Default shell program in emacs - shell

How can I determine the default shell program in Emacs?
On an Ubuntu machine when I go to term mod (M-x term) or Emerge, it tries to run /bin/bash
On anther machine, Emacs tries to run /bin/false and I want to fix this problem.
Could you please help me to fix this issue?

That looks like a user configuration issue - Emacs is most likely using the default shell and it's a common way to prevent users from getting shell access by setting the shell to /bin/false or /bin/nologin (or variations thereof).
The remedy is to get the sysadmin to give you shell access as in a proper shell configured for your user account instead of /bin/false.

Thanks to Steve Howard, The problem can be solved by changing SHELL to /bin/bash


ipython: Can I provide input to a shell command

Can I execute a shell command that requires input in ipython and/or an ipython notebook?
When I execute such a command, I see it's prompt, but no apparent way to provide it with input from my keyboard.
An example could be an rsync command to a remote server (thus requiring a password). There are no doubt dangers security-wise here - these are somewhat reduced in my case as I'm running on localhost.
Reposting as an answer, with a bit more detail:
No, it's a long standing issue that's really difficult to resolve:
The issue is roughly that our architecture can't tell when a process is waiting for input, so it doesn't know to prompt the user for input.
You may be able to use pexpect and raw_input to simulate this for specific programs. I.e. if you say what the prompt looks like, it spots that in the output, and asks the user for input to send back to the process. E.g. for Python:
import pexpect
p = pexpect.spawn('python')
while True:
p.expect('\n>>> ')
p.sendline(raw_input('>>> '))
except pexpect.EOF:
I've just given this a brief test - it works, but it's fairly rough. The concept could be improved.
Sadly, no.
I couldn't find documentation on this, so I went source-diving. The ipython code that actually performs that transformation is , specifically:
def _tr_system(line_info):
"Translate lines escaped with: !"
cmd = line_info.line.lstrip().lstrip(ESC_SHELL)
return '%sget_ipython().system(%r)' % (line_info.pre, cmd)
which, in other words, invokes the underlying shell with everything following the !.
ipython is probably not what you want -- check out this answer for a Python alternate to include in scripts.
Was just looking for this and my wee face dropped when I saw it was a bit of an issue. Thought I would just post my solution in case it is usefull to anyone else.
Basically I was looking for a way to send sudo commands through the notebook, probably not very wise but I needed it for what I was doing. And i couldn't get a prompt for the password. So decided to use a x-terminal and sending the command through to the terminal. You don't get any feed back but may be due to not hooking to the IO on the way back. Here is what i used in the notebook:
In [1] !xterm -e sudo mount -o loop system.img /system/
I'm using linux but i would expect !cmd for windows might do the trick too
Many programs that require a password provide a variety of ways to prompt the user for it so that jupyter doesn't have to do it for you. The sudo command has a -A option and the SUDO_ASKPASS environmental variable. I've used it like this to use sudo to get permissions for the /var/log/btmp.1 file:
In [1]: !SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ssh-askpass sudo -A lastb -a -f /var/log/btmp.1 | head
Similarly, for your case, ssh has an SSH_ASKPASS environmental variable.
Note that for headless operation of ssh/rsync, you can avoid authentication prompts from a notebook entirely by directly setting up an ssh agent (if it isn't running already) and referring to it with your SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable, like ssh-add does.
Or you can use a different program via SSH_ASKPASS which handles authentication in a custom way. See questions like How to automate SSH login with password? - Server Fault for more details, but be careful to not compromise your security especially when trying to automate connections from one server to another.

/bin/dash cannot find hostname

I have newly installed a remastered ubuntu 12.10. after installation I ran a script to make a standard user and do some other works. now when I log into the new standard user and open terminal, it only shows a $ mark and doesnt show username#hostname$.
it can return whoami but doesnt return anything for echo $HOSTNAME
the interesting thing is when I run bash, everything is ok, but when I run dash(which is default in ubuntu) I see the problem.
I've tried dpkg-reconfigure dash but nothing changed.
can anyone guess what is happened to my system!
thank you in advance.
I suggest to use bash instead of dash since the former is far better for interactive use.
The shell for the new user is probably set to /bin/dash, you just have to create the new user specifing the shell you want using the --shell option for the adduser command.
To change the shell for an alredy created user you can use the command chsh.

terminal problem with new user in linux

I have installed DB2 in my ubuntu 10.04 and meanwhile it has created 2 new users. and to run the db2 i have to switch to the new user created by the DB2.
But this new user's terminal has less features i.e. it donot automatically complete the directory or filename by hitting tabs, can't use up/down/left/right arrow keys. and not colorful like my actual terminal in my default user of ubuntu.
Please Help.
Thanks in advance:)
Change the users shell to /bin/bash, instead of /bin/sh.
# usermod -s /bin/bash YourDB2User
Since some time now, both Debian and Ubuntu uses dash to provide /bin/sh, which doesn't have all the features like bash, but provides a more accurate interpretation of the bourne shell, from what I understand.
this new users should not do anything except executing the command/demon, so they dont need a terminal. they should have as little rights as possible - thats part of the trick. if you want to execute a command as this user, try sudo -u(newuser) command

Running a script automatically when logging in via ssh

I would like to know if there is a (simple) solution to the following issue:
When I log in with ssh to a specific host, I would like to automatically execute a (bash)script on that host. This way I could -for example- load my aliases on that host.
Definitively the bashrc script is not executed; The ssh configuration files do not seem to help in this issue either.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
BTW: The host is running on Gentoo
If .bashrc isn't being run, try .profile, which has a similar function. Different shells use different startup scripts at different times, so knowing when to run things is useful.
On many systems where you have a choice of which shell to use, you are put through ~/.profile only. This way there is no need to find out (and no probably wrong guessing) which shell you're running in and which profile to actually load (.bashrc, .cshrc, .kshrc etc.) and which ones to avoid loading.
The easiest solution in your case would be to create a link (a symbolic one if you prefer visibility) to your favourite shell's startup script as in ln -s ~/.bashrc ~/.profile. If you don't intend to ever using anything other than bash, you're set.

Need to write a program to sanely configure a login shell

I just started using a Solaris 10 (Sparc) box where I telnet in and get confronted with a very unfriendly interface (compared to the standard bash shell I use in cygwin or linux) --- the arrow keys do not work as I expect them to. Being an NIS system, changing the shell is not as easy as using the "chsh" command. And setting the SHELL environment variable in ~/.login and ~/.profile is not working for me. So I'm thinking that I may need to write a script to determine if bash is running the script and starting bash if the answer is no. My first attempt, trying to invoke /bin/bash from ~/.profile seems to work but kind of doesn't feel right. Other suggestions? And how do I tell programmatically which shell is actually executing?
You can tell what shell is running with echo $0. For example:
$ echo $0
If you're changing shell you probably want to replace the current shell process rather than be a child of it, so use exec.
Also, you want to pass bash the -l flag so it acts as if it has been called as part of the login process.
So you'll want something like:
exec bash -l
You are probably running with ksh(1) on Solaris. You have several options, read the manpage for ksh and configure it or install another shell you're more familiar with like bash. I'd personnaly recommend zsh.
