Adding an item: different display in K2 - joomla

I have a problem in Youtrader template.
I have created new K2 extra field group, new K2 extra field and new K2 category.
When I'm creating new item, it does not display as sample items.
I want to show extrafields in the right.
Urls are different also. Different display of items.
I asked at, got no answer there.
Thanks in advance.

There's an option to show extra fields in each category's item view. Is that enabled?


Joomla!: how to add custom field to category?

I want to create a pictured menu of articles categories, but I can't figure out how to add image field to categories.
What I need is:
custom file field for category
ability to handle (change size, add some text, etc...)
easily get in view to display
remove it with category
Any ideas how to do that?
There's an image field already available in standard the category edit form. Look in the options slider.

Magento:- Add Grid in Admin Form

Iam generating a form in Magento Adminhtml.
I have two list boxes Category and SubCategory which are populated cascadingly.
Now after click or change event of subcategory list i want to display magento grid(grid with paging filtering) JUST below that subcategory list.
I dont know which block to use to show that grid.
Help appreciated.
Try to look in Mage files , magento already using grid into form,
look in this file : core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Category/Tap/Product.php
Product.php is a grid , to check the result from back-office, check catalog->manage categories then click on category products tab
There are many tutorials on creating a grid.
Maybe this one will help?

product customization with extra price in magento

I am using Magento for my online store. Now i need to add a extra feature, throught which, customer can choose a custom text that needs to be engraved on the product. This feature must be available for only few products, so i have added a yes/no dropdown custom attribute in the "manage product" section. If yes is chosen for a product, i need to show a text box in that product details page in the store frontend.
The customer can enter the custom text in the text box, which needs to be saved and shown in the order invoice. And a extra fixed charge needs to be added to the product price, when this feature is used by the customer.
Does any community module available for this feature in magento or Do i need to create a custom module to do this, if so please guide me in carrying this out.
Thanks in Advance.
This feature is already available.
Create a new product!
Open the Custom Options Tab
Add a custom option
Give your new option a title and select field as input type
Now the attributes for this new options get displayed
Add a fixed or percent price to it
Also you need a SKU for every new option so that the options are displayed in the order process (invoice etc)
So if a customer fill in this field the additional price is added automatically.
I hope this helps further.
No need to add a yes/no box, just add an text field option to those specific products. Did i miss something obvious here?

Magento; Display more products per page in one category

I have the site set to display 3 items per page and I would like to set only one category to display all items in one page. Any help would be appreciated. I tried the solution suggested in Product grid 4 columns and certain pages 5 column with two rows of full products, how? and it didn't work for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Each category has it's own handle. So for example for category with id 10 you will have
SO I suggest to write a specific handle and custom template or layout updates.
....<!-- Here you should specify template which will show all rpoducts or specify custome layout xml settings. -->

Magento - Text Input on Grouped Product

I am trying to create a grouped product in Magento where the customer must choose the product and fill out a text field before adding the item to the cart. I know I can do this by simply creating one product and adding custom options, but the problem with that is that I need to be able to control the stock of each product configuration. I read that I can just use the custom options field for every individual item in the grouped product and as long as it isn't a required field it will work, but that does not work for me. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
I have been searching for this also, and the quickest solution appears to be this 3rd party module:
the module author provides background on how they did it here:
