synthesis of dynamic mux on std_logic_vector bytes - vhdl

I have a FIFO who's size is determined according to a parameter in the package:
signal fifo : std_logic_vector(FIFO_SIZE*8 -1 downto 0);
I also have a 4 bit vector (numOfBytes) saying how many bytes are in the FIFO at any given time (up to 8).
I want the data out (a single byte) from the FIFO to be determined according the numOfBytes signal:
Do <= fifo(to_integer(unsigned(numOfBytes)*8 -1 downto to_integer(unsigned(numOfBytes)*8 -8) when numOfBytes /= x"0" else (others => '0');
when simulating, this works well, however when I try to synthesis it (using Synopsys DC) I get an elaboration error upon linking the design saying "Constant value required (ELAB-922)".
The ELAB code means "This error message occurs because an expression in the indicated line of your RTL description does not evaluate to a constant value, as required by the language."
How else can I make the output mux so it will undergo synthesis?
if not for the parameter i'd change the Do line to a regular mux, but it can't work with the parameters. (I can't call fifo(63 downto 54) when fifo is 4 byte...)
I tried working with conv_integer in the beginning, but changed to to_integer(unsigned())due to answers found on the web.

Signal indexes used to construct a range have to be compile-time constants for synthesis to accept them.
There are two ways to solve this problem:
1) Change your FIFO to use an array. This is the standard way of declaring any form of memory, such as a FIFO.
type fifo_type is array(0 to FIFO_SIZE-1) of std_logic_vector(8-1 downto 0);
signal fifo : fifo_type;
Do <= fifo(to_integer(unsigned(numOfBytes))-1) when(numOfBytes/=0) else (others=>'0');
2) Use a loop to convert the variable into a constant. This is a common way to code a generic mux.
Do <= (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to FIFO_SIZE-1 loop
if(numOfBytes=i+1) then
Do <= fifo((i+1)*8-1 downto i*8);
end if;
end loop;
I would recommend the first approach for larger, memory-based FIFOs, and the second for smaller, register-based ones.

If the FIFO created with a number of bytes, instead of combining it into the same std_logic_vector then Synopsys DC may be able to handle it. Code could look like:
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
architecture syn of mdl is
... Declaration of FIFO_SIZE natural constant
type fifo_t is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal fifo : fifo_t(FIFO_SIZE - 1 downto 0);
... Handling FIFO insert and remove
Do <= fifo(to_integer(unsigned(numOfBytes))) when numOfBytes /= x"0" else (others => '0');
end architecture;

If you don't need a runtime-dynamic size to the FIFO, use a generic on your entity.
If you truly need a dynamic sized FIFO, you'll have to use a loop in a process as someone else said. But be very careful how you use such a FIFO, as if you change the size of it while someone is reading or writing, bad things may happen!


What's the right way to cast a sfixed to std_logic_vector in vhdl?

I am trying to cast a sfixed (from ieee.fixed_pkg) to std_logic_vector and I wonder what the correct syntax is and why the following is (appearently wrong). I tried compiling the following 3 architectures:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.fixed_pkg.all;
entity test is
port (input: in sfixed(0 downto -7) := x"00";
output: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00");
Architecture a:
architecture a of test is begin
output <= std_logic_vector(input);
Architecture b:
architecture b of test is begin
proc: process (input) begin
output <= std_logic_vector(input);
end process;
Architecture c:
architecture c of test is begin
proc: process (input) begin
if ('1' and '1') then
output <= std_logic_vector(input);
end if;
end process;
The compiler I've used was "ModelSim ALTERA vcom 10.3d Compiler 2014.10 Oct 7 2014".
Architectures a and b don't compile with the error message:
Error: [...] Index value -7 (of type std.STANDARD.NATURAL) is out of range 0 to 2147483647.
But architecture c compiles, while still giving me the warning message:
Warning: [...] Index value -7 (of type std.STANDARD.NATURAL) is out of range 0 to 2147483647.
So my question is: what is the correct way to cast this, and why is there any difference between the three architectures posted above?
The range issues resulting for type casting an sfixed that has negative indices to std_logic_vector that #BrianDrmmond discusses was an issue identified during the development of the standard. It is a real issue for simulators other than GHDL as well.
Hence, the package provides type conversion functions to handle this. To convert from either sfixed or ufixed to std_logic_vector use either to_slv and to_std_logic_vector:
output <= to_slv(input);
To convert from std_logic_vector to sfixed / ufixed use one of the flavors of to_sfixed/to_ufixed. There is one that takes the indices as a parameter and another that takes the object.
signal a_sfixed : sfixed(0 downto -7) := x"00";
signal a_slv : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
a_sfixed <= to_sfixed(a_slv, 0, -7);
. . .
a_sfixed <= to_sfixed(a_slv, a_sfixed);
Yes, you can use a type conversion (aka casting) for an assignment instead of the above, however, if you wanted to then use the converted value in an expression, the range of the result would be incorrect since it is determined by the range of the inputs.
signal a_sfixed : sfixed(0 downto -7) := x"00";
signal a_slv : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
signal y_sfixed : sfixed(1 downto -7) := x"00";
y_sfixed <= a_sfixed + to_sfixed(a_slv, 0, -7);
Funnily enough, this might actually be a grey area in the specification of the VHDL language itself. The same problematic conversion has been discussed as a possible "bug" against the open-source simulator, ghdl.
The essence of the problem is that input is declared as sfixed(0 downto -7) while the definition of std_logic_vector requires its index to be natural, i.e. a positive integer or 0.
Thus a type conversion to an unconstrained std_logic_vector
output <= std_logic_vector(input);
inherits the bounds of the source vector, (0 and -7) and fails because one bound is out of range.
There is a simple workaround, however : type conversion to a constrained std_logic_vector ... such as std_logic_vector (input'length-1 downto 0) ... which by using the 'length attribute is guaranteed to be the right size. The semantics of this conversion keep the indexes valid, so the conversion succeeds, transferring leftmost bit to leftmost bit, and so on.
In a bit more detail, the code looks like:
-- declarations
subtype result_type is std_logic_vector (input'length-1 downto 0);
signal output : result_type;
-- assignment
output <= result_type (arg);
I cannot guarantee Altera will accept the same workaround, but I'm reasonably confident that it will, it's more clearly valid VHDL. I also haven't tried declaring output as a port as you need.
As far as we can tell, ghdl (which is usually rigorous in its interpretation of VHDL) is correct in rejecting this construct according to the letter of the VHDL language reference manual (LRM) and the "bug" report has accordingly been closed.
However, further clarification has been sought from the VHDL standards committee - and possibly a future relaxation of the rule - IF - it can be shown to be completely proof against the sort of array bounds errors and buffer overruns that plague some other languages.
I found this post facing the same error in GHDL 0.35 (mcode, windows) using David Bishop's fixed_pkg_c (FPHDL, on github).
Note, while the answer here appears correct; I had to add to the following in fixed_pkg_c in order to get GHDL to compile and simulate:
function to_sulv (
arg : UNRESOLVED_sfixed) -- fixed point vector
variable result : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg'length-1 downto 0);
-- This was added
subtype result_type is STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg'length-1 downto 0);
if arg'length < 1 then
return NSLV;
end if;
-- originally: result := STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg)
result := result_type (arg);
return result;
end function to_sulv;
The same change was needed to the to_sulv function for ufixed types.
I'm not sure why the previous 'type conversion' using STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR did not work, and I haven't spent more thought on this.
If others find this, please update on whether the original fixed_pkg_c file works in its original implementation.
The fixed package conversion function is not the solution to the OP's reported error, see posting of the function to convert to std_ulogic_vector below. Note that 'result' is a std_ulogic_vector and is obtained by performing a type cast of the operand 'arg', exactly the same as the OP did (except OP used std_logic_vector). The fixed point package will produce the same error as reported by the OP.
-- Conversion functions. These are needed for synthesis where typically
-- the only input and output type is a std_logic_vector.
function to_sulv (
arg : UNRESOLVED_ufixed) -- fixed point vector
variable result : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg'length-1 downto 0);
if arg'length < 1 then
return NSLV;
end if;
result := STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR (arg);
return result;
end function to_sulv;

AND all elements of an n-bit array in VHDL

lets say I have an n-bit array. I want to AND all elements in the array. Similar to wiring each element to an n-bit AND gate.
How do I achieve this in VHDL?
Note: I am trying to use re-usable VHDL code so I want to avoid hard coding something like
result <= array(0) and array(1) and array(2)....and array(n);
Solution 1: With unary operator
VHDL-2008 defines unary operators, like these:
outp <= and "11011";
outp <= xor "11011";
outp <= and inp; --this would be your case
However, they might not be supported yet by your compiler.
Solution 2: With pure combinational (and traditional) code
Because in concurrent code you cannot assign a value to a signal more than once, your can create a temp signal with an "extra" dimension. In your case, the output is one-bit, so the temp signal should be a 1D array, as shown below.
entity unary_AND IS
generic (N: positive := 8); --array size
port (
inp: in bit_vector(N-1 downto 0);
outp: out bit);
end entity;
architecture unary_AND of unary_AND is
signal temp: bit_vector(N-1 downto 0);
temp(0) <= inp(0);
gen: for i in 1 to N-1 generate
temp(i) <= temp(i-1) and inp(i);
end generate;
outp <= temp(N-1);
end architecture;
The inferred circuit is shown in the figure below.
Solution 3: With sequential code
This is simpler than solution 2, though you are now using sequential code to solve a purely combinational problem (but the hardware will be the same). You can either write a code similar to that in solution 2, but with a process and loop (the latter, in place of generate) or using a function. Because in sequential code you are allowed to assign a value to a signal more than once, the temp signal of solution 2 is not needed here.
If you have VHDL-2008 available, then reduction and is build into the
language as David Koontz and Pedroni have explained.
If you only have VHDL-2003 and prior available, then you can use a function
function and_reduct(slv : in std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable res_v : std_logic := '1'; -- Null slv vector will also return '1'
for i in slv'range loop
res_v := res_v and slv(i);
end loop;
return res_v;
end function;
You can then use the function both inside and outside functions with:
signal arg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal res : std_logic;
res <= and_reduct(arg);
My favorite, non-VHDL-2008 solution is:
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; -- assuming not VHDL-2008
. . .
result <= '1' when not MyArray = 0 else '0' ;
With VHDL-2008, I recommend that you use the "and" reduction built-in (see Pedroni's post) and use the IEEE standard package "ieee.numeric_std_unsigned.all" instead of the shareware package "std_logic_unsigned".

Accessing 2 elements of the same array in VHDL

I am trying to assign 2 values from 2 different addresses in my array in VHDL, but somehow they always return to me a wrong value (most of the time, zero). I tested it with only 1 address and 1 data output it returned the correct value.
architecture Behavioral of registerFile is
type reg_type is array (31 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal REG : reg_type := (x"00000031", x"00000030", x"00000029", x"00000028", x"00000027", x"00000026", x"00000025", x"00000024", x"00000023", x"00000022", x"00000021", x"00000020",x"00000019",x"00000018", x"00000017", x"00000016", x"00000015", x"00000014", x"00000013", x"00000012", x"00000011", x"00000010", x"00000009", x"00000008", x"00000007",x"00000006", x"00000005", x"00000004", x"00000003", x"00000004", x"00000001", x"00000000");
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if ENABLE = '1' then
if readReg = '1' then -- read from register
DATAone <= REG(conv_integer(ADDRone));
DATAtwo <= REG(conv_integer(ADDRtwo));
REG(conv_integer(ADDRone)) <= DATAone;
REG(conv_integer(ADDRtwo)) <= DATAtwo;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Would appreciate some help, I tried googling but it's all either multidimensional arrays or only accessing 1 element at a time.
I'm not sure that this is synthesizable in most fabric. You could create two copies of the reg array and index into each of them.
It seems like you are trying to implement a quad-port memory. Anyway, even if your register file is not exactly a 4-port memory, it probably can be implemented around one.
Altera has an example of such a memory in their Advanced Synthesis Cookbook. The picture below shows the relevant part:
If use the Altera example files, it will instantiate Altera primitives, and use FPGA block RAM for storage. If you are concerned about portability, or you just want to look at some VHDL code that does what you want, check the example below. It implements roughly the same circuit shown in the figure, and it will most likely be synthesized as distributed memory in the FPGA.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- Quad-port RAM with 2 read ports 2 write ports. The design uses 2 memory blocks
-- (MAIN_MEMORY and SHADOW_MEMORY) to allow for simultaneous writes. Port A writes to
-- main memory, Port B writes to shadow memory. On a read from either port, data is
-- read from the memory block that was most recently written at the given position.
entity quad_port_ram is
generic (
ADDRESS_WIDTH: natural := 5;
DATA_WIDTH: natural := 32
port (
clock: in std_logic;
read_addr_a: in natural range 0 to 2**ADDRESS_WIDTH-1;
read_data_a: out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
write_addr_a: in natural range 0 to 2**ADDRESS_WIDTH-1;
write_data_a: in std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
write_enable_a: in std_logic;
read_addr_b: in natural range 0 to 2**ADDRESS_WIDTH-1;
read_data_b: out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
write_addr_b: in natural range 0 to 2**ADDRESS_WIDTH-1;
write_data_b: in std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
write_enable_b: in std_logic
architecture rtl of quad_port_ram is
type memory_type is (MAIN_MEMORY, SHADOW_MEMORY);
type memory_type_array is array (natural range <>) of memory_type;
-- Keep track of which memory has the most recently written data for each address
signal most_recent_port_for_address: memory_type_array(0 to 2**ADDRESS_WIDTH-1);
type memory_array is array (0 to 2**ADDRESS_WIDTH-1) of std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
type dual_memory_array is array (memory_type) of memory_array;
-- Store the actual memory bits. Access like this:
-- memory_data(memory_type)(address)(bit_position)
signal memory_data: dual_memory_array;
-- Auxiliary signals to decide where to read the data from (main or shadow)
signal most_recent_port_for_addr_a, most_recent_port_for_addr_b: memory_type;
process (clock) begin
if rising_edge(clock) then
if write_enable_a then
memory_data(MAIN_MEMORY)(write_addr_a) <= write_data_a;
most_recent_port_for_address(write_addr_a) <= MAIN_MEMORY;
end if;
if write_enable_b then
if (write_enable_a = '0') or (write_addr_a /= write_addr_b) then
memory_data(SHADOW_MEMORY)(write_addr_b) <= write_data_b;
most_recent_port_for_address(write_addr_b) <= SHADOW_MEMORY;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
most_recent_port_for_addr_a <= most_recent_port_for_address(read_addr_a);
most_recent_port_for_addr_b <= most_recent_port_for_address(read_addr_b);
read_data_a <= memory_data(most_recent_port_for_addr_a)(read_addr_a);
read_data_b <= memory_data(most_recent_port_for_addr_b)(read_addr_b);

Why can't I synthesize this VHDL program?

I am new at VHDL, and I am trying to do a Binary to BCD converter, I have serached on Internet and now I am trying to make my own to understand it and VHDL, here is my program:
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity Binary_to_BCD is
--generic(n: integer := 2);
Port ( data : in unsigned (7 downto 0);
bcdout : out unsigned (11 downto 0));
end Binary_to_BCD;
architecture Behavioral of Binary_to_BCD is
-- Inicio el proceso de conversion
convert : process (data) is
variable i : integer := 0;
variable bin : unsigned (7 downto 0) := data;
variable bcd : unsigned (11 downto 0) := to_unsigned(0, 12);
-- Repito por el numero de bits
for i in 0 to 7 loop
bcd := bcd sll 1; -- Desplazo un lugar a la izquierda el BCD
bcd(0) := bin(7); -- Ingreso el nuevo bit al BCD
bin := bin sll 1; -- Desplazo el bit que saque antes a la izquierda
-- Compruebo cada grupo de 4 bits del BCD, si se pasa de 4 le sumo 3
if(bcd(11 downto 8) > "0101") then
bcd(11 downto 8) := bcd(11 downto 8) + "0011";
end if;
if(bcd(7 downto 4) > "0101") then
bcd(7 downto 4) := bcd(7 downto 4) + "0011";
end if;
if(bcd(3 downto 0) > "0101") then
bcd(3 downto 0) := bcd(3 downto 0) + "0011";
end if;
end loop;
bcdout := bcd;
end process convert;
end Behavioral;
I get this error on line 66 which is bcdout := bcd;:
Signal 'bcdout' bcdout is at left hand side of variable assignment statement.
After reading on the web and books I used unsigned instead of std_logic_vector because I need to rotate bits and arithmetic operations but still it doesn't synthesize.
Tried changing unsigned to integer and := to <= but nothing works. It should be something very stupid but I don't realize. Thank you very much in advance.
The immediate problem is the incorrect use of variable assignment := instead of signal assignment <= for the bcdout signal - exactly as the error message and other answers point out.
However there is an underlying confusion about where you are in a VHDL process, that is not unusual when starting out - as revealed in the comments about functions.
A common approach to this confusion is to point out tht "VHDL is used for hardware design and not programming" that - while useful in some ways - can lead to artificially primitive and painfully low level uses of VHDL that are really holding it back.
Writing VHDL in a "software way" CAN work - and very well - however it does require a wider perspective on software AND hardware engineering than you can pick up through merely learning C.
The above code is probably synthesisable and will probably work - but it will almost certainly NOT do what you think it does. However a few small changes are in order rather than a completely different approach.
A couple of pointers may help :
the VHDL equivalent of a C function is a VHDL function.
the C equivalent of VHDL procedure is a void function.
(yes, C has procedures : it just calls them void functions to be contrary! :-)
the C equivalent of a VHDL process is ... a process. In other words, an entire C program as long as it doesn't use pthreads or fork/join.
And now you can see that VHDL is designed for parallel computation in a vastly more streamlined way than any dialect of C - processes are just building blocks, and signals are reliable forms of message passing or shared storage between processes.
So, within a process, you can (to a certain extent) think in software terms - but it is a HUGE mistake to think about "calling" a process as if it were a function.
Apologies if you've seen this Q&A before but it will help understand the semantics of a VHDL process, and the use of signals between processes.
Now, as to the specific problems with your code:
1) It is asynchronous, i.e. unclocked. That means, guaranteeing how it responds to glitches on the input is ... difficult ... and knowing when the result is valid is harder than you need. Like uncontrolled use of global variables in C - not best practice!
So move to a clocked process for a safer, more analyzable design. This is also a step towards increasing its speed later. But for now, think of a VHDL clocked process as an event loop or perhaps an interrupt handler in C. It wakes up when told to, executes in (effectively) zero time, and sleep()s until next time.
convert : process (clk) is
variable bin : unsigned (7 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
bin := data;
for i in 0 to 7 loop
end loop;
end if;
bcdout <= bcd;
end process convert;
2) the loops will be unrolled and generate a lot of hardware. This may not be a problem : it will deliver a result reasonably quickly (unlike the software equivalent!) There are ways to reduce the hardware use (state machines) or increase its speed (pipelining, link above) but they can wait for now...
3) This is actually the biggest problem with your original : your assignment of data to bin is actually a process variable initialisation not an assignment! It is only executed once, at t=0... And this is the most likely cause of any mis-operation you have seen.
The modified clocked example above assigns the latest data value every time the process is woken : i.e. every clock cycle, and is thus more likely to do what you want.
4) Minor niggle : your declaration of "i" is redundant and actually hidden by a new implicit "i" created by the loop statement. This implicit declaration is both safer and better than an explicit one because it takes its type explicitly from the loop bounds. Imagine what might happen with for(int i; i<= 100000; i++) when int is a 16-bit type...
Huh, strange. Have you tried making bcd a signal instead of a variable?
However, I think your main problem here is that you are trying to write VHDL in a "software" way, using a for loop and sequential logic. That is generally not the way you should write hardware descriptions. You should either use combinational logic, which involves concurrent assignment, or sequential logic, which involves doing things on the rising edge of the clock. It seems that what you are trying to implement is a combinational circuit. In that case, you should write separate concurrent assignments for each of your decimal digits. Take a look at for some examples of concurrent signal assignments. You will probably want to use either selected or conditional signal assignment.
bcdout is a signal, and you are using the variable assignment operator := with it
replace line
bcdout := bcd;
bcdout <= bcd;
I've not tried to compile to see if there are any other problems, but that should answer your question.

Vhdl vector boundry check

type dmemSpace is array(0 to 1023) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal dataMem : dmemSpace := (
400 => X"00000000",
404 => X"00001000",
408 => X"FFFFEFFF",
others => X"00000000"
signal dAddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal check : integer;
dAddr(31 downto 0) <= Addr(31 downto 2) & "00";
check <= to_integer(unsigned(dAddr));
DataOut <= dataMem(to_integer(unsigned(dAddr))) when (check > 0);
Its me again.... In working on a single cycle cpu and everything else works fine but this particular line in the memory.
DataOut <= dataMem(to_integer(unsigned(dAddr))) when (check > 0);
I want to prevent an index out of bounds error for DataOut but this doesn't work. Any ideas?
Check > 0 prevents all data from coming out.
Check >= 0 lets the error through... when the index that causes the exception is -4.
If you have it in a process, you need "dAddr" and "check" to be variables, or else you are taking two clock cycles based on whether or not the previous address was valid, not the one you are using.
If your memory has 1024 locations, your address should be 10 bits, not the 32 bits you have now. If your address is unsigned(9 downto 0), all of its values are legal input for your memory array.
Note you put data at address 400, 404, 408. You are leaving three blank spaces in between each data element! Even though your data is 4 bytes wide, every address takes up an entire 4 byte data word.
A few other problems with this attempt and the provided answers:
You could not have applied index of -4. Your dAddr is type std_logic_vector cast to UNSIGNED. So it is always a positive or ZERO.
Using VARIABLES is a solution if you are just SIMULATING. For SYNTHESIS they still need to be SIGNALS if you want to know what the implementation is doing.
Your memory is Read only. If you want to have read/write memory you will want to have this in a clocked process so you generate REGISTERS instead of LATCHES.
I dont know WHAT you're doing with the array partial assignment in the declaration. Yes it is syntatically correct, but assignment at declaration DOES NOT APPLY TO SYNTHESIZED logic. This really only works for CONSTANTS (in all fairness, that is what your dataMem signal is.... a constant.)
To initialize the memory you need it in the RESET block of your clocked process, use a for loop to set all to x"00", followed by the 3 assignments for 400, 404, 408 using [dataMem(404) <= x"08";]
Assign DataOut EVERY clock
if (check < 1024) then
DataOut <= dataMem(check);
DataOut <= (others => "0"); -- maybe? or just retain old value?
end if;
