How to run the batch file commands sequential? - windows

I am trying to call the 2 batch files in another batch file.But the batch files are running parallel. I want to run those batch files one after another.
Please provide the solution if any?

call batch1.cmd
call batch2.cmd
There you go.


running batch files inside another batch file

I have made a batch script to run some .exe files and .bat files. The format of the script is as follows:
but the problem is when I run the script it is only executed till c.bat. d.bat is not executing. Is there any problem in writing the batch script for executing other batch files?
just in case you missed the full application of call
call c.bat
call d.bat
call e.bat
is how your script should now look.
if you use the 'call' command, the batch files next batch/exe file wouldn't execute unless the batch file stops. Instead, use the 'start' command. that way, it'll execute the batch in a new window

Calling a batch file from another batch file in different directory - resources not found

I'm working with installshield and have a group of batch files that I want to run as part of the install process. Instead of executing each batch file from installshield I want to create one batch file that executes all of the batch files.
The issue I have is that the calling batch file sits two directories up from the others. When the batch file tries to call the others they fail to run because they can not find the resources that they need. It seems that when they are executed from the batch file two directories up they are for some reason using the relative path of the calling batch file. Is my assumption correct?
One of the batch files that I am calling is a batch file to star an h2 database the call looks like this:
call h2\bin\h2.bat
If I go to the /h2/bin directory in a command prompt the h2.bat runs fine but once I run it from the calling batch file this is the error that I get.
Error: Could not find or load main class
How do I call one batch file from another without using the calling batch files path?
It seems that when they are executed from the batch file two
directories up they are for some reason using the relative path of the
calling batch file. Is my assumption correct?
Yes your assumption is correct. Calling a batch file will not change the current working directory. The main batch file will be found because you are providing the correct relative path, but all the other relative paths will be seen from the perspective of your current working directory, not from the directory that contains the main batch file.
%~dp0 is your friend, it yields the drive letter and path to the batch file containing that character sequence. Use it as a basis for relative paths and your batch files will work no matter who calls them from where.
Fictitious h2.bat that won't work:
#echo off
h2.exe start
Working h2.bat:
#echo off
"%~dp0\h2.exe" start
See What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work? for more explanations on %~dp0
Try setting the directory:
cd ht\bin\
call h2.bat
REM just reset to where ever you were before.
If that doesn't work, try using the C:// prefix in your path. That might/might not work.
Good Luck!
Suppose current .bat file is running in C drive and you want to run .bat file placed in D: directory then in first .bat write.
cd "D:/folder/folder2/"
call batFile.bat
It might be because you don't have permission. M facing the same problem and i found the solution like this -
Right click on your task than properties.
In properties click on General tab and then click on 'User Group or User' and select appropriate user.
Or create a another bat file to call your bat file and schedule that file. you can create the bat file like this -
open Notepad and give your original bat file path and then call bat file with name like -
cd "E:/ABC/FirstJob/main/"
call main_run.bat
Now save this file with .bat extension.
if your bat file is correct, try cmd command as below and hit enter(tried in windows 10):
e.g: "C:\Users..\bin\h2.bat"
I tried :
pushd h2\bin\
call h2.bat
=> It 's okay.

Self executing delete files

How would I create a self executing batch file to delete files in a specific folder.
Scenario: I have a folder on a server where all the scannered documents go to once they have been scanned. They want a the scanned documents to be deleted after 1 day. Can a batch file be created to do that everyday?
You can use the built in task scheduler - this can call a batch file, or just about anything.
(I am assuming Windows, since you mention batch files).
This is quite a well known method, and was documented in MSDN some time ago. This technique works on both Windows 95 and Windows NT. It works because MS-DOS batch files are able to delete themselves. To test this technique, create a small batch file containing the single command:
del %0.bat
The batch file, when run, deletes itself and issues an error "The batch file cannot be found". This error is just a simple message, so it can be safely ignored. By itself this isn't too useful, but when modified to delete our executable it solves our problem, albeit in a rather forceful manner. Our executable will create a batch file (called C:\DelUs.bat) with the following content:
if exist "MYPROG.EXE" goto Repeat
rmdir "C:\MYDIR"
del "\DelUS.bat"
This batch file repeatedly attempts to delete the specified file, and will run continuously consuming CPU until it succeeds. When the execuable has been deleted, the batch file then deletes itself.
The executable needs to spawn off the batch file using CreateProcess, and then should exit immediately. It would be a good idea to give the batch file's thread of execution a low priority so that it doesn't get much execution time until the original executable has terminated.
Read the entire article at that contains the full code to this technique.

Windows .bat file doesn't execute its sequence

I created a simple install.bat file into my application folder, to execute its thing on windows.
But it only executes the first line of the .bat file.
Is there something that I need to add so it continues after the first one is done?
copy something somewhere
move something somewhereelse
gem install etc
Above are the type of commands that are in the .bat.
Do I need to anything something inbetween?
Is the first command in your batch file actually a copy command, or is it a command that's running another batch file?
Running a batch file from another by simply using the second batch file;s name will not return to the calling batch file.
If you want one batch file to invoke another and return you have to use the call command.
Are you overwriting a file? If so you'll need to add the /Y to the copy command to supress the prompt that asks if you want to overwrite the file.
Use the /h parameter to get help on the copy command. It will show this usage and some others.
As written above, all three lines will execute. I imagine that the second and third lines are failing. You should capture the output which will explain why those lines failed.

Scheduled Task: Directory cleanup using windows batch script

I have a shared disk that I would like to clean up once per week using a scheduled task of some sort. I would like to use a batch script so that the system admins can easily modify it or reuse it on other directories when needed.
The directory has files with multiple file extensions but the ones that need to be deleted end in .bkf and must be over 2 weeks old.
Does anyone have a batch script solution for this windows server (not sure which version)?
If you have PowerShell (or can install it), check out this link:
Take a look at this page - scheduling tasks from command line
It shows you hot to create scheduled tasks from the command line. You might be able to use this in combination with other dos commands to get your result.
The only thing that needs to be in the batch file is
#echo off
del C:\some\directory\*.bkf
And the delete path can also be sent to this batch script as an argument so that the directory is changeable.
I ended up just writing an EXE that accepts parameters and scheduling that. Unfortunately the other solutions didn't have the flexibility needed.
have you looked into forfiles.exe?
