Is there an NFC API for the Sony SmartWatch 2? - nfc

We want to write an Android App for the Sony SmartWatch 2 which uses the device's NFC functionality to read and write NFC tags (such as Mifare or DESfire cards). NFC functionality is heavily promoted for the SmartWatch 2, however, I couldn't find any information on an open NFC API so far.
My questions: Is there an open NFC API for the SmartWatch 2? If so, are there any restrictions on the mode of communication (Reader/Writer mode vs. P2P)? Where can I find related documentation?

The NFC in the SW2 is only used for pairing it to a phone. Sony does not support any API to read tags or transfer data using the NFC in the watch.


Can we use iOS device as rfid tag with Core NFC?

I am looking at Core NFC to figure out if it is possible to make the device itself as nfc tag?
I need to read data from iOS/Android devices with iOS tag reader. If not possible, any other recommendation you guys have? I have read beacon/nearby message as possibility. Thank you!
No, CoreNFC APIs on iOS only allow scanning tags. They do not allow emulating tags.
Short-range data transfer on iOS and Android using Bluetooth LE beacons. For it to emit data, with Bluetooth LE, and iOS app must generally be in the foreground. Data transfer is limited to about 20 bytes using non-iBeacon formats, or 4 bytes with iBeacon. If you require that the beacon signal strength be very high, you can roughly approximate the required range of NFC for BLE beacon data transfer.

Is it possible to emulate a felica card with an Android device?

According to Android documentation:
Android (4.4 and above) supports emulating cards that are based on the NFC-Forum ISO-DEP specification (based on ISO/IEC 14443-4) and process Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) as defined in the ISO/IEC 7816-4 specification
On the other hand, Falica cards are compliant with JIS: X6319-4 as per Felica's wiki entry.
So, presumably it is not possible to use an Android device for emulation of Felica cards. Is that accurate?
That is correct. But, there are currently patches from Sony on AOSP under review that would allow card emulation of Felica cards. See for example
Suica card is emulated with Suica Mobile app, so it is possible

windows mobile nfc secure element

I am new to windows mobile development.i want to developed application which can read secure element in mifare desfire card.i want to know in windows platform is support for desfire nfc t card.if not give some description what are the best standardized nfc format in windows platform.
You are confusing the NFC related question by mentioning Secure Element.
WP8 only supports NDEF formatted cards. Here's a sample

BlackBerry 10 NFC Support

I have to develop an application for BB 10 device which sends data via NFC to an USB NFC reader attached to the PC. I am new with BB 10 device and don't know what are the supported card types and data protocols. Please share the BB 10 device NFC capabilities if any one have. I have the following doubts regarding BB 10 NFC architecture.
What are the supported card types (ISO 14443-4, Mifare, Desfire, ...) that can be read using a BB 10 device?
What are the supported Pear to Pear data exchange (SNEP, LLCP,...) protocols?
What are the supported Card emulation (ISO 14443-4, Mifare, ...) Modes?
I prefer card emulation mode for exchanging data with the USB NFC Reader (ACS ACR 122 U). Is that is possible with the BB 10 alpha device.
Thanks in advance....
Best regards
You may find useful the following link:
BlackBerry 10 has excellent support for NFC. I would start by taking at the look at the documentation:
Also, there is a 6 part series of articles on the BlackBerry Developer Blog which goes through all the main aspects of developing an NFC app. The first part is here.
Specifically you probably want to take a look at part 5 which talks about virtual card emulation

Functionatlity of Open NFC Framework

I have fundamental question about what Open NFC framework is for. I want to write a program that will run on a PC to communicate with a NFC card reader connected to the PC through USB. The program will write to and read from NFC tags by commanding the NFC card reader.
Is Open NFC framework suited for this purpose? Or is it for developing programs that will run on NFC tags?
OpenNFC is a software stack implementing NFC functionalities.
It is hardware independent, so in theory you could use it with an USB connected reader. The problem is, the only available HALs (Hardware Abstraction Layers) for OpenNFC are for an NFC simulator and Inside Secure hardware. Until we get some HALs for most common hardware, I'd say you should take look at
There are many NFC readers on the market, that are being sold with their own SDKs. With such SDKs you are 100% sure the code is compatible with the particular NFC reader.
