Laravel Generate not working - laravel

I am running Sublime Test 2 in Windows 7 64-bit. I have installed (and re-installed many times) Laravel Generator and Laravel 4 Artisan. I have updated composer and all dependencies. But I cannot get it to work properly. If I press ctrl-shift-P and type 'laravel' I get a list of 11 Artisan options, then a list of 17 Generate options, 6 of which appear to be duplications, and then another list of 20 Artisan options. The first lot of Artisan options give WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified, the Generate options give [InvalidArgumentException] There are no commands defined in the "generate" namespace.
The second batch of Artisan options do appear to work eg Laravel Artisan: Controller: Make gives a command line and if I type 'test' it creates a restful controller called test.php.
However, the more comprehensive resource generation remains unavailable to me.
Can anyone shed any light?

If you are using the way/generators package, you need to make sure to include the service provider ('Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider') in your file.

First make sure you install this plugin first:
And then you might want to do what is referred here:
There are other Windows users that had difficulties with this, but seem to have resolved them.


Argument 1 passed to Tymon\JWTAuth\Blacklist::__construct() must be an instance of Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\Providers\Storage, null given

I would like to ask for help on this as I've been trying to solve this issue in hours now.
I don't know what's wrong on my end but it keeps on prompting
Argument 1 passed to Tymon\JWTAuth\Blacklist::__construct() must be an instance of Tymon\JWTAuth\Contracts\Providers\Storage, null given, called in /var/www/mmstraining/vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/Providers/AbstractServiceProvider.php on line 288 in file /var/www/mmstraining/vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/Blacklist.php on line 54
As per checking, Storage class is null though the interface is existing. I have no idea what's causing the error. Maybe some of you have encountered the issue. Appreciate the help!
I tried everything I could to fix this, and ended up finally getting somewhere after running php artisan config:clear
That was it. Hope this helps others.
There's a config file associated with that package. You may have to run php artisan vendor:publish to copy the file to your app folder, but in it is a line to (de)activate the Blacklist functionality entirely, as well as define a Storage driver for it to use. Looks like by default it uses an out-of-the-box one that taps into Laravel's Cache handler, so I'm not sure why it would be giving you trouble, but I'd start by verifying that's set up properly.

Create artisan commands for package Laravel 5

I am developing a package for Laravel 5, now I need to create some new artisan command for this package. I have read the following articles but still stuck
Question: What I need to do is grouping some artisan commands of laravel 5 into a single command and then add this new command to my package can anyone help me through the steps I have to take?
I could be writing a huge answer but this video is better then 100 words:
Also the link for the docs:

Composer failing when I use Route::controller() in my routes.php

I'm working on migrating an existing Laravel 3 application over to Laravel 4.1, and routes are kicking my butt right now. Here is the problem I'm having- in the old application we made frequent use of Route::controller() in the routes file. When I bring those entries over to the new application they seem to work, but they cause composer to get nasty.
For example I have this route:
Route::controller('templates', 'AdminTemplatesController');
Which is working as a route. But when I run composer update I get this error:
{"error":{"type":"ReflectionException","message":"Class AdminTemplatesController does not exist","file":"\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Routing\/ControllerInspector.php","line":28}}
I've tried stripping down and using Artisan to create an entirely new controller- same test, same fail.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Looks like you have to do it in steps:
1) Disable all of your routes
2) Execute composer update and make the process pass, you don't need your routes to do that
3) Reenable the controller route and fix the issue Laravel is having by not finding it, which could be:
Controllers folder not being loaded in composer.json
Namespace not being loaded in composer.json
In all of those cases, you have to be sure that you have your controllers in any of the files of the folder:
For example, if you have the controllers folder in the autoload->classmap of composer.json, the file will be:
Remember that every time you change composer.json, you have to
composer dumpautoload
So it recreates those files.
About your comment, I had similar problem once when my file was printed in command line, was happening because I had:
instead of
This makes difference for Laravel.
In Laravel 4 you use "Route::resource()". So your example would be Route::resource('templates', 'AdminTemplatesController');

Getting strange errors installing a Laravel application

The first problem I'm running in to is that when installing I receive a mysql error stating that a table cannot be found. Of course it can't, I finished installing the dependencies much less run the migration. The error was being triggered by a Eloquent query in a view composer. After commenting out the entirety of my routes file Composer let me continue.
I proceed to uncomment out my route file - I get the error once again trying to run any artisan commands (can't migrate my database because I haven't migrated my database). Repeat the solution for step one and I've migrated my database.
Artisan serve is now serving me my layout file in the terminal and exiting. I'm at a bit of a loss to troubleshoot this. I assumed that it was possibly a plugin, trying to disable plugins one by one results in:
Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the pre-update-cmd event returned with an error
and being served up my layout file in the terminal.
It seems that the error is directly related to this function in my routes file:
View::composer('layouts.main', function($view) {
$things = Thing::where('stuff', 1)->orderBy('stuff')->get();
This isn't a new introduction to the application however so the underlying cause is coming from somewhere else.
As i said in the comment, if you are finding database errors in production server but not in local, then
check database credentials. if its ok then....
check the different configs in the environment.
using profilers(any) will let you know what environment you are in.

Doctrine 2.2 Bisna CLI

I can't get the Bisna doctrine cli to work. It complains about not being able to find the Symfony Console application. Notice it's trying to look for it in a nested directory of Doctrine/Symfony/Console/Symfony/Component/Console. Anybody ever seen this?
PHP Warning: require(/Users/jhicks/workspace/production/application/../library/Doctrine/Symfony/Console/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/jhicks/workspace/production/library/Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php on line 163
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/Users/jhicks/workspace/production/application/../library/Doctrine/Symfony/Console/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php' (include_path='/Users/jhicks/workspace/production/library:.:/opt/local/lib/php') in /Users/jhicks/workspace/production/library/Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php on line 163
Here's the Github page for the doctrine cli from Bisna:
There are many repositories that call themsemves Bisna in Github, it is difficult to find what of them you are using without further information.
The original one is the one created by Guilherme Blanco (Bisna used to be his nickname) called Zend Framework 1 + Doctrine 2 and works like a charm, but it does not bundle the Symfony components necessary to run the CLI tool.
What you have to do is download them from GitHub (search for "Symfony" and you will find the components inside the Organization repository) and put them inside your project's library folder paying attention to the PSR #0 naming conventions.
If you provide the piece of code that generates this error and the repository and version you are using, it will be easier to detect the error and give a better answer. It is naive to try and guess the type of error, but probably you have problems with namespaces and/or how you are calling Symfony's Console component.
If you need some guidance on how this integration can be achieved, you can look at doctrine.php inside Blanco's repository.
Looks like I needed to add these two lines to my existing autoloader bootstrap method:
$symfonyAutoloader = new \Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader('Symfony', 'Doctrine');
$autoloader->pushAutoloader(array($symfonyAutoloader, 'loadClass'), 'Symfony');
I didn't think this would be necessary since I included Symfony in the autoloaderNamespaces array in my application.ini file.
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Symfony"
