
In the Support section, there is a performance note that advices copying GoogleChromePortable.ini from the GoogleChromePortable\Other\Source directory to the GoogleChromePortable directory and editing it to set RunLocally=true in order to increase performance, well this sorts out the warning that pops up.
However take note of the privacy implications of doing this as also stated in the same section.
Hope this helps someone.
You could try Chromium (portable) which also includes chromedriver from chromium snapshots page. Pick one with the biggest number (scroll down):

IE7-9 testing workflow on a Mac

I'm at my wits end right now trying to get a website working in IE7-9, the issue I'm having is getting text-shadow to appear in a decent matter. I've been using the 960 grid system so changes are very minimum, I've been checking changes with IE Netrender. However lately IE Netrender has been having issues so I can't test the layout in a timely fashion.
I did have VM Ware set up but I'm really tired of reactivating my Windows copy and installing a separate image for each version of the browser. I don't have Windows 7 for IE9 as well. I'm looking for a free option. I've tried searching but everything seems outdated.
So my question is, how does everyone test their site for IE7-9?
The IE Developer Tools let you set IE7 and IE8 modes on IE9, so you can get 98% testing with one version.
There are some issues that don't crop up there though, so its a good idea to do a quick real browser check at the end.
MS has free VMs you can download with the different versions of IE on them. I'm not sure if you can run them on a Mac though.
By having a Windows license. Perhaps not the answer you're looking for, but there's no such thing as a free meal. The only truly guaranteed method of testing a site in Internet Explorer is to actually use it in Internet Explorer, be it in a virtual machine or on a real PC. Spoon used to have an Internet Explorer virtualization web app, but that has since been removed at Microsoft's behest.

Watir-webdriver: Safari

I've recently started using watir-webdriver and so far am a big fan. However I need to be able to test Safari too, and I don't have access to a mac to be able to use Safari-Watir.
Does anyone know a good alternative to use for testing Safari on a windows machine? (In Ruby of course)
(important, see UPDATE below)
the Selenium Webdriver folks are apparently waiting for something from Apple in order to support safari. I would not hold your breath.
Apple does have a version of Safari for the PC, I'm not sure how good the current version is, the initial releases were.. um, well, lets just say they had issues (lots of issues)
Personally (mostly for security reasons) I would not run it nor recommend anyone use it for any purpose other than downloading Chrome or Firefox. But unfortunately a lot of apple users use it because it's what came with their systems, which means to the extent apple users are part of your target market, you have to test on it.
For the moment that means you'll need to use Safariwatir, which has not as far as I can tell had an update for a year or more.
the current state of support on both the Selenium/Webdriver side and the Safariwatir side was discussed recently in this thread in the watir general group on google
Webdriver now has Safari support, which makes direct support of safari (I think on a mac only at this point) possible. See for more info.. still a bit DYI but I'm sure it will get more accessable soon.
Mike, seems this is available now. Alister Scott wrote up some instructions on his blog Using Watir-Webdriver with Safari At Last
Unfortunately this still a bit DYI because you have to build your own safari extension, which requires getting certificates and such from apple, and I'm not sure if you can create the right environment to build that stuff on anything other than a mac.

Mac Browsers - Is IE5.x for the Mac officially dead?

I don't use a mac much so my exposure is minimal but can I safely presume that IE on the Mac is dead?
I know that Microsoft isn't developing it any further and that Firefox, Safari (Opera and Camino) all run on Mac (and from my stats they are most used, in that order)...
So the question is: Is it dead? and if so, when did it die?
I still see CSS templates with Mac IE hacks in place... but I'm thinking it is time to strip the dead weight. Am I right?
PS For anyone hosting a large commercial site, I'd be interested in the % of customers using Mac IE. (Customers being users that actually buy something, not just web developers ping'ing to see what it looks like)
It's dead. I just pulled up this months report and found 9 hits out of 3.5 million (about 0.0000257%).
If you need a time-of-death, I would say it was in 2006 when Microsoft released a statement urging users to "migrate to more recent web browsing technologies such as Apple's Safari."
Yes. Praise the lord.
Please refer to this document.
The highest version of Mac IE shipped was 5.2.3.
And this for more:
Colby Africa
I would consider IE on the Mac as dead.
As a long year Mac user, I think nobody really uses this browser often.
According to this statistics the usage percentage is under 0.3%.
I used to work for a large commercial site just over a year ago, and IE5.5 on a Mac usage was below 0.5% - and that was in an organisation where many of the internal users used that browser (the main reason we had to support it)
I would say, unless the demographic you are targeting are especially likely to be using it, I really wouldn't bother.
I'm seeing 0.22% usage of IE on mac. So, I'd consider it dead too. I'm also only seeing .23% on Opera.
22 hits on a monthly visits count of 10,025.
I really liked Mac IE back in the day, and still consider it one of the best browsers for old-school modem surfers and that it contains features still not replicated elsewhere.
Still, by the time Safari 2 came out Mac IE was way too long in the tooth, never updated and didn't match the slowly-evolving Aqua look and feel anymore. The last few faithful users gave up on it.
It died around the time os x came out. I havnt seen it been used in years and i would say its safe to assume its not being used any more. I dont think it got ported to be a native os x app and the newer os x versions cant run non native apps.
