How to set and import new from / to date products with magmi? - magmi

I made 2 columns news_from_date and news_to_date, tried all possibilities DD.MM.YY,MM-DD-YY,YY/DD/MM .... and after import with MAGMI, the item's are not set to that date.Do you have any other better ideea, or am I doind something wrong?

Trying using the date format YYYY-MM-DD
As suggested by:


laravel date time problem on the database

I'm creating a table. There is a dateTime format in the migrations.
When i create a row, the appointment date seems like that: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
My input like this:
What is the problem i could not solve. If you help me i will be glad. Thanks
I think the problem is about formatting.
You can use Carbon to make sure the correct format is going to seat in the table. For example in your controller do something like this:
$whatever->appointment_date = Carbon\Carbon::parse($request->appointment_date);
So, after the comment, we found that the main problem was the input format. The format should be something like this: 2021-09-05 02:46.

Akeneo - Import Product CSV - Import error - Field "sku" is expected, provided fields are

I'm trying to create a csv product import example for Akeneo project.
I have created some products, with some data and exported them as a .csv file. Export is done correctly. I did some changes on product values(from downloaded .csv) like change of sku, product name and now i want to import them.
When i run the import of product there is displayed the following error:
Why it shows that error when in fact i am importing the csv format dhe was exported before?
The problem was that .csv generated was not saved on the right format(using ';' between fields).
After fixed it, import is still not working because of the following error:
image of error
Thanks in advance
It seems that your import file has no separator ";" between each field like that:
sku categories enabled family groups[...]
When you save you csv file, take attention to select the separator ";" between data.
The first line of your import will look like :

How can I format a date in the Select property of an EntityDataSource

Fairly straight forward... I have an EntityDataSource where, in the Select property I'm pulling a variety of fields. One of which is a Date that I would like to have returned in the "MM/dd/yyyy" format. How can I accomplish this?
You could use the .ToString(Format Here)
DateTime time = EDS.Field;
This solution works fine with me:
cast(it.[interview_start_date] as System.String)

magento - import configurable product with magmi

Before posting this question, I've tried ways to make this work but it doesn't.
This is the csv structure:
|model - map to sku
|category - map to categories
|image - use image plugin - works fine
|visibility : default mapper plugin, value: 'Catalog, Search'
|configurable_attributes : default mapper plugin, value: 'manufacturer,color'
example csv file:
All simple products are imported fine but the configurable ones don't. I already activate the configurable items with these settings:
Perform simples/configurable link Yes
auto match simples skus before configurable Yes
Force simples visibility No
I want to know why it doesn't work and solution for this problem ?
Thanks for reading :)
Since I solve the problem by writing my own parser to map some specifics column from original csv to magmi's csv structure. And I also create another file for configurable product with new two columns :
type : 'configurable'
simples_skus: list of simple skus
Thanks for reading and discussing :)
As I understand the automatic mapping, it is based on the attributes you specify for configurable_attributes (in your case manufacturer,colour). However, your csv structure does not seem to include values for the colour attribute

seeking syntax for date in where clause in Jet OLEDB

I have a problem of using the where clause for limiting dates
I can't even get a simple statement like on "Feb 5 2010" to work,
select * from LineItems where DueDate = 2/5/2010;
I tried
but none worked.
Does anyone have an idea what the proper format for the date should
be? And should it be quoted?
Thank You!
This works for me in a Query
FROM Table1
where mydate = 2010/2/5
Writing a date like that is unambiguous; the other way round will depend on your locale settings.
Hey Guys, I did figured out that you must surround the date with a pair of #'s. Just leaving the date unsurrounded does not work for me. I figured this out by saving a "Filter" in the Data View of Access as query, then I looked at that query in SQL view.
