akka-camel 2.2.1 route definition using Spring XML - spring

I am using akka-camel 2.2.1 and need to configure routes to and away from Consumer and Producer actors, respectively. I am currently defining routes and adding them to the internal Camel context within the CamelExtension programmatically like so:
camel.context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder {
def configure() = {
I have an Actor that extends Consumer which reads from "seda:input-route" via its endPointUri, and another Actor that extends Producer that writes to "seda:update-route". The "db-update-bean" in defined in a Spring applicationContext.xml like so:
<bean id="db-update-bean" class="nz.co.whatever.DBUpdate">
<constructor-arg ref="jdbcTemplate"/>
<constructor-arg value="some_other_constructor_arg"/>
The Spring context is loaded and started in a supervisor Actor started by akka.Main. However (and understandably), Camel is unaware of this Spring context, and thus went to great lengths to inform me that it had no clue what the "db-update-bean" was:
2013-10-11 08:55:09,614 [SedaConsumer ] WARN Error processing exchange. Exchange[Message: 1378642997698,27684,true,57.000000,0.750000,97]. Caused by:
[org.apache.camel.NoSuchBeanException - No bean could be found in the registry for: db-update-bean]
Of course, I could programmatically add the components to the akka-provided CamelContext, or else do something like this:
.bean(new DBUpdate(jdbcTemplate, "gps_temp_status"), "process")
but I would rather use Spring to define beans. Clearly, the CamelExtension needs to use the Spring-defined CamelContext rather than creating one of its own.
Furthermore, and more importantly, I would like to externalize the definition of the Camel routes into the same applicationContext.xml within a <CamelContext/> tag. Accoring to articles such as https://weblogs.java.net/blog/manningpubs/archive/2013/02/13/akka-and-camel, it seems the way to do so is to instantiate a "camel-service" bean and inject the Spring-defined CamelContext as so:
<camel:camelContext id="camelContext">
<akka:camel-service id="camelService">
<akka:camel-context ref="camelContext" />
Here is where the wheels come off. According to Roland Kuhn's reply in Why spring integration doc for akka exists only for 1.3.1 but not for next versions, the akka-spring library is not included in Akka 2.2.1, and thus there is no Spring namespace handler for akka, and I'm unable to instantiate this camel-service bean. Though not for lack of trying. Or cursing.
And so (finally), the question: How does one define Camel routes in Spring XML whose endpoints can be used by Consumer or Producer Actors using akka-camel 2.2.1 without akka-spring? Does one instantiate a Factory bean that produces a CamelService with a CamelContext injected or some other such witchcraft? Secondarily (but related) how can I use Spring to instantiate beans to be referenced in camel routes if I am forced to define them via a RouteBuilder?
Thanks in advance.


ApplicationContext in Spring Boot [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
application context. What is this?
(4 answers)
What is Application context and bean factory in spring framework [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a Spring Boot app and it's running with Spring Data, MySQL, Spring Security and MVC. The app is running for me just as fine.
However, I keep hearing about ApplicationContext a lot and I was wondering when do I need to use it and would like to know what it does. Can someone give me an example and an overview of ApplicationContext and its use?
ApplicationContext is a core interface that Spring framework built on. If you're building a Spring application, you're already using the ApplicationContext. You can have great insight about this from Spring Framework Reference Documentation. As per this document, Spring framework consists with these modules;
The Context (spring-context) module builds on the solid base provided
by the Core and Beans modules: it is a means to access objects in a
framework-style manner that is similar to a JNDI registry. The Context
module inherits its features from the Beans module and adds support
for internationalization (using, for example, resource bundles), event
propagation, resource loading, and the transparent creation of
contexts by, for example, a Servlet container. The Context module also
supports Java EE features such as EJB, JMX, and basic remoting. The
ApplicationContext interface is the focal point of the Context module.
spring-context-support provides support for integrating common
third-party libraries into a Spring application context, in particular
for caching (EhCache, JCache) and scheduling (CommonJ, Quartz).
Spring ApplicationContext also inherits BeanFactory super-interface. So technically ApplicationContext is capable of doing all the things, BeanFactory interface is capable and much more. BeanFactory interface along with ApplicationContext provide the backbone of the Spring IoC container (Core container). Which is Bean management for your application.
The interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
represents the Spring IoC container and is responsible for
instantiating, configuring, and assembling the aforementioned beans.
The container gets its instructions on what objects to instantiate,
configure, and assemble by reading configuration metadata. The
configuration metadata is represented in XML, Java annotations, or
Java code. It allows you to express the objects that compose your
application and the rich interdependencies between such objects.
ApplicationContext uses eager loading mechanism. So, every bean declared in your application, initialize right away after the application started and after, this ApplicationContext scope is pretty much read-only.
Initiate a Spring IoC container with custom bean definitions is pretty much staright forward.
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[] {"daos.xml"});
Following file shows this daos.xml file content;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
<bean id="accountDao"
<!-- additional collaborators and configuration for this bean go here -->
<bean id="itemDao" class="org.springframework.samples.jpetstore.dao.jpa.JpaItemDao">
<!-- additional collaborators and configuration for this bean go here -->
<!-- more bean definitions for data access objects go here -->
After that you can access the beans define in the .xml like this;
JpaItemDao obj = (JpaItemDao) factory.getBean("itemDao");
These instances are now being initialized and managed by the ApplicationContext. But most users prefer to use #Bean annotation define beans to do the binding and #Autowired annotation to do the dependency injection. So, no need to manually feed a bean .xml to custom initialized ApplicationContext.
class SampleConfig {
public JpaItemDao getJpaItemDao() {
return new JpaItemDao();
and inject in;
class SampleComponent {
private JpaItemDao itemDao;
public void doSomething() {
itemDao.save(); // Just an example.
Besided the bean management, ApplicationContext does some other important thing in the Spring core container. As per ApplicationContect javadoc, they are;
Bean factory methods for accessing application components. Inherited from ListableBeanFactory.
The ability to load file resources in a generic fashion. Inherited from the ResourceLoader interface.
The ability to publish events to registered listeners. Inherited from the ApplicationEventPublisher interface.
The ability to resolve messages, supporting internationalization. Inherited from the MessageSource interface.
Inheritance from a parent context. Definitions in a descendant context will always take priority. This means, for example, that a
single parent context can be used by an entire web application, while
each servlet has its own child context that is independent of that of
any other servlet.
Also, checkout the sub-interfaces of ApplicationContext that specifically designed for work on different use cases like WebApplicationContext.
ApplicationContext is a core concept (arguably the most important one) of spring used also in spring boot of course but and ideally hidden from the programmers in both cases, meaning that the programmer should not directly interact with it in a business code of the application.
Technically its an interface that has many implementations, the relevant one is picked depending on in which environment you're running and how do you configure the application.
So does it do? Its a class that basically is a registry of all the beans that spring has loaded. In general, starting up the spring mean finding the beans to load and putting them in the application context (this is relevant for singletons only, prototype-scopes beans are not stored in the ApplicationContext).
Why does spring need it?
For many reasons, to name a few:
To manage lifecyle of the beans (when the application shuts down, all beans that have a destroy method should be called)
To execute a proper injection. When some class A depends on class B spring should inject class B into class A. So by the time of creating the class A, class B should already be created, right? So spring goes like this:
Creates B
Puts B into application context (registry)
Creates A
For injection goals: gets B from the application context and injects into A
// an illustration for the second bullet
class B {}
class A {
B b;
Now there are other things implemented technically in application context:
Resource Loading
Inheritance of application contexts (advanced stuff, actually)
However now you have an overview of what it is.
Spring boot application encapsulates the application context but you can still access it from many places:
in the main method when the application starts it returns an application context]
you can inject it into configuration if you really need
its also possible to inject the application context into the business bean, although we shouldn't really do so.
In simple words:
Spring is popular for dependency Injection.
So all the bean definitions(Objects) will be created by the spring and maintained in the container. So all the bean life cycle will be taken care by spring container.
So ApplicationContext is a interface It has different implementations will be there to initialize the spring container.
So ApplicationContext is the reference to Spring Container.
Some popular implementations are:
Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/context/ApplicationContext.html

Spring Config Client XML equivalent of #RefreshScope

We have an existing Spring MVC application (non Spring-boot application) with all (or most) of the beans configured in the XML. We wanted to use this as a Spring Cloud Config Client (we have a Spring Boot application acting as config server).
In this regard, what is the XML equivalent of configuring the beans in XML with refresh scope (same as #RefreshScope annotation). Tried configuring the RefreshScope as bean and using scope="refresh" but could see that the beans are not reflected with new values after peforming /refresh endpoint (from actuator)
Any help on this is highly appreciated
As pointed out in other answers 'refresh' scope is just another scope. However there's an issue where the bean properties are not updated with new values after /refresh call - if you define and inject properties in XML. More on the issue here. However the bean (i.e. actually the proxy) is instantiated after each /refresh call - but you need "aop:scoped-proxy" config since bean to which you inject the 'refresh' scoped bean, could be on a different scope. i.e.
<bean name="xmlValueBean" class="me.fahimfarook.xml.XMLValueBean" scope="refresh">
<aop:scoped-proxy proxy-target-class="true" />
Well if you want to use #RefreshScope in core Spring(also Spring MVC) as people already pointed out, you have to implement the scope yourself also.
I also had the same dilemma and I did, I also wrote a blog about it, you can find there all the implementation details.
You can also use Spring Boot Configuration Server with your Spring MVC application, if you like to.
#RefreshScope for Spring MVC
#RefreshScope is just another scope. Look at how the RefreshScope class is implemented. It is creating a new scope named "refresh".
That means you should be able to use the new scope in your XML configuration, like this.
<bean id = "..." class = "..." scope = "refresh">

How to inject a Spring bean in to Camel DefultProducer

I have written a camel component by extending DefaultComponent and also have the associative classes implemetation for endpoint, consumer, producer. My producer is extending the camel DefaultProducer and I want to inject a spring bean inside this class, so that whenever a route will be executed like
<route id="myRoute"><from uri="file://inbox"/><to uri="myComp://outbox"/>
I will be able to get the file from the file system and store it into database. For storing the file into the DB I have a service class instantiated by the spring container, but whenever I inject that bean into MyProducer we are getting null.
I recongnized the problem was not about Camel, it is related to the spring and I was injecting the bean in a wrong way. I resolved the problem by implementing the ApplicationContextAware interface into my helper class and storing the spring context as static variable and with the help of this helper class I am able to get spring bean inside MyProducer class. Thanks for spring ApplicationContextAware interface.

Why doesn't just autowiring a field in a GWT servlet in Spring work?

Simply marking a field as #Autowired in a GWT servlet does not work as intended. The code will compile and the web application will start up - which means Spring was successfully able to autowire the field, but when the servlet is actually hit by client-side code, it will yield a NullPointerException - like there's a different, uninitialized copy of the servlet being hit.
I've found several ways on the web to get this working, one is by using a base servlet class that does some Spring logic but doing this means every GWT servlet must extend this base class. The other way was by using AspectJ and the #Configurable Spring annotation. There was very little configuration involved here and it just magically worked.
My question is why doesn't just autowiring the field just work as intended? What is GWT doing that causes this to break.
The code will compile and the web application will start up - which
means Spring was successfully able to autowire the field
Not necessarily. The web container can instantiate a servlet without any help from Spring. Which you could be experiencing:
but when the servlet is actually hit by client-side code, it will
yield a NullPointerException - like there's a different, uninitialized
copy of the servlet being hit.
try overriding Servlet's init():
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
When the RPC service is called from the client, the "server-side" looking at the called URL and the servlets mapping will find the class, will make the instance and it will serve the request. Meaning if you have #Autowired annotation, or you already have an instance of the RPC class in the spring context, it does not matter. The new instance will be created and it won't "know" about Spring.
I resolve this by implementing a class which extends RemoteServiceServlet and implements Controller (from Spring MVC) and ServletContextAware.
This way you can map every RPC service by URL using the Spring MVC approach, for ex:
<bean id="publicUrlMapping"
<property name="mappings">
<prop key="/myFirstRpc">firstRpcServiceBeanRef</prop>
<prop key="/mySecondRpc">secondRpcServiceRef</prop>
You also avoid the declarations for every single RPC servlet in web.xml, the mappings are clean and you have the Spring injection.
You declare only a single mapping in web.xml for org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet which will serve all RPC calls.
There are couple of examples on the web with explanation about GWT RPC and Spring MVC controller integration.
Hope this will help.
It turns out that when using Spring at least, there's a MUCH simpler way to do this such that you can use #Autowired and it doesn't involve massive configuration or base classes. The caveat is that you must also use AspectJ. Here's what you need for your GWT servlet:
public class MyGwtServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements MyGwtService
private MyService service;
// ...
And in your Spring config make sure you also have:
<!-- enable autowiring and configuration of non-spring managed classes, requires AspectJ -->
One final note. If you are also using Spring security with your GWT application (and in your GWT servlets), you will need to make sure you define the correct mode to ensure the AspectJ weaving is done correctly (i.e., you get both #Secured annotation processing AND the #Autowired processing) you will need:
<!-- turn on spring security for method annotations with #Secured(...) -->
<!-- the aspectj mode is required because we autowire spring services into GWT servlets and this
is also done via aspectj. a server 500 error will occur if this is changed or removed. -->
<security:global-method-security secured-annotations="enabled" mode="aspectj"/>

Inject Spring beans into EJB3

I'm trying to inject Spring beans into an EJB using #Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.class) but I cannot get it working with the beanRefContext.xml examples I've seen.
Here's my EJB:
public class AlertNotificationMethodServiceImpl implements
AlertNotificationMethodService {
private SomeBean bean;
I've provided a beanRefContext.xml as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="...">
<!-- Have also tried with ClassPathXmlApplicationContext -->
<bean id="context"
<property name="configLocations" value="/config/app-config.xml" />
But, it seems to be recreating the beans instead of obtaining the existing ApplicationContext. I end up with the following exception because one of my beans is ServletContextAware.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot resolve ServletContextResource
without ServletContext
When using the SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor, shouldn't it obtain the ApplicationContext instead of create a new one?
I also tried changing my web.xml so the contextConfigLocation points to the beanRefContext.xml, hoping it'd load my Spring config but I end up with the same exception as above.
Does anyone know how to do this properly? The examples I've seen seem to use the same method I'm using which I assume means the beans are being recreated when the Interceptor is invoked (or is that how it's supposed to work and I've misunderstood).
When using the SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor, shouldn't it obtain the ApplicationContext instead of create a new one?
Yes, and this is in fact what it does. It uses the ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator mechanism, which in turn manages a number of ApplicationContext instances as static singletons (yes, even Spring has to resort to static singletons sometimes). These contexts are defined in beanRefContext.xml.
Your confusion seems to stem from the expectation that these contexts have any relation to your webapp's ApplicationContext - they don't, they're entirely separate. So your webapp's ContextLoader is creating and managing a context based on the bean definitions in app-config.xml, and the ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator creates another one. They won't communicate unless you tell them to. The EJBs cannot get hold of the webapp's context, since EJBs sit outside of that scope.
What you need to do is to move the beans that need to be used by your EJBs out of app-config.xml and into another bean definition file. This extracted set of bean definitions will form the basis of a new ApplicationContext which will (a) be accessed by the EJBs, and (b) will act as the parent context of your webapp's context.
In order to activate the parent-child link between your webapp's context and the new context, you need to add an additional <context-param> to your web.xml called parentContextKey. The value of this parameter should be the name of the context defined in beanRefContext.xml (i.e. context, in your example).
The beans that stay behind in the webapp's context will be able to reference the beans in the parent context, as will the EJBs. However, the EJBs will not be able to reference anything in the webapp's context.
Also, you cannot use XmlWebApplicationContext in beanRefContext.xml, since that class requires awareness of the webapp, and ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator cannot supply that awareness. You should stick with ClassPathXmlApplicationContext there.
