Jmeter - Functional testing log in page - jmeter

Here is what i am trying to achieve, using Apache JMeter
Submit a request to one of my pages, which will be blocked by Auth filter and redirected to log in page.
1) in the log in page i need to give credentials
2) upon success it will be redirected to my page ?
How do i test automate the flow using JMeter ?
I am able to achieve till redirect to login page. From there how do i give log in user id and password and resubmit the page so that the entire process is Automated?
Appreciate the help ?


How to login to liferay website using JMeter

I am facing one problem that i am unable to login to the liferay website using JMeter.
The problem i know already but don't know how to hanmdle it.
I get to know that "p_auth" token is requried to access the sub pages, but here i am facing an issue in which i don't even able to acccess the login page itself if run the script second time.
My concerns:
how to check "p_auth" token parameter for login page (i.e without login)
Please help me to solve the problem.
Note: i tried to extract the "p_auth" token , but i am unable to see any "p_auth" token for login page itself(i.e without login.. just a login page(get api))
Your test plan need to look like:
Open Login Page - HTTP GET request
Extract p_auth dynamic parameter value using a suitable JMeter Post-Processor
Perform the login - HTTP POST request where you need to provide your credentials and the p_auth token value from the previous request
You won't be able to "see" the token in the page, it's hidden in the page source so you will need to use browser developer tools or JMeter's View Results Tree listener in order to "see" the token value.
Also don't forget to add HTTP Cookie Manager to your test plan as missing CSRF token is not the only thing which can stop you from logging in.

Redirect Jmeter to the home page after successful login with multiple users

I created a script multiple user logins and redirected to the home page. For multiple user logins fetching data from CSV file but after logged in, home page redirection is not working.
There are multiple possible explanations:
Your login fails somewhere somehow so you're still at the login page, check the server response using View Results Tree listener and if this is the case - fix your script. It might be sufficient to add a HTTP Cookie Manager to represent user session
You might need to play with Redirect automatically / Follow redirects checkboxes on HTTP Request sampler level
Your redirect is being managed by JavaScript and JMeter is not capable of executing JavaScript so you need to extract the desired redirect location using a suitable JMeter Post-Processor (basically implement correlation of the redirect URL) and add another HTTP Request sampler to open the redirect target.
More information: Redirections in HTTP
In general make sure that JMeter sends the same requests as the real browser does, given this simple rule is met you should be able to properly simulate real user actions

Make a request handle redirect by providing necessary parameters

I'm using jmeter to load test a Feature Page.
My jmeter requests (for that page) are being redirected to a login page. How do I provide login info for that redirect?
I already tried:
Login Page
Feature Page
But somehow a user even though already authenticated via Login Page is still being asked to login on the Feature Page.
Wondering if someone has a suggestion.
Make sure you're really logged in as "green" result in JMeter doesn't necessarily indicates successful request. You can verify responses using View Results Tree
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan, if your application uses cookies for establishing/maintaining user session it should automatically resolve your problem
Inspect your test plan for any dynamic values (request parameters, headers, URL postfixes, etc.), if the are - they need to be correlated.

Not able to Login successfully in JMeter

We have recorded login functionality of a website using the JMeter RecordingController and then when we are trying to load test same functionality we have observed that GET login is working fine but giving response code 302 during POST login and then URL is redirected to /errors/403
I have attached screenshots for reference, please help me on this and let us know if more details required.

Jmeter: To login multiple times and hitting multiple URLS

I am novice in Jmeter, just started to know its inner functionality. I am stuck in a problem. I have to hit multiple urls (only search id) is changed so in "HTTP Request" i have placed "/build-${ID}&Application=sc&IsSearchLink=TRUE"
I am providing session key and that search id through csv file. Problem is though its going to the link but redirecting it to login page, and i do not know how to create users on run time and assign to that each URL.
I have 200+ URLS, what should i do, please guide
If your application needs any login authentication and/or cookies, then you will need to add the Cookie manager for maintaining the session, else application will not be able to maintain a session and it will throw the user out of the application, then redirecting it to the login page.
You can refer to the below mentioned links for more information about cookie manager.
