I've a scenario like
user1 logs in
get all its reservation ids through json path extractor and store in array1
user2 logs in
get all its reservation ids through json path extractor and stores in array2
Now I need the array3 which would be the value in array1 but should not be in array2. What code I need to write in Bean shell post processor in Jmeter for javascript?
array1 = ["75457052","75405285","75400251","75400246","1YQWAY", "1233456", "678878989", "7979877877"]
array2 = ["75457052","75405285","75400251","75400246","75400252","75307496","75307497","75307498"]
Once I find the array3, then I would put the logic like if the length of array3 > 1 then pick the first index of that array and navigate to that reservation-id.
In my get htttp request, I get an array of ids ex: list=[1, 2, 3.....1000]
And then for my next http request, I want to pass all the values in the list 10 at a time, so it will be 100 requests total and each time, it takes 10 values from the list array. I'm using a loop controller to call the http request 100 times. but I dont know how to retrieve 10 values at a time, and then go to the next 10, next 10 until all values are used.
How should I do that?
Add a regular expression extractor to your get request as a child.
Add the following properties shown in the screenshot to extract List
Add a Beanshell sampler/ JSR223 sampler and add the following code.
The code below creates a series of variables and store series of 10 values in a variable starting from Final_0 to Final_99
import java.util.Arrays
String complete_List=vars.get("List");
String[] complete_List_Array = complete_List.split(",");
int i;
int j;
int loopcount=complete_List_Array.length/10;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(vars.get("List_" + i));
if (i < (j+1)*10)
Add a loop counter and mention loop count as ${loopcount} as shown below
You can add HTTP Request as a child of loop counter and to pass series of 1o value at a time use ${__V(Final_${counter})}
Add a beanshell post processor to the http request to that will increment the counter
add the following code to the beanshell sampler
int counter = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("counter")) +1;
You can see in the results its passing series of 10 values at a time and loop will run for 100 times
For more info on beanshell please follow the link
Please let me know if it helps.........
Considering you have the list array available at your disposal by using any extractor.
Extract the sublist from the array and put them in properties. Then, fetch the properties where ever you want it.
In the below I am fetching the sublist from the array and putting it in jmeter properties.
Here, I am fetching the values from the properties. This is just for demonstration and you dont need this. After putting list in properties just fetch in HTTP sampler as shown in the last image.
Now, to fetch it in HTTP sampler you can use loop and counter and fetch the properties using groovy. Loop for iteration and counter for increment the variable mylist_x.
Hope this helps.
I have situation where name and value pair are dynamic,
I did two correlations for name and Value separately.
I have used foreach controller and gave input-value as reference name of "Value" regularexpression. which is executing the loop correctly as the match number of Value.
ForEach controller input index is "Cor_OutputValue" and output index is "Cor_OutputValue1".
Problem is how do i change the "Name" for each request .
ForEach Controller save index of loop in a special variable you can use:
JMeter will expose the looping index as a variable named jm__idx. So for example, if your Loop Controller is named FEC, then you can access the looping index through ${__jm__FEC__idx}. Index starts at 0
So in case of your controller name is ForEach Controller to get corresponding value of Value variable use __V function:
${__V(Value_${__jm__ForEach Controller__idx})}
If your values start with index 1 you can increment different variable,as idx inside JSR223 PreProcessor:
vars.put("idx", String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(vars.get("__jm__ForEach Controller__idx"))+1));
And use it later
I am using Jmeter for performance testing and stuck at following point:
I am getting a JSON response from Webapi as follows:
id: 1
name: Steve
id: 2
name: Mark
I need to get the ids based on the count of this JSON array and create a comma separated string as ("Expected value" = 1,2)
I know how to read a particular element using JSON Post processor or Regex processor but am unable to loop through the array and create a string as explained so that I can use this value in my next sampler request.
Please help me out with this: I am using Jmeter 3.0 and if this could be achieved without using external third party libs that would be great. Sorry for the JSON syntax above
Actually similar functionality comes with JSON Path PostProcessor which appeared in JMeter 3.0. In order to get all the values in a single variable configure JSON Path PostProcessor as follows:
Variable Names: anything meaningful, i.e. id
JSON Path Expressions: $..id or whatever you use to extract the ids
Match Numbers: -1
Compute concatenation var (suffix _ALL): check
As a result you'll get id_ALL variable which will contain all JSON Path expression matches (comma-separated)
More "universal" answer which will be applicable for any other extractor types and in fact will allow to concatenate any arbitrary JMeter Variables is using scripting (besides if you need this "expected value and parentheses)
In order to concatenate all variables which names start with "id" into a single string add Beanshell PostProcessor somewhere after JSON Path PostProcessor and put the following code into "Script" area
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append("(\"Expected value\" = ");
Iterator iterator = vars.getIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
if (e.getKey().matches("id_(\\d+)")) {
vars.put("expected_value", result.toString());
Above code will store the resulting string into ${expected value} JMeter Variable. See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for more information regarding bypassing JMeter limitations using scripting and using JMeter and Java API from Beanshell test elements.
I'm using the Foursquare API, and I want to extract the "id" value from this hash
[{"id"=>"4fe89779e4b09fd3748d3c5a", "name"=>"Hitcrowd", "contact"=>{"phone"=>"8662012805", "formattedPhone"=>"(866) 201-2805", "twitter"=>"hitcrowd"}, "location"=>{"address"=>"1275 Glenlivet Drive", "crossStreet"=>"Route 100", "lat"=>40.59089895083072, "lng"=>-75.6291255071468, "postalCode"=>"18106", "city"=>"Allentown", "state"=>"Pa", "country"=>"United States", "cc"=>"US"}, "categories"=>[{"id"=>"4bf58dd8d48988d125941735", "name"=>"Tech Startup", "pluralName"=>"Tech Startups", "shortName"=>"Tech Startup", "icon"=>"https://foursquare.com/img/categories/shops/technology.png", "parents"=>["Professional & Other Places", "Offices"], "primary"=>true}], "verified"=>true, "stats"=>{"checkinsCount"=>86, "usersCount"=>4, "tipCount"=>0}, "url"=>"http://www.hitcrowd.com", "likes"=>{"count"=>0, "groups"=>[]}, "beenHere"=>{"count"=>0}, "storeId"=>""}]
When I try to extract it by using ['id'], I get this error can't convert Symbol into Integer. How do I extract the value using ruby? Also, how do I do this for multiple hashes extracting the "id" value each time?
Please pardon my inexperience. Thanks!
It's wrapped in an array, that's what the [ and ] mean on the start and end. But it also looks like this array only one object in it, which is the hash you really want.
So assuming you want the first object in this array:
mydata[0]['id'] # or mydata.first['id'] as Factor Mystic suggests
But usually when an API returns an Array there is a reason (it might return many results instead of just one), and naively plucking the first item from it my not be what you want. So be sure you are getting the kind of data you really expect before hard coding this into your application.
For multiple hashes, if you want to do something with the id (run a procedure of some kind) then
resultsArray.each do |person|
id = person["id"] #then do something with the id
If you want to just get an array containing the ids then
resultsArray.map{|person| person["id"]}
# ["4fe89779e4b09fd3748d3c5a", "5df890079e4b09fd3748d3c5a"]
To just grab the one item from the array, see Alex Wayne's answer
To get an array of ids, try: resultsArray.map { |result| result["id"] }
I need to search my data for rows who's value is contained in an array of strings. What is the proper way to do this in Active Record?
For example, say I have this array:
["fluffy", "spot"]
I want the SQL to look something like this:
select * FROM Pets WHERE name IN ('fluffy', 'spot')
The following works:
list = ["fluffy", "spot"].map { |x| "'#{x}'" }.join(', ')
Pet.where("name in (#{list})")
Obviously this is a bad idea. What is the correct method to do this? Is there a way to use parameters in this way, or does Active Record have a special method for this?
list = ["fluffy", "spot"]
Pet.where(:name => list)