Should a bean be initialized even if it does not have auto-wiring annotations? - spring

If I have a bean defined in an xml file like so :
<bean id="myBean" class="com.myClass">
Should "myBean" be autowired, ie should the class "com.myClass" be initialized by Spring ?
I have no Spring annotations in "com.myClass" but the class still seems to be initialized because it is declared in an xml file.

Yes, it is normal that your class to be initialised even though auto-wiring is not stated. The reason for this is:
Declared Spring beans have a life-cycle and the first step in this life-cycle is for Spring to initialise the bean.
The basic life-cycle is as follows:
Initialise Bean
Insert values
Calling certain methods depending on which interfaces you implement. This is useful for further custom initialisation and configuration.
Now your bean is ready for use by your application and will stay in the application context until your application context is destroyed.
Finally, if you implement the DisposableBean interface, the destroy method is called for any de-initialisation process that you may require.

This depends on whether you have any other beans that want Spring to inject myBean into them. If no one uses your bean, you can omit it.


how does scoped proxy works internally in Spring

consider a case when a prototype-scoped bean is injected into a singleton scoped bean,
when we try to access prototype-scoped bean using the singleton-scoped bean, we are returned with the same bean every time i.e. the bean injected at the time of singleton initialization.
if we want to get different instances everytime we use a scoped proxy.
I did not get the concept how this scoped proxy works behind the stage and how it magically gives us a new instance even if the bean is present inside a singleton.
From the Spring documentation: Scoped beans as dependencies
Being able to define a bean scoped to a HTTP request or Session (or indeed a custom scope of your own devising) is all very well, but one of the main value-adds of the Spring IoC container is that it manages not only the instantiation of your objects (beans), but also the wiring up of collaborators (or dependencies). If you want to inject a (for example) HTTP request scoped bean into another bean, you will need to inject an AOP proxy in place of the scoped bean. That is, you need to inject a proxy object that exposes the same public interface as the scoped object, but that is smart enough to be able to retrieve the real, target object from the relevant scope (for example a HTTP request) and delegate method calls onto the real object.
To create such a proxy, you need only to insert a child element into a scoped bean definition (you may also need the CGLIB library on your classpath so that the container can effect class-based proxying; you will also need to be using Appendix A, XML Schema-based configuration). So, just why do you need this element in the definition of beans scoped at the request, session, globalSession and 'insert your custom scope here' level? The reason is best explained by picking apart the following bean definition (please note that the following 'userPreferences' bean definition as it stands is incomplete):
<bean id="userPreferences" class="" scope="session"/>
<bean id="userManager" class="">
<property name="userPreferences" ref="userPreferences"/>

Getting Spring object instantiation right

I'm new to Spring and a little confused about how it works. I get that I can use the application context to instantiate beans and have them populated. However, is the idea that I should be able to just write Bean b = new Bean() and then have Spring to somehow automagically populate that Bean?
I'm experimenting with Spring in a web application, and as far as I can see I need to inject the ApplicationContext into, say, the servlets to be able to instantiate other beans (services, daos etc.) from there. It's a bit cumbersome, but probably works.
However, is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring is an Inversion of Control container. A bean is an object whose life cycle is managed by Spring. If you want Spring to populate an object, it needs to go through Spring, ie. it needs to be bean.
is Spring meant to be able to hook into any object instantiation
which happens on classes defined as beans in applicationContext.xml?
Spring doesn't hook into anything. You configure your beans and the relationships between them with Spring and Spring handles creating the instances and linking them up.
For domain objects, Spring provides a solution via the #Configurable annotation:
It requires compile- or load-time-weaving and, thus, introduces some additional complexity but having the convenience of using the standard new Bean() syntax plus Spring's autowiring is worth it in my opinion.
Alternatively, you could define your domain objects as beans with prototype scope and use some factory to create them using the Spring ApplicationContext.getBean() method. With a scope of prototype a new instance will be returned every time and since you go through the ApplicationContext, Spring will do all the dependency injection magic as usual.
As for services and other beans with singleton scope, you would typically NOT retrieve them by first injecting the ApplicationContext and using it but instead you would inject them via either a constructor, setter or annotation-based strategy. The documentation covers that in detail:

Spring #PreDestroy method

I found out that #PreDestroy only work with singleton scoped bean. I was thinking what could go wrong if we use it with prototype scoped bean. Anything at all??? I dont think so. I think this is just not implemented in spring as they would have to keep the references to all the beans created. Tell me if i am wrong
Spring can only initialize/destroy beans it also controllers and basically prototype scoped beans aren't under the control of spring (after construction). It doesn't know when it is cleaned up, destroyed or what so ever. As such the #PreDestroy method isn't callable for prototype beans (as they do not have a clearly defined lifecycle like singletons or request scoped beans).
For "prototype" scoped beans, Spring does not call the #PreDestroy method.
Here is the answer from the Spring reference manual. Section 7.5.2
In contrast to the other scopes, Spring does not manage the complete lifecycle of a
prototype bean: the container instantiates, configures, and otherwise assembles a
prototype object, and hands it to the client, with no further record of that prototype
Thus, although initialization lifecycle callback methods are called on all objects regardless of scope, in the case of prototypes, configured destruction lifecycle callbacks are not called. The client code must clean up prototype-scoped objects and release expensive resources that the prototype bean(s) are holding.
To get the Spring container to release resources held by prototype-scoped beans, try using a custom bean post-processor, which holds a reference to beans that need to be cleaned up.
The #PreDestroy annotation does not belong to Spring, it’s located in the jsr250-api library jar under javax.annotation package.
By default, Spring will not aware of the #PreDestroy annotation. To enable it, you have to either register CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor or specify the <context:annotation-config /> in bean XML configuration file.

Spring calling 'destroy' method on session/request scoped beans

How does Spring know when to call 'destory' method on a session/request scoped bean (in other words, how does it detect that the concerned bean is going out of scope)?
I read somewhere that it uses request/session listeners to be notified of these events. But these listners need to be defined in web.xml, and there's no mention of defining such listeners in Spring literature. So how does this work?
The org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet does it. It uses own code, e.g. the org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestAttributes#registerDestructionCallback callback list functionality to register all these scoped beans.
and there's no mention of defining such listeners in Spring literature
Oh, there is:
To support the scoping of beans at the request, session, and global session levels (web-scoped beans), some minor initial configuration is required before you define your beans.[...]
If you use a Servlet 2.4+ web container, [...] you need to add the following javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener to the declarations in your web applications web.xml file[...]
From: Initial web configuration.
Also note that Spring does not call destroy on prototype-scoped beans.
You can implement the interface DisposableBean and InitializingBean for session scoped bean.
The org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean interface allows a bean to perform initialization work after all necessary properties on the bean have been set by the container. The InitializingBean interface specifies a single method afterPropertiesSet().
Implementing the org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean interface allows a bean to get a callback when the container containing it is destroyed. The DisposableBean interface specifies a single method destroy().
Read more about it here:

Spring Standard Bean Injection vs. Autowiring

As far as I understand When Using Dependency Injection all bean are initializing on Start.
<bean id="userPreferences" class="">
<!-- a singleton-scoped bean injected to the above bean -->
<bean id="userService" class="">
<!-- a reference to the userPreferences bean -->
<property name="userPreferences" ref="userPreferences"/>
and the configuration above means that userService and userPreferences created when application starts. Is it correct?
When using Autowiring and using <context:component-scan>
public class SimpleUserService{
UserPreferences userPreferences;
1) Is userPreference created on Application init?
2) What is the default scope for bean injected by autowire and how can we change it?
3) How affects bean creation and bean injection?
Hope I made myself clear.
First of all you should add #Service or #Component to the SimpleUserService class.
1 Yes, the ONE instance of UserPreferences is created at application intialization
2 Default scope is singleton, You can change it with the #Scope annotation (#See Spring Reference: Specifying bean scope)
3 Component scan and XML configuration work in the same way (life cycle)
Maybe you should spend some time in understanding the Spring life cycle. You need to understand that Spring works a bit in this way (not 100% correct):
first it creates a pool of beans
then it injects the properties into the beans
But it does NOT work this way: taking a class, look what references it needs creating this references (recursive) and then creating the class.
If you understand this, then you will also understand, that the #Scope of a bean is defined at the bean declaration/class, but not at the references.
1) Is userPreference created on
Application init?
In either case userPreferences is initialized when Spring Context is loaded. You can change this behavior by adding lazy-init="true" to the bean configuration.
2) What is the default scope for bean
injected by autowire and how can we
change it?
The scope of what is injected is all beans loaded into Spring. If you import an XML configuration from another project, it too would be included. I'm not sure if you can limit your scope.
3) How affects bean creation and bean
Whether is autowired, or configured via XML, the behavior should be the same. I prefer explicitly defining dependencies over automatic annotations. Then again I also like strongly typed languages.
the configuration above means that userService and userPreferences created when application starts. Is it correct?
Is userPreference created on Application init?
What is the default scope for bean injected by autowire and how can we change it?
The default scope is always "singleton". This can be changed either using #Scope with #Bean or the scope XML attribute on <bean>.
How affects bean creation and bean injection?
This isn't a clear question. If you change the bean scope, you change when it gets created (start of application, on each request, on each session, etc). The wiring configuration remains the same, only the lifecycle changes.
The #autowired notation is an obsolete way to say #inject. THe latter is a feature of JavaEE 6.
