Libgdx 3d animation doesn't show correctly - animation

I am new to 3D libgdx api, when I tried to run the animation, it shows a lot of randomly placed triangles on my screen, I followed this one, libGDX: 3d animation not working, when I play the animation in blender, it is okay. I exported it by default settings. I have placed all the .obj, .mtl, .fbx, all the textures, and I have read all the tutorials and comments of Mr.Awesome Xoppa, but still no result. Help will be much appreciated.
I have tried it on windows 7, OpenGL 2.0, intel GMA x3100, nightly builds of libgdx, even a simple knight animation in the gdx-test doesn't work, but the static meshes work fine. Today I tried it on linux, Mesa3D OpenGL 2.1, Ubuntu 12.04LTS, it works fine but there are some dark lines surrounding the animation. I think my archaic hardware and software support that causes it.

The answer is there is no way of running the animation in Windows 7, as it only supports OpenGL 2.0, but in Ubuntu it will work, as Mesa3D supports OpenGL 2.1. The black lines are the vertices that are not assigned to the bone.


Use RealityKit ARView on macOS

I'm trying to use an ARView in a macOS-only project. I can load a scene (tested with a Reality file from Reality Composer), and it renders fine.
But how do I control the camera with the mouse?
An example of this is Reality Composer, Reality Converter, and previewing a Reality file in Xcode where you can drag anywhere on the view and the camera pans, rotates, etc. In SceneKit the equivalent is allowsCameraControl
There's no cameraMode on the macOS ARView, probably because it only supports nonAR anyway.
I tried adding a PerspectiveCamera hoping it would unlock interactivity, but no luck.
I guess I could just implement all the gestures myself, but that's a lot of work, and Apple seems to be using a standard way to interact with the scene with a mouse - and also a standard grid, which I'd love to use, too.
I'm using macOS 12 beta 1, but it shouldn't make a big difference since ARView requires macOS 10.15
Neither in macOS nor in iOS, RealityKit has a property similar to SceneKit's .allowsCameraControl. However, using this code as a starting point, you can create your own camera control in RealityKit.
This post can also be helpful for you.

CSS3 Radial Gradient pulsating waves on Macbook Pro OSX 10.10 using Chrome

I'm experiencing issues with the following code
background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(center center, circle cover, #706358, #302B29)
The gradient is showing up correctly but with pulsing waves on MacBook Pro's, from what I can tell.
I have a attached an image, but of course you need a macbook pro to be able to view the issue.
This is a well known issue of Google Chrome: see here
At the moment there are no fixes, your only choices are...
Disable the automatic GPU-Switching on your Macbook Pro
...or use another browser. Safari and Firefox are working fine.
Does this happen with all gradients, or just this one?
When you mentioned "pulsating waves", I instantly thought of the "moire effect".
Some displays combined with some color bit depth settings can render this effect.

Problems with ILNumerics plot drawing in OpenGL

I am using ILNumerics. I just tested some simple examples from the ILNumerics website.
If I choose to use the GDI renderer in the properties panel of the ILPanel control it works fine.
If I choose the OpenGL renderer the scene is plotted wrongly, is blinking or is partially or not drawn.
I use VS2010 PRO, Win7 64-bit, Dell XPS 17 with Ge550M graphics.
Fogcity runs without problems using OpenGL. Any idea?
You are probably not using the geforce card but some onboard graphic chip for rendering. Make sure, the NVIDIA card is used. Check the NVIDIA control panel.

Animation origin not working correctly Monogame 3.0

I've been working on a new game, and I just put in my first animation, an explosion.
The problem is this. The explosions spritesheet is 1200x100, made up of 12 100x100 frames.
The explosion animates fine EXCEPT the origin is behaving strange. I want the explosion to be centered, so I specify 50, 50 as I've done on previous games in the past. This centers in the Y direction but in the X direction its only moved slightly.
After some fiddling I noticed that if I put the origin as 600, 50 (half the spritesheets width) it centers correctly. This makes no sense. I've used this animation code before and never had this problem. I've ensured the values are all being passed correctly, and the destination and source rectangles look to be correct... I am STUMPED!!
I tested Monogame and there is something going on between XNA vs monogame.
I've made this sample for anyone whos interested to download and inspect for themselves.
As you'll see, in the XNA version the black dot is in the middle as it should be, but on the monogame version its way off center.
Not sure whats causing this. Rectangle or spritebatch.draw differences? or perhaps its the way the textures are processed using the monogame content project. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
To run this you'll need xna 4.0 installed as well as monogame 3.0
Well I've figured it out!
Seems it was a problem with the content builder in the 3.0 monogame release.
Today the 3.0.1 release came out, so I uninstalled 3.0 and installed 3.0.1.
I then ran the project, the problem still remained. So i opened my content project, rebuilt all my content, copied over the files and tries again, problem solved!!! :D
TY Dr. Asik for spurring me into the right direction! :)

MONODROID camera preview with opengl overlay

I have created an augmented reality application using Monodroid and it works fine on a technical basis. However, the graphics I used were drawn on a canvas and are really too slow.
The application is a simple heads-up compass and speed display a-la luke-skywalkers binoculars.
I am trying to get a camera preview going with an openGL translucent/transparent overlay and yes, I have read whats available but its all pure Android SDK / Java.
Does anyone know of a method of getting this effect in C# and Monodroid possibly using the AndroidGameView? Whatever I do I can see one or the other but never both at the same time.
Unhelpful jerks are a pleasure to work with.
