create priced magento order without paying [closed] - magento

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Closed 9 years ago.
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any help would be appreciated.
I need to create a 2 orders on products that are $100 per order. I need to create these orders but would like to do so without having to actually pay for the order. I know I can apply a coupon to force it to $0, but I actually want the reflected price to be $100.
Is there any way to manually create these in magento while reflecting the full price, and without having to go through the payment gateway or entering in a credit card on the create orders page?
Thank you!

You can enable an offline payment method and use that. Like 'Check / Money order'. If you want this only available in the backend override the class Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Checkmo and add this line protected $_canUseCheckout = false;

If you want to restrict this to back-end only, i.e. not letting online customers choose this option, then the Check / Money Order payment method is the way to go. However you need to tweak the code slightly. Follow this tutorial:
Take note to save the new file in the app/code/local folder and not app/code/core.
Basically you'll leave check and order visible on backend only.


Gatsby + Shopify query page from shopisify is it possible? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I try to build a site from Shopify API with Gatsby.
I manage to query information from product, but I don't find a way to query the page from Shopify. I don't find in graphQl something like allShopifyPages that can give the information, description, title or anything else about the page who has been created in Shopify. So my question is possible and if yes how ?
Below the examples of page content I want to query in graphql
I've opened a discussion on Gatsby but nobody answered from few months.
If you want to know pages, then you have to query the right endpoints. If you examine the RestAPI, you'll find:
That gives you exactly what you are looking for. I am not sure what the analog is for GQL, there might not be one at this time, but you are free to search.

Do Google SEO Content Keywords matter and should I remove sidebar content?- [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I run a Magento based store website.
At the side of every product page we have delivery information.
Because of this, Google Webmaster tools picks up words such as 'delivery' 'orders' 'returns' as significant keywords - rather than more relevant 'industry specific' keywords.
Does it matter that he gives 'delivery' a higher significant rating?
Should I remove the delivery info from the side of each page?
Or is there a way to disavow keywords to tell Google that 'delivery' isn't relevant?
Or maybe turn the text info at the side into a graphic instead?
Many thanks!
Before SEO, you should always consider what is best for your user. If displaying shipping information in the sidebar is going to enhance the user's experience, leave it. If the information could be put on a page and a link can be added the sidebar, do that.
Having said that, I wouldn't worry about it. Unless you're trying to rank for the keywords 'return' or 'delivery', you're not likely to notice any sort of algorithm penalty that comes from having the words appear all over the website.
Furthermore, a keyword stuffing penalty is applied to each page individually. You should be careful with stuffing your keywords in tags on the side, as it will increase the keyword density.

A generic algorithm for extracting product data from web pages [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Preface: this might seem to be a very beginner-level question maybe stupid or ill-formulated. That's why I don't require a determined answer, but just a hint, a point, which I can start with.
I am thinking of script, which would allow me to parse product pages of different online retailers, such as Amazon, for instance. The following information is to be extracted from the product page:
product image
availability (in stock/out of stock)
The key point in the algorithm is that, once implemented, it should work for any retailer, for any product page. So it is pretty universal.
What techniques would allow implementation of such an algorithm? Is it even possible to write such a universal parser?
If the information on the product page is marked up in a structured, machine-readable way, e.g. using microdata, then you can just parse the page HTML into a DOM tree, traverse the tree to locate the microdata elements, and extract the data you want from them.
Unfortunately, many sites still don't use such structured data markup — they just present the information in a human-readable form, with no consideration given for machine parsing. In such cases, you'll need to customize your data extraction code for each site, so that it knows where the information you want is located on the page. Parsing the HTML and then working with the DOM is still often a good first step, but the rest will have to be site-specific (and may need to be updated whenever the site changes its design).
Of course, you can also try to come up with heuristic methods for locating relevant data, like, say, assuming that a number following a $ sign is probably a price. Of course, such methods are also likely to occasionally produce incorrect matches (like, say, mistaking the "$10" in "Order now and save $10!" for a price). You can adjust and refine your heuristics to be smarter about such things, but no matter how good you get at it, there will always be some new and unexpected cases that you haven't anticipated.

How to remove price amount from Virtuemart Custom field? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a website where I have used joomla with virtuemart. I have added a custom field Where field type is Cart Variant. But problem is I don't want to display the price in the drop down select option. You can see it from this screen short ( or (
I want to remove the red mark item. Anyone can help me please.
After a long try I got the solution. I am using joomla 2.5.7 & virtuemart v2.0.12. Just follow this:
Go to:
administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/customfields.php & find the following line it may be line number 871:
$productCustom->text = $productCustom->custom_value . ' ' . $price;
Delete . $price & that's all :)
Please be more specific, this issue is related to virtuemart, the best way to get an answer is to ask it on official site
What version of joomla and virtuemart are you using?
On Back-end in virtuemart configuration you can set not display price, have you tried this?
If this won't work, you will probably need to make template override, usually located in components/com_virtuemart/views/productdetails/tmpl/default_showprices.php
Without more info I'm not able to answer your question better.

best-practice: username that does not reveal information about the user [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Build a web-application that allows a human-being to create a new username, but where the username does not reveal any personal information about that individual. Moreover, the username should be easy for the individual to remember whenever they visit the website.
What is the best approach for creating a name that identifies the individual, but does not reveal any "real-world" personal information about who the individual is, but is nonetheless easy for the real-world person to memorize and use on a regular basis?
One option would be to seperate the login username and the display username - that is, user John Doe would enter 'jdoe' on their login form, but other users would see him as 'user284823' or something equally random (you can look into using Markov chains or something to generate pronouncable display names as well).
Make the login info separate from the display name.
For example, on StackOverflow, I log in with an email address, but my name is displayed as whatever I want it to be. This way, it's easy for me to remember my login info, but no one knows anything about me unless I want them to.
...let the user choose one arbitrarily?
There is no easily remembered username that will not reveal any personal information. There is also no way of automatically generating a username that will be both a) unique and b) memorable to all. If that is a requirement, have the user type one in themselves.
