When I create a new project with NetBeans, I choose a PHP project and a PHP Application
As sources folder, I choose C:\xampp\htdocs\X and I run as Local Web Site (running on local web server) and as Project Url there is automatically "http:// localhost /X/".
So I go on X->Symfony2->Run Command and I generate a bundle who I call, for example, "xHelloWorldBundle".
When I go on "RUN", opens the page http:// localhost /X/, so Index of/X.
Now, I want to install Twitter Bootstrap because I want to create a Landing Page.
How to install Twitter Bootstrap for Symfony2 on NetBeans?
First of all install composer (it's the package manager symfony sugests)
composer installation on windows
Then install the symfony2 framework with composer (it's the recommended way by symfony) and I find it personally a better way then the netbeans installation of symfony2!
Install symfony2 with composer
There a few bundles that help integrate twitter bootstrap in symfony
MopaBootstrapBundle -- Installation guide
BraincraftedBootstrapBundle -- Installation guide
As an extra tool you could use (as mentioned above) Bower. This is an assets manager for your js, css,...
Here is a guide to integrate bower in symfony2
I think the tools/bundles should help you to start project with symfony2 and twitter bootstrap!
Without understanding that I needed SSH Access to deploy my Laravel 8 project smoothly, I purchased the Single Shared Hosting tier from Hostinger which does not offer SSH Access. I have to install Composer, but most of the tutorials I have seen requires the use of SSH in doing so.
Deploying the project has to be done before tomorrow morning and I still have no idea what to do next. I am new to this.
Follow these steps:
Try to match the PHP version of the server and localhost.
Install composer locally. This will generate all library files inside the project. You can check the 'vendor' folder.
Upload the whole project folder to the server filesystem.
Im very new to laravel and ive a project on a server that uses laravel.
How can i download this project and run laravel to it ? I managed to run laravel but it creates a whole new folder etc.
when i tried coppying the project folder to the laravel-created folder i got an error.
Download source code except vendor casus it's extra. Install php and composer. Then use a terminal(cmd in windows) and go to your project and run composer install. Wait till downloading packages complete. For running project type php artisan serve and your project is up. If your project had migrations and I think it has actually, run php artisan migrate before running serve command. Also check .env file in the root of project and change database credentials with your own. Depending on what dbms that project uses, you should install that DBMS too. Good luck
Taking reference to your comment:
i have the source code of a project that runs on laravel. Basicaly i am asking how can i run this source code localy on my pc
Good, that you have a project that runs on Laravel. You should probably consider to move your project to a central place, maybe Github, and from there create a proper workflow for development and further deployment to your (testing, production, ...) systems.
Even if you develop alone it would be a good practice to use git and Github - no, it is not the same
To come back to your original question:
How can i download this project and run laravel to it ? I managed to run laravel but it creates a whole new folder etc.
You don't need to install a new Laravel into an existing Laravel project. Just take the existing one.
Ive been reading a few articles on the net about package development but cant quite wrap my head around the basic setup. Ive written jQuery plugins with releases and published to Bower in the passed so maybe im just not understanding the difference with Laravel.
With jQuery plugin dev I would just exclude my dev required dependancies through bower.json to prevent a person pulling in my dependancies. It seems that with Laravel u create an un-tracked Laravel framework folder and put your package into the vendor folder and track only that with Git? So basically the Laravel project sitting outside of my vendor package is just some files on my PC? Surely I would want to track which version of Laravel the package was developed on?
OR should I create a "base" Laravel repository and create another repository inside the vendor folder so make sure I know which Laravel the package was built on?
Documentation and tutorials are very vague...
Your question looks a little bit confuse. I develop packages for Laravel and the following is a regular way:
Laravel manage its dependencias via composer, take a look into composer.json to get a clue how similiar is with bower.
In order to get yout package compatible with laravel's core you need to implement some interfaces in your package. This package also can manage dependencies via composer.
A package can be created as a repository in different version controls, like Github, BitBucket, Packagist, Cartalyst, private packages repositories, etc. By default laravel pull packages from Packagist, but into composer.json file you can specify another reposository as needed.
When you trigger composer update (this is an equivalent as bower update), this dependencies manager will pull all the packages and download them automatically in vendor/ directory.
How to code your package while testing with laravel? some people do the following, including me:
Install a laravel instance just for package development purpose.
Create a new project (your package project) inside of vendor/project-name following lavavel's package requirements.
Keep working your package from this project location. By this way the changes are reflecting instantly in laravel installation.
Don't forget to commit and push
I'm using Telerik AppBuilder, trying to import nativescript-background-http module in my app and get error Module "nativescript-background-http" not found. When i'm looking for it in Properties => Dependencies, it is present in installed NPM Packages. Can i make smth with it?
It appears that this is an issue in desktop appbuilder client. It can be fixed following the next steps:
Remove the dependencies entries from the configuration file and save
your project, commit if necessary
Open your Telerik Platform account
Locate the project in the web portal and open it
Open Properties > Dependencies
Install the plugin(s) from the Marketplace
Save the project
Open the project from your preferred AppBuilder client
Hope it will be fixed in the next versions.
I updated my CakePHP 3 project via composer. I use the cake app skeleton. After update, my app gave me error messages about deprecated session helper. I checked the cakephp/cakephp github repository and in /src/Controller folder there are files like ComponentRegistry.php what I do not have in my project.
I am confused. Why composer did not sync these?
You are using the development version of CakePHP 3.1. In such version, the Session helper was deprecated. I would recommend setting your project to only work with the stable releases.