GitLab configuration - configure

I try to install Gitlab 5.2 on OS-X Server 10.8.5. I follow the procedure document from :
In the section of the document titled "Configure GitLab" they ask to edit the file "gitlab.yml" and change "" with the "fully qualified domain name" of your host serving Gitlab.
I dont understand what I need to change..
1. Do I need to change "host:" with "localhost" ? or with "server.local => what I get when typing "hostname") ?
2. What is "" ? Something to download and install on my computer (so where?)? What replace it ?
I think when I type the address on my browser :
"http://fully qualified domain name"
I will receive a page, from where comes that page (is it an index.html/php?) - where is the folder of that page/project...
Thanks for the assistance.

By default, what you see in the config/gitlab.yml is:
## GitLab settings
## Web server settings
host: localhost
port: 80
https: false
That allows you to test Gitlab locally.
If you replace:
host: localhost
host: ip.address (192.168.x.x)
host: fqn (your fully qualified name)
Then you will be able to test / access GitLab from another computer.
So is an example of such a fully qualified name, and should be changed by your own.
As explained here, check what host hostname returns.


where does localhost name get resolved on windows?

clearly localhost name on windows is resolving on same place other than hosts file:
line localhost has a # on the beginning so it will be ignored
on lines above, it's said that localhost gets resolved within DNS itself
I've set a custom local URL on hosts file (via Laragon) which is working fine on normal situation; however, when I connect my vpn extension on chrome, this & all other defined local names fail to load page:
dial tcp: lookup <URL> on no such host
well, all except localhost. localhost domains get resolved on all situation & I'm thinking this is because localhost is defined on someplace deeper than hosts file; & if that place can be modified, then I can add my domain to it so my domain will work on every situation too.
so where does localhost get resolved on windows & how can i add custom names in that place?

Unable to push Docker images to local registry, client times out

I'm writing as I've encountered an issue that doesn't seem to get resolved, would value the community's help.
I'm trying to push an image to a local registry I deployed on port 5000.
When I use this command docker push localhost:5000/ to push the image to my local registry, I get the following message
Get "http://localhost:5000/v2/": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
I've confirmed the registry is on port 5000 by using GET on postman, and I get a valid, expected {} response (since there's no images currently on my local registry).
I've since tried to fix this by updating my etc/hosts file to comment out "::1 localhost" per advise of this post. This is the contents of my etc/hosts file
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
# ::1 localhost
# Added by Docker Desktop
# To allow the same kube context to work on the host and the container: kubernetes.docker.internal
# End of section
I also updated my etc/resolve.conf file with the following nameservers per advise from this post.
None of this worked. Did anyone also encounter this issue? Is there any recommendations to help fix this issue?
Here's the source code if it helps! Thank you in advance :)
You may have a HTTP proxy defined. Please try running these commands.
unset http_proxy
unset https_proxy
I think there must be sth changed with the kind image. I use the script from this page:
I am able to create a new kind cluster and registry. After that, I have no problem following the video lecture to push the image to the local registry.
I use a work-around for this error and it is as below:
Firstly, tag the images using the localhost ip instead, ie
docker tag imagename
docker push
I hope this works for you as well.

Problems with configuring Lando on Fedora (on Linode) to port 80

I have been trying to configure lando to expose my container to public domain that is pointing there. So my domain, lets call it, is showing The random port assignments to the container work from the domain but not I am not able to fix it to port 80.
For example Lando starts up and shows these available URLs
APPSERVER URLS https://localhost:32781
When I navigate to my domain,, it doesn't' work, but if I use, it does.
I feel like I am missing something simple. The server itself is a fresh installation of Fedora 29 with Lando v3.0.0-rc.8
My Lando file:
name: my_app
recipe: drupal8
webroot: ./drupal/web
php: 7.2
port: '8080'
drush: ^9
xdebug: false
- composer install -d=./drupal
Per, adding the following lines to your .lando.yml should configure Lando to properly route your custom domain. Port 80 will be bound automatically unless some other service on your machine is already using the port.
You mention a .com domain. Apparently you want your app to be publicly (WAN) accessible. Are you behind any router? Then simply open a port and direct it to your computer IP and your 32782 for http which is port 80 for the outside world. In some routers this is called "Port mapping".
The firewall on your computer needs to have the port 32782 opened. You might need to include share.

Phpstorm + xdebug : Remote host is configured as "localhost" despite server host is probably not local

I was following this instruction to validate my debugger configuration on Web Server. I uses a remote server whose FTP connection has been tested, but I get this warning message saying
Remote host is configured as 'localhost' despite server host is probably not local
My first question is: what does "remote host" and "server host" refer to respectively?
I know remote host is the setting xdebug.remote_host, and according to the xdebug documentation, it is "the host where the debug client is running".
This makes me confused: Isn't the debug client the IDE I am running on my local machine?
If yes, then shouldn't "the host where the debug client is running" be my local machines's IP address? If yes again, should I configure xdebug.remote_host to be my IP?
I tried setting it to my IP, the warning message does't show but it doesn't feel right because later I tried it with a random IP the message also doesn't show.
Secondly, the xdebug documentation also says that this xdebug.remote_host setting will be ignored if xdebug.remote_connect_back is enabled." Although not quite sure what this setting does, I set it to be "On", as the picture shows:
I was hoping this will eliminate the warning message, but it is still there. So how do I get rid of this message?
In my case, I had several apache virtual hosts setup for different projects. I was able to access projects via different urls, like : http://projectname1, http://anotherproject2 .
I was getting that same error in PhpStorm while doing xdebug validation:
Remote host is configured as “localhost” despite server host is
probably not local
Problem was fixed, once in php.ini xdebug.remote_host matched the URL of the project I was debugging. So, if I was debugging http://project1, I would have this in php.ini:
Having values as, or localhost didn't fix it.
Hope it helps someone.
Did you try with following?
xdebug.remote_host = ""

Having a url of : '' instead of 'localhost:8888/drupal' [Mamp]

How can i run local tests ( with mamp ) that have urls of this kind : instead of http://localhost:8888/install.folder
Thank you
If your tests are truely local, you may simply add an alias in your hosts file (/etc/hosts on linux). This alias will cause your computer to resolve as (localhost).
If you wish to use this outside of your computer, you will need to purchase a domain, and set its DNS up to forward to your IP address (and open the appropriate port in your router to forward to your computer).
If you don't want to have to include the port number (':8888'), change the port that your server is being hosted on to the default (80). This may be done through the server's configuration file by changing the 'Listen' directive.
If you do not want to have to add the '/drupal' path, add an 'Alias' directive to redirect the user from the root path ('/') to '/drupal'. You may also change the 'DocumentRoot' to drupal.
You will need to add an entry to your hosts file like this:
Note: this will not keep you from having to enter the port number or directory - it will only allow you to use a host alias for the host name itself.
